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Duque claims that Duque Petro of making use of his position to attack the army, and suggests that Petro should resign
The president was scheduled to talk about pensions and close Asofundos. Instead the president talked about politics.

President Ivan Duque's final remarks at the Asofondos congress in Cartagena did not go as per the plan. Instead, he spoke about politics and how. He criticized Gustavo Petro for using his seat to criticize the army and criticised the fact the fact that he's an elected congressman and a candidate.

Duvalier Sánchez, Valle del Cauca's representative to the Chamber, interjected to interrupt him to inquire what he was planning to do following the trills from General Eduardo Zapateiro, who had been defending Gustavo Petro's statements.

"Article 209 of the Constitution specifically prohibits the military forces from participating in political situations or taking sides in democratic debates. is in chaos. It's a critical moment the way General Zapateiro acted," Sanchez said as he reached for his phone and broadcasted everything that was going on via his Facebook account. was caught in the middle of the chaos The president reacted by defending Zapateiro with force. Zapateiro and said that if anyone had accusations against members of the public forcibly, they should be brought to court.

Petro's double status as a congressman and leader of the opposition today was criticized by President Duque.

"Who is the one making these accusations?" Who is the senator? "I resigned my position in Congress when I won a popular consultation to be allowed to speak freely as a candidate and not to use double hats and an extra seat to attack then, in response to the institutions, present themselves to the victim, because this is not democracy," the president stated.

Sanchez tried to keep up with the debate, but was stopped by President Obama who demanded that Sanchez adhere to the rules.

How did the fight between Petro Zapateiro and Petro Zapateiro get started?

Petro published the following message through his networks on April 20. "While the troops are being executed by the Gulf Clan," Petro posted this message to his networks. The drug traffickers are those who make it appear like the leaders have been corrupted," the presidential candidate wrote.

On Friday, Zapateiro reacted with the same words: "Senator," do not use your investiture, (parliamentary inviolability) to foretell the demise of our troops, but rather perform your civic duty and file a well-substantiated complaint with the Prosecutor's office of the allegations you outlined, regardless of who you are.

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