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This group assignment is to be completed in groups comprising a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 students. Group members' names must be submitted to the lecturer by Monday, 1 June 2015, at 5:00pm using the group confirmation form attached to the assignment question.

Deadlines for submission of the assignment are as follows:

Written report: Thursday, 25 June 2015, at 2:00pm

Presentation slides: Monday, 29 June 2015, at 5:00PM

Group presentations: During tutorials in Week 14

Late submissions shall have the percentage grade assigned to the work on face value reduced by 10% day and no submission more than one day late will be accepted. A weekend counts as one (1) day. The lecturer shall grant extensions only if he is satisfied that students have given good reasons.

You should plan to complete your assignment while taking into consideration unforeseen circumstances that may disrupt your work. Some common reasons given by students in requesting extension of deadlines are not acceptable, such as, starting the assignment late, having to do assignments for other courses, computer breakdown due to viruses, lost/damaged files with no backups, no internet access at home, no time for group members to meet, having taken time out for holidays, heavy study workload, and needing to study for exams.

Assignments are to be submitted online at the link below. There is a file size limit of 20MB, so please ensure that your assignment document is within that size limit.

Please ensure that all your sources of information are referenced. Use Harvard Referencing in proper format. Note that plagiarism, which is an attempt to present another person’s work as your own by not acknowledging the source, is a serious case of misconduct which is deemed unacceptable by the University and will incur heavy penalties.

Marks for all assignments will be provided in the assignment submission link.

Each group will present their findings of the assignment in tutorial classes during the final week of classes, in the week beginning 29 June 2015. Details of the requirements for presentations is included in the assignment question document. Before your presentation, fill in the relevant information in the presentation assessment form and either hand it to your tutor on the day of your presentation or email to [email protected] at least 2 hours before the tutorial class in which you will present.

Note on analyzing the financial statements:

Some companies prepare consolidated financial statements whereby the parent company's financial statements are consolidated with the financial statements of its subsidiaries. For these companies, use the group financial statements for your analyses.
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Regards; Team

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