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MIS 132 Object Oriented Programming
Homework 3, 2014/2015 Spring

A GUI to enter employee information with the aid of a vizard

Extend the example we covered in class (30.04.2015)
Develop a GUI aplication in the form of a viszrd to toake information about employees of a company.
The information is taken in steps as steps of a vizard

The first page is a welcome page; derscribing the problem to the user.

In the second page name, last name gender (from dadio buttons) marital status from a (heck box) are entered.For males military completed is obtained from another check box but this is to apper only for males.If female is seleced from the radio buton this information asking military information should be invisible.

Third page will ask department and type of employee. Departments are to be seleced from a list with single selection mode: each employee has only one department. Types are seleced from combo and according to the type seleced ask diferent typs of information as in the class example. The information is obtained from panels as in the class example.

Forth page asks foreign languages : from a list with multiple ır multiple interval selection mode, as an employee may know more then one language.
Skills from a list and in addition the the sdkills defined in the list there isa textfield with the label others so that the user may enter new skills to the field as text.

Fifth page will display the characteristics of the employee in a text area that can not be editable.

Each page has a title an middle panel and at the buttom “next”, “back”, “cancel”,and “finish” buttons
Finish will collect the current information and goes to the klast page to display as much as possible. Write default values or “none” if nothing is entered or seleced when the user press “finish”
“cancel” will erase all text entered and set the ohters to their default values.
“next” and “back” do forward and backward movement as usual. From the forth page a “next” naturally goes to the fifth page to display information. In the firt and last pages back and next should be invisible as well

Programming notes:
Use a Border layout each page should have a short dercribtion ppearing on the north the main information panels are on the center and the movement buttoms to appear on the south of teh panel.

Play with the vizibility of panerls or components and use array of panels of components as much as possible.

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