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The Attorney General will conduct an investigation into Zapateiro's involvement in politics.
On April 25, 2019 General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro will be informed by the Attorney General's Office of the opening a preliminary investigation against him in connection to possible participation in political activities.

The Attorney General's Office analyzed several aspects before deciding to launch an inquiry. The investigation included confirming that the account was actually an official report by the Army commander.

After studying , the Public Prosecutor's Office concluded that there was enough evidence to conclude that Zapateiro had violated the rules that prohibit members of the public force from taking sides in electoral contests and taking a belligerent stance.

General Zapateiro who responded to the candidate on Twitter posted a message. included one that is controversial, in which he says "I have never seen any general on TV receive unreliable cash." Colombians observed you receiving cash from a garbage bin.

Different sections of the political spectrum were vocal on the subject and shared their views before the general vote and the election. Remember that gustavo petro is also investigating allegations of involvement in politics. For example, Zapateiro addressed the mayors at Medellin, Daniel Quintero; Cartagena William Dau Claudia Lopez; the mayor of Bogota Claudia Lopez; and the Manizales Carlos Mario Marin. The Ibague Andres Hurtado to the governor of Caqueta Arnulfo Gasca.

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