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After the call ended I went to go see if a professor of mine was still in school.
She wasnt and so as I was walking back my friend tackled me out of fuckin nowhere
I thought I was going to get mugged.
She asked if I had summer school and I was like nah
Then she was like ... then what are you doing at this depressing hell-hole
And that pretty much sums up my entire college experience so far
I had the intention of picking up some items of mine, turns out we were supposed to do that like 2 weeks ago and it's probably thrown away now so...y'know tough shit.

So my grandmother doesn't speak english
Here, manana
She opened the little oven
It was lasagna

My auntie brought in a bag of chocolate milk cartons
lil boy was reaching for mine
My sister was like "Noooo, that's Maggie's milk" "Maggie says no"
I reiterated and was like "That's my milk"
little girl was like "Andrew wants Maggie's milk"
And I was like "Maggie wants maggie's milk"
"It's mine!"
He already had one, granted I had two but i'm the bigger baby here and that was my milk. I found it and so it's mine.

Do you remember when that piece of meat was still there?

Fruit salad yummy yummy
The wiggles
Do you think they liked their job?

I looked over my grandfather's mail and I was like euughh it's all bills and old people stuff
In the future, if there's an option for it, I want to pay bills online and on my phone rather than deal with paperwork.
Mail should be minimal because I ain't tryna get no paper cuts i'm too much of a pussy.
It's the kind of shit i'd call you over for. Like babe, kiss my booboo and give me a band-aid, I just got back from war.

Lol my sister was washing dishes and I happened to walk over after she finished and I got really close to her face
She was all like "whatchu want nigga"
"Here's imma wipe my hands on yo shirt"
So I kinda stood there sqealing like eeeeee

I came across this truck with an advertisement that said "there's lance in my pants"
And if you don't know what lance is it's a cracker company
It was showing a dude's butt with a pack of crackers in his pocket and I was like
Way to sell your product
There's nothing more appetizing than crackers covered in buttsweat.
I'm so duh hunger

Entirely new level of eating sss
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