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Reviewer: SCIENCE

*ECOSYSTEM- biological community of interacting organisms & their environment.

2 Factors of Ecosystem
*Biotic- Living Organisms (Plants, Animal, Bacteria)
*Abiotic- Non-living Organisms (Air, light, water, temperature, humidity, salinity, acids, soil)

2 Components of Ecosystem
*Terrestrial- Land ( desert, tundra, rainforest, grassland. taiga)
*Aquatic- Water
Marine water- ocean, reefs
fresh water- pond, lake, river

Biotic Components of Ecosystem
1. producer- produce their own energy without consuming other life forms.
Ex: Plants
2. Consumer- 3 types: *Herbivores- only eat plants (cow, rabbit, horse) *Carnivores- only eat animals (eagle, lion, snake, crocodile) *Omnivores- Eat both plants & animals (bear, human, monkey, birds, dogs, insects).
3. Decomposer- break down nutrients in the dead stuff & return to the soil.
Ex: Mushroom, earthworm, maggots, fly

*Food Chain- Series of events that happen when organism consume another to survive.
Producer-grass, 1st consumer- caterpillar (herbivores), Secondary consumer- Dove, Third consumer- Eagle ( Carnivores), last consumer- human (omnivores).

*Food Web- Several organisms are involved in feeding process.

Symbiosis- two organisms that live together.
--temporary or for a longer time.
--one of the organisms benefits from the relationship.

Types of Symbiotic relationship
a. Mutualism- Both organisms benefit
Ex: Flower & the bee, Coral & Algae, Plants & human, Fish & sea anemone

b. Commensalism- One organism benefits while other organism is unaffected.
Ex: Tree & the Orchid, tiny emperor shrimp is riding along the back of a sea cucumber.

c. Predation- a relationship which one organisms capture and consume others.
predator- The one who catches the prey
prey- the hunted
Ex: Venus fly trap and the insects, the cat and the rat

d. Competition- relationship which organisms fight or compete for food, shelter, space and mate.
Ex: Wolf & a bear


Time- Time is how long something takes to happen. This can also be called the
duration of an event or journey. (hr, min, sec)
Speed- Speed is how fast or slow something travels. (km/hr, km/min, m/sec, miles per hour)
Distance- Distance is how far something travels. (km, m, mile)

How are time, speed and distance linked?
If we know two of these factors, we can work out the third.

To calculate distance (D), we multiply time (T) by speed (S) or speed by time. D = S × T
To calculate speed (S), we divide distance (D) by time (T). S = D ÷ T
To calculate time (T), we divide distance (D) by speed (S). T = D ÷ S
Reviewer: Math
Translating English Phrases to Algebraic Expressions, & Vice-versa
*CONSTANT - Is any number that has a fixed value
*Variable- Is any symbol ( usually letters) that represents an arbitrary value.
*A term- Is either a single constant or a variable, or a constant and a variable multiplied together.
*Coefficient- The constant multiplied by the variable.
*Algebraic Expression- Is a group of terms, separated by + or – signs.

English phrase keyword
*ADDITION: the sum of, added to, increased by, plus, more than, greater than, exceeds by, & more.
*SUBTRACTION: the difference of, diminished by, decreased by, minus, subtracted from, less than, take away, & less
*MULTIPLICATION: the product of, multiplied by, of, times, twice, & thrice
*DIVISION: the quotient of, divided by, all over, ration, & split into
*EXPONENTS: square & cube
*EQUATION (=)- equals, is equal, is
*LESS THAN (<)- is less than, is fewer than
*GREATER THAN(>)- is greater than, is more than
*LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO (<_)- is at most, a maximum of, no/not more than
*GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO (_>)- is at least, a maximum of, no/not less than

4 more than a number--> x+4
A number increased by 10--> y+10
8 plus a number--> t+8
The sum of a number and 12--> w+12

4 less than a number--> x-4
a number decreased by 10--> y-10
8 minus a number--> 8-t
the difference between a number and 12--> w-12

4 times a number--> 4x
twice a number--> 2y
one-third of a number--> 1/3t
the product of a number and 12--> 12w

the quotient of 4 and a number--> 4/x
a number divided by 2--> y/2
the ratio of 8 and a number--> 8/t
the quotient of a number and 12--> w/12
*A frequency distribution is a way of presenting and organizing the data collected in tabular form using classes and frequencies.
*The most convenient method of organizing data is to construct a frequency distribution in order to describe situations, draw conclusions, or make inferences about event, the researcher must organize the data in some meaningful way.

Ungrouped Frequency Distribution
*Classifies a given data set (usually n 30 under a specific category or class.
*Frequencies of each data is treated as individual data points or as discrete data.

Grouped Frequency Distribution
*Having an interval or ratio- level data, and beyond a sample size of 30 .
*Frequencies of each data point are clustered in a specific class interval.

-The number of times a particular observation appears in a data set is called its frequency.
-One way to display the spread of frequencies of the categories, values of a counting variable or class intervals is to construct a frequency distribution.
-In class interval, the middle score is called the class mark.
-The number of values that may fall in class interval is its tally.
-Class boundaries are the values that occupy the gaps between class interval. They can be found by subtracting 0.5 from the lower class limit & adding 0.5 to the upper class limit.
Reviewer: GMRC
Hope- It is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. It is an expectation, also an aspiration.

*Hope is one of our strong forces to live. We do not know what the future hold for us in this life. But we do know who holds our future. God is our Hope.
1. Hope is the “ light at the end of the tunnel.”
Hope is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. One’s suffering is not eternal, therefore a time of relief will come.
(Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel)

2. Hope is enduring the night while waiting for the dawn.
The bible says that “weeping lasts only for the night.”
But joy comes in the morning. As we see problems and suffering around us, it is as if we are going through the night. Waiting through the night is an exercise of patience. Hours seem to last forever when waiting at night. But the first rays of dawn are enough to reward one who is patiently waiting and will help him to bounce back to life again.
(Hope is enduring the night while waiting for the dawn)

3. Hope is anchored in the unchanging goodness of God.
Hope help us to anticipate the best because it is anchored in our God who can do the impossible. We believe that God’s power can dispel the dark clouds of problems and persecution away. Because God is always good. His light will shine on us.
(Hope is anchored in the unchanging goodness of God.)

4. Hope is believing that things will get better.
One who continually hopes can have optimism that things will eventually change. Night will become day. Sorrows will turn to joy. Tears will turn to laughter.
(Hope is believing that things will get better.)

The Ten Commandments
Love God above all things.
Yu shall not take the name of the Lord, your God in vain.
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.

The Eightfold Path (Buddhism)
Right View/Right understanding
Right resolve/thought
Right Speech
Right Conduct/action
Right livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentratio

The Five Pillars (Islam)
There is no other God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.
Pray facing Mecca five times a day.
Give alms to the needy.
Fast during the month of Ramadan.
Go on Pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime.

Human Rights- are rights that are innate in all human beings. These are basic rights that do not depend on age, gender, religion, or any other factor. These are rights that one has, simply because he is a person. And every single person, without discrimination, is entitled to human rights.

Characteristics of Human Rights
Human Rights are identified by four Distinct Characteristics
1. Universal- This means that they are absolute and applicable to very single person in the world. This principle is the foundation of international human rights law, hence, it is the duty of all nations to promote and to protect all human rights and basic freedom.

2. Inalienable- Human rights cannot be taken away except in certain situations where they maybe restricted according to due process by the court of law. As an example, a court of law finds a person guilty of a crime and restricts this person’s right to liberty.

3. Interdependent and indivisible- They cannot be separated from each other. For example there is no right to liberty if there is no right to life. The right to life is also pointless if the rest of a person’s other human rights are not respected.

4. Equal and nondiscriminatory- Human rights apply to everyone, regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs, etc.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights listed down 30 articles of human rights. The following is an abbreviated version.
Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and states.
Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms in the Declaration without distinction to any kind.
Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security.
Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery and servitude.
Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment.

The Universal Declaration begins by recognising that 'the inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world'. It declares that human rights are universal – to be enjoyed by all people, no matter who they are or where they live.Jan 1, 2008

Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and states.
Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Article 5: Human right protects your right to liberty and security
It focuses on protecting individuals' freedom from unreasonable detention, as opposed to protecting personal safety. You have a right to your personal freedom. This means you must not be imprisoned or detained without good reason.

The right to security is enshrined in international human rights treaties and constitutions. All people share the ambition to live free from fear of attack, loss of life, arbitrary arrest, detention, or coercive interrogation.

Western Saudi Arabia
Mecca, Arabic Makkah, ancient Bakkah, city, western Saudi Arabia, located in the Ṣirāt Mountains, inland from the Red Sea coast. It is the holiest of Muslim cities

A pilgrimage is a journey, often into an unknown or foreign place, where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about their self, others, nature, or a higher good, through the experience. It can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life.

Why is Mecca important to Muslims?
Mecca is considered the spiritual center of Islam because it was where the Prophet Mohammed is said to have received his first revelations in the early 7th century. At its heart is the cube-shaped Ka'ba, built by Abraham and his son Ishmael, according to the Quran. Jan 26, 2012
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reviewer: MAPEH

*Painting is the art of creating ideas in terms of line and color upon a two-dimensional space. It is the art of representation, decoration, and creating beauty with paints.
*Before a painter begins to work he or she chooses a type of paint and an appropriate surface on which to paint. Canvas, papers or fabrics are the surface materials used by painters.

Regardless of the types, all paints have three basic parts:
1. Pigment is the colored powder that gives every paint its color.
3. Solvent. Is a natural base to the paint binder. The thickness or thinness of paint depends on the amount of solvent used.
4. Turpentine is the solvent in oil paints, water is the solvent for water color.
*This same process is used whether an artist uses watercolors from a pan, watercolors from a tube, or watercolors they made themselves. A solvent (usually water) is used to dilute the paint, and it evaporates once the paint has dried.

*Color in painting is important as the subject. It can also add beauty or destroy the beauty of the artwork. Painters choose color to communicate their feelings on the subject of art.
*Lines draw our eyes from one part of an artwork to another. Lines also express ideas and show our feelings.
*Texture is the way something feels or what the eyes tell you about. Texture add interest and variety to a work of art.
*Space is arranging the object s so that they seem to be at different positions and distances in space.



*Color is what the eyes see when light is reflected on an object. White objects reflect all colors and absorb none. Black is the absence of light and color.
*Colors are classified into primary, secondary, tertiary, and intermediate.
1. Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, and Blue
2. Secondary or Binary colors are mixtures of two primary colors.
Example: red + yellow = orange.
3. Intermediate Colors are mixtures of two secondary colors.
Examples: yellow green, Blue green

The following are color combinations used by artists:
1. Monochromatic color scheme. It uses different values of a single hue. For example: dark green, medium gree, and light green make a monochromatic scheme.

2. Analogous Color Scheme. This scheme uses colors that are side-by-side on the color wheel and share a hue.

3. Warm or cool color Scheme. Warm color scheme with red, yellow and orange colors remind us of the sun and warmth. Artists use blue green and violet- cool schemes – to make us think of cool items such as ice or grass.

4. Complimentary Colors are colors that are opposite each other on the color chart. Examples are: yellow and violet and red and green.

Triad. Is the combination of the three principal colors. These are either pure hue or tone, tint or shade.
Color combination -(Secondary Colors)
Red + yellow = orange
Blue + yellow = green
Red + blue = purple
Keep in mind that the ratio of each color you use when mixing them affects the final hue.
Equal amount while combining will create one shade Ex. Red + blue = purple.
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