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Questions for CCCS

How will credit be affected, more specifically how will my accounts act during this process? Will they considered current with the DMP?

Will cards be closed or suspended?

How long would it take for all my cards to be in the program? Would it be possible to remove certain accounts like my Credit Union loan as the DMP isn’t too different from my regular payment? Also would I get a follow up with the final amounts, fees, rates, etc?

Now I already contacted a few cards and they have me on hardship plans, it’s really Citi & Amex making this unmanageable for me. So how would those cards be affected? I’m assuming the hardship program would end and the DMP would be there instead?

It says the Apple Card wasn’t available to be in the program. Do you know why that is since it is a credit card?

How my will accounts look and act while on the program, will my due dates and payment amounts be updated. I’ve read that some places basically don’t pay the companies and just save the money you send until they can settle the debt. Like I said I want to maintain my credit as well as I can

How does the payment work, like how does it look from my end, any info on when the payments are made to the companies

Will I get updates from my companies like payments being made, statements, etc

Does the monthly fee change at any point during the duration of this program?

Is it possible to pay more then the amount? And if so would I pay directly to my card or to you guys. And is it possible to pay off all my debt at once before the program ends if thats a possibility.
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