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"Get up the fuck up you useless kids!" Mommy comes in to me and Cody's room yelling. "y-yes ma'am. Bubby get up. Mommy wants Mommy us." She whines. "Okay I'm coming bubba. Go tell mommy I'll be downstairs in a sec." She responds and I not and cautiously walk down the stairs. When I get to the bottom I see mommy talking to 5 men and I know what's gonna happen they're gonna put their snake in me and my sister. "oh there they are" mama says when she sees me and Cody walking down the stairs. I'll leave you guys alone I gotta go smoke." she says and walks out leaving us with the men....

~flashback ends~

I shoot up and hear Cody calling Ms. Diamond. "Ms. Diamond cruise needs help" Ms. Diamond comes in. "Cruise love, it's okay you're safe okay?" she says in her British accent and I calm down. "you okay now?" she asks and I nod. "Okay I need you guys to get ready and I'll tell the others the same thing. Do you guys remember the show Glee I showed all of you?" She asks and we nod but stay silent so she decides to continue "well the actors that play Finn and Rachel are looking to adopt someone." "REALLY?!?!?!?" Me and Cody say at the same time. She laughs and nods. we yell okay and push her out of the room and get dressed

Cory's POV
Today's the day we go to Sunnyside Orphanage to give 1 or 2 t0 kids a home. Me, Bray and Lea are on the way to the orphanage right now.

~time skip~
We get to the place after about 1 1/2 and go in. "hello um you must be Mr., Mrs. Monteith and Braylee?" A lady asks and we nod. "Just call us Cory Lea please." we say and she nods "okay well the kids are just playing in the room just over here. So, just follow me also we only house children between ages 2-17." We get to the room and I see about 35 kids. " Kids!" she kind of whisper yells and they all turn their heads. " these are the two of the actors from you guys' favorite show and their daughter Braylee. They will separate and have a chat with all of you guys ok?" She says and the nods excitedly. We separate me and Bray stay together and Lea goes by herself.

Cody's POV
A girl that me and my brother recognize as Rachel/ Lea comes over to us. "Hi guys are you guys siblings?" she asks and we nod. "Btw I'm 11 and Cody's 6. She's just smaller because of my mother." He starts to say but then mentions mommy and we look down. "Okay I get that but what's your name little man?" She asks. "Cruise! He my brother!" I respond for him while smiling. She giggles and says okay. "Ms. Diamond told us that you two love Glee is that right??" "DUHH Ms. Monteith!!!!" I start and Cruise cover his ears. I mouth a sorry and continue "You and Cory are like the best couple on/off screen!" I yell. "Okay, okay Bub calm down. Let's not get our hopes up okay? Because every time you do you end up hurt and I hate seeing you like that. " He whispers to me and I nod. "Uh Ms. Monteith we know you're not gonna pick us so just go to the other kids." He says lowly. "Oh, Honey I have no reason not to." She says and I look up at Cruise hopefully but the look in his eyes says 'don't get your hopes up bub' and i look back down. "Ma'am once you read our file you're not gonna want us so don't get my sister's hopes up because she's been let down enough times!" He raises his voice at her. "Okay well I am gonna prove you wrong." She responds. "WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST STOP MAKING PROMISES THEY CAN"T KEEP!??!?" He yells and walks off. "I- I'm really sorry about that he is very protective of me." I say kind of whispering. "It's okay hun. I'm gonna go get Cory and Braylee and we'll read you guys' files okay? I'll be back I promise." she says and walks away. I sit back down and start reading until a guy named Briar who's 15 comes to me, knocks my book out my hand and says, "HAHA Loser! You really think you're gonna adopted?? well news flash daughter of a slut once they read you and Cruise's files they won't want you. You're too damaged even your mother hated you." He stops and starts laughing while walking away. I go into me and my brother's safe space that only we know about, and cry because he is right even though I don't know what a 'slut' is.

Lea's POV
I talk to a couple more kids but nun catch my eye like Cody and Cruise do. I go to where Braylee and Cory and tap his shoulder, he turns around and I say, "Baby I saw two kids when we first came here and when I talked to them I realized that they have been through so much just from talking to them. Like the way the brother Cruise is so protective and has no hope that they will get adopted. He even yelled at me with teas going down his face and he was saying 'don't get my sister's hopes up please' But babe he sounded so.. so broken an- and worn out." I finish and he nods. "okay babe, let's go look through their files okay?" He ask and I nod and tell Braylee to come with us and she nods. We go to the front of the place and Cory asks, "Ms. Diamond can we please look at Cruise and Cody Averton's File?" "yes but they will most likely make you tear up and be outraged by what they what were put through." She responds and gives us their file:
~Cruise and Cody Averton's file
When Cruise and Cody were found in there home in 2025, they were extremely malnourished and had many injuries that were left untreated the only one that was treated was what kept Cruise from passing and leaving his sister alone with their abuser/rapist. Cruise found in a garbage bin was holding Cody in the corner of what looked to be a bathroom. At the time Cruise 9 1/2 and Cody 4 . Cody had the following injuries: One shattered wrist/left, one fractured ACL, broken patella and femur, and one shattered orbital bone leaving her blind in right eye. Cruise had the following injuries: One Shattered elbow, broken nose, damage to the head, spine slightly curved resulting in lazy eye, one ruptured eardrum resulting in a great deal of hearing loss in left ear, and left eye cut out of it's socket.... Cruise and Cody's torture was said to began about 2 1/2 years before they ere found. Cruise said "mom made me watch Cody get tortured because she threatened to take Cody to where my dad was. So I stayed quiet because I knew that if I didn't she I would be the reason she got more hurt, and because if mom didn't go smoke she would hold a knife to my throat while one of her men broken a bone every time I made a noise." That's about the only Cruise said to anyone but Cody and Ms. Diamond for about 5 months. Cody has ADHD and is on the bottom of the Autism spectrum. Cruise is Bipolar and has trouble trusting others and letting down his protectiveness of Cody. Both kids have anxiety when they hear yelling and sometimes cursing, Both kids don't like to be touched a lot and will not let you until Cruise tells Cody it's okay to trust you.
~supposed to be end of file~
P.S. these kids have been through a lot so if you want to adopt them please don't hurt them. ~LOVE, Diamond Jackson
~actual end of file~
Me and Cory get done reading the file and we whisper to Braylee what not to do or say around them and she nods. "uh we would love to adopt them!" I say with tears in my eyes. "wait really?" Ms. Diamond asks and Braylee just in front of us "Yesss Ms. Diamond!!" she chuckles and says okay. "let me go get them can you guys wait here?" She asks and we nod

~15 minutes later~
She comes back with the both of them with a bag of their belongings I'm guessing. "So Mrs. Monteith you really did own up to your promise." He states and walks over to me leaving his sister with Diamond. "You have own a cent of my trust because you didn't let Cody down. Thank you." he says while smiling and goes back over to his sister. "Oh um please remember that in 3 weeks time you will need to come back to become their legal guardian and change their last names." Diamond says and we nod and sign everything and head to Cody and Cruise's new home..........To be continued......

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