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The US Market - The particular Good News
The "dismal science" of economics typically focuses on "bad" announcement. But there are plenty of favorable advancements taking place in the U. T. economy. All of us do deal with major difficulties... no question. Recessionary pressures happen to be intense... zero argument below. Presented in this case, however , is actually the "good" news.

1. U. Nasiums. exports to goods and services have reached record levels.

* Your year-end the year of 2007 Gallup Vote noted that "more than 8 through 10 Us residents say they are content with their exclusive lives at this moment, including a sound majority who have say they are 'very satisfied. '"

* Within the early 60s, the five-year survival charge from cancers for Americans was one in three. At this time it is two in 3... continuing to climb... as well as the highest in the world.

* For every dollar of U. T. economic production generated today, we melt away less than half the same amount of oil when 30 years back.

* The modern day moms and dads, if working or perhaps at home, happen to be spending 4 to 6 hours further per week with the kids when compared to did the previous generation.

5. Alcohol-related site visitors fatalities from the most recently reported year dropped by more than half versus twenty years ago.

1. The nation's out of work rate proportioned 4. 6% in both 2006 and 2007, the minimum average on six years, and a lesser amount than average charges in the '70s, '80s, and '90s.

3. The number of folks who suffer from quit smoking (46 million) today exceeds the cell number who nonetheless smoke (45 million).

4. The North american economy added nearly seven million net extra jobs during 2004 to 2006, and added even more than 1 . one particular million during 2007.

5. The sharp decline not too long ago in the 10-Year U. Ersus. Treasury Take note of yield right from around several. 85% to three. 53% ought to lead mortgage loan rates smaller.

* Substantiated cases from childhood lovemaking abuse have got fallen 49% since 1990. Physical maltreatment of children is down simply by 43%.

* U. S i9000. corporations maintain an estimated $611 billion for cash individual balance bedding, a "tool" to help lower the chance in, or decrease the impact of, a recession.

* A lot more than three million girls was in graduating high school sports not too long ago, part of a list 7. three or more million total participants.

2. The Government Reserve is expected to decrease its key element short-term interest for a 6th time no later as opposed to March below, with one other cut feasible in 04. Debt costs for tens of millions of americans will fall as a result.

5. Donations to charity set an all-time high in 2006, with a total of $295 billion given by individuals, foundations, and corporations. In the form of percentage of GDP, Us residents gave two times as much as your next most charitable nation... England.

* Some 68. 6% from the 2 . several million "Class of '05" high school graduates enrolled in educational institutions & universities, the highest ever before.

* Productivity of the ordinary U. Ersus. worker rose an average of 2 . 6% each year during the past a decade, the largest results in 4 decades. Rising work productivity is a long lasting key to bigger standards in living.

2. The Circumstance. S. charge of owning reached 69. 2% of households current quarters, the very best ever, in advance of declining a little bit.

* The upward "mobility" of the regular American remains to be the greatest in the world. Why? The U. S. economy "rewards" the mix of hard work and educational achievement nowadays before... plus more than any other country in the world.

* Girls earned nearly 60% of bachelor's degrees awarded lately, versus 43% in 1970 and 24% through 1950. Ladies earned an equivalent share from master's levels.

* Solid U. Ersus. economic expansion and incentive-based tax cuts have added government profits to rise impressively during each of the past four years.

* Average U. Ersus. life expectancy possesses reached 80 years (men 75... women 80), the biggest ever. This compares to seventy six years for 1995, 68 years in 1950, and 47 years in 1900.

* Global economic development should exceed 4. 0% in 2008 (after inflation) for the sixth successive year, your development not likely seen in ages. Strong growing allows millions to rise over poverty.

1. Children's deaths from unintentional injury include dropped by almost forty percent since 1987. Bicycle fatalities fell 60%, while firearms-related deaths droped 72%.

3. Air pollution decreased 25% in the last 30 years even while the population plus the economy grew. Water top quality also continue to be improve. Extra progress definitely will occur in approaching years as companies see rising importance in "going green. inch

* Mean (half considerably more, half less) family cash flow now exceeds $54, 500 annually.

1. between U. Nasiums. teenagers strike a five-year low from 9. 8% in 2006, down 16% seeing that 2002.

2. The Circumstance. S. still accounts for close to 40% of worldwide research and development (R&D) spending.

1. The The legislature now has 90 female members--the highest in history--with of sixteen in the Economic council chair and 74 in the House.

* American carpet cleaning net worth on 2007's third quarter have got to $58. a few trillion, the highest ever, and three times the whole of below years ago. Online worth--the main difference between belongings and liabilities--has risen meant for 19 successive quarters. The measure included much of the new weakness on housing prices.

* An archive 29% from men have received a bachelors degree or more, versus 26% of women, the record. This kind of compares to your combined six. 7% for 1960. A list 84. 6% of people over age group 25 surely have at least an increased school graduation, versus 25. 5% on 1940.

2. U. Nasiums. teen pregnancy and birth rates dropped to all-time lows these days, before a slight rise in 2006. The reasons? Considerably more widespread using of birth control, extra work opportunities, and many more girls who have "just express no . micron

* Versatile work schedules are now the norm pertaining to 43% in workers, up from 29% in 1992 and 13% in 1985. This allows more significant flexibility for more people, individuals with children.

* The buyer Price Index has grown an average of 2 . 7% each year since 1992.

* About 30% from trash is recycled or composted inside the latest calendar year, versus 16% in 1990.

* On 1967, only one family during 25 won $100, 000 or more (inflation adjusted to 2005). At this time, one in six families does indeed. The show of young families earning much more than $75, 1000 annually for real us dollars has tripled from 9% to 27%, while the share of families earning among $5, 000 and $50, 000 in real dollars has fallen by 19% since 1967.

* Using usage by way of Americans just visited 81% 5 years ago, versus 49% in 1990 and 14% in 1983.

* Velocity of auto-related injury per mile visited in 2005 was the minimum since the Interstate Freeway System was built 50 years ago.

* Corporate profit margins now symbolize more than 12% of indigenous income, up from seven percent in 2001, and the maximum since record keeping initiated in 1947. Strong business earnings are classified as the backbone from rising inventory prices.

* Violent criminal overall is down 54% since 93, with abuse by teenagers down 71%. School violence has turned down by 1 / 2 from about ten years ago.

* The number of abortions performed in this region has turned down by a third since 1990 and is today at a list low.

1. The Circumstance. S. role of prominence in the global economy recently has been such as clear-cut as at any time considering that the 1950s.

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