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Chapter 20
Eight short awnser
1. Explain one thing you leaned about leadership from the videos. Learn from other leaders, “being a leader is not all fun and games. You can take the time to learn from their failures. Also, you can find and take the time to watch their experiences
2. Explain one thing you learned from this video-in a group conversation, there are no rules. You don't just get your turn when people are talking. You have to know how to jump in and get the spotlight.
3. What are two things outlined in your book that you as a small group member might do to influence your colleagues. You can have a small group to solve problems. You can have a small group to help change their minds
4. What are three types of leaders? Name and explain them. Implied-memebers to whom ever differs because of rank, emergent-members who emerge during obligations, Designated-members appointed as leader.
5. What are the three functions of leadership, Name and explain of each-task. Procedural Needs-Routine “housekeeping” actions necessary for conducting group
business (deciding where to meet).
Task Needs- Substantive actions necessary for group to complete task (Collecting
Maintenance Needs- Communicative actions that maintain relations in group (How the
members get along).
6. What are two responsibilities of small group members?
Commit to the goals of the group
Encourage full participation
7. What are the five steps in the reflective-thinking methods?
1. Define the problem
2. Analyze the problem
3. Establish the criteria
4. Generate potential solutions
5. Select the best solution
8. Why are emergent leaders so dangerous? What should you do if a bad emergent leader
comes forward in your group?

Emergent leaders are dangerous because they can be bossy and assertive. You should
immediately elect a new leader or go to the implied leader.
Procedural Needs-Routine “housekeeping” actions necessary for conducting group
business (deciding where to meet).
Task Needs- Substantive actions necessary for group to complete task (Collecting
Maintenance Needs- Communicative actions that maintain relations in group (How the
members get along).
6. What are two responsibilities of small group members?
Commit to the goals of the group
Encourage full participation
7. What are the five steps in the reflective-thinking methods?
1. Define the problem
2. Analyze the problem
3. Establish the criteria
4. Generate potential solutions
5. Select the best solution
8. Why are emergent leaders so dangerous? What should you do if a bad emergent leader
comes forward in your group?
Emergent leaders are dangerous because they can be bossy and assertive. You should
immediately elect a new leader or go to the implied leader.

Outcome IV Chapter 5
The competent listener must be able to demonstrate literal comprehension. (Gen Ed 3 –
Communicate Effectively)
Chapter 5: Selecting a Topic and a Purpose
Be ready to identify the parts of the speech and type them out.
Be ready to look at and create:
Specific Purpose (SP),
o To inform my audience
o To persuade my audience
o No questions
o No figurative language
o Only one topic

o Do not be vague
o Infinitive phrase
General Purpose (GP),
o Inform
o Persuade
Central Idea (CI)
o One sentence
o Major idea
o Complete sentence
o No question
o No figurative language
o Do not be vague
Main Point (MP)
o Complete sentences
o In order of the central idea

Short answer and multiple choice from Chapter 5 (6 questions for twelve points)
Essay #1 two questions identifying problems in central ideas and specific purposes (2
questions for eight points)
Essay #2 one question supply general purpose, specific purpose, central idea, main points
(one question for ten points)
Chapter 3: Listening
Essay #3 three question for nine points
What are three causes of poor listening and ways to overcome each problem?
Not concentrating- Get rid of distractions.
Sitting by distracting people- Sit in the front row or where they are not.
Cell phones- put it on do not disturb or leave it in bag.
What are three things you learned about listening this semester?

Use open ended questions
Be present
Clear your head
What percent of what is said do we remember/hear according to the book? What percent
do we remember twenty-four hours later according to the book?
We remember/hear 50% of what is said, and after 24-hours we remember 10% of what we heard.
Final No Outcome
Five questions all short answer for thirty-three points
Chapter 1: Speaking in Public
Name three sources of speech anxiety and how to overcome them. (6 points)
Wanting perfection-Overcome by understanding nothing is perfect
Not prepared enough-Overcome by preparing beforehand more
Distracted by the negatives-Overcome by thinking of the positives
Chapter 7: Gathering Materials
Evaluate the above Internet document.
Criteria I (1 point)- Authorship
No, about page for the author
No credentials
Evaluation (1 point)
Criteria II (1 point)- Sponsorship
Reliable sponsorship
Evaluation (1 point)
Criteria II (1 point)- Recent

Needs to be recent
Evaluation (1 point)
Should you use this Internet document? Explain with a minimum of three good points. (3
Evaluate the visual aid. Name the four criteria (discussed in class) and evaluate. (8 points)
Explain why you should or should not use it. (2 points)
Criteria #1- Visibility
Use at least 18pt font
Do not block audience’s view
Images should be 1in. High for every 30 ft. of viewing distance
Criteria #2- Simplicity
One idea per visual
6-7 words per line
6-7 lines per visual
Use familiar words and round numbers
Criteria #3- Layout
Place images on top
Accentuate key points only
Follow the patterns of the way we read
Criteria #4- Color
Do not use colors that are hard to read
No more than three colors

Dark text on light background/light text on dark background
Should you use this visual aid? Defend your answer with at least three distinct points.
Cite a source in MLA FORMAT. (5 points)
Author. “Title.” Web Site Name, date (n.d.). URL. Access date
Name and explain the three types of plagiarism. (Give an example of each.)
Global-Stealing from a single source and passing it off as one’s own (Using a friend’s
paper and saying it is yours).
Patchwork-Stealing ideas and language from two or three sources, passing them off as
one’s own (Cut and pasting from other sources to your paper).
Incremental- Failing to give credit for parts borrowed from other sources (Not citing
sources or forgetting to put quote marks around.
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