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- [BASIC](#AnchorLinka)
- [APPEARANCE](#AnchorLinkb)
- [PERSONALITY](#AnchorLinkc)
- [BACKGROUND](#AnchorLinkd)
- [TRIVIA](#AnchorLinke)
- [CAPABILITIES](#AnchorLinkf)
- [THREAD & NOTES](#AnchorLinkg)


|**Personal Data**|-|
|Fullname |Yekaterine Kiivo Elias Ollenique |
|Alias(es) & Nickname | Yekaterine Leiko, Yekaterine, Kate, Kiivo |
|Status | Alive |
| Age | 15 years old |
| DOB | February 27th |
| POB | Astana, Lacrimoxea |
| Occupation | Exorcist |
| Race | Semi-Mutant |
| Blood Type | A |
| Sexual Orientation | Omnisexual |
| Affiliation | Lacrimoxea Island - Exousires HQ - Sector 5 |
| Face Claim | Random, Vocaloid kokone , Momozono Nanami, (IRL) María Ólafsdóttir |
| Voice Claim | Miura Rieko |

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Her current appearance is completely different from her past. Before the Hex event, her skin were fair, with ebony hair that she inherit from her father and lilac eyes, inherit from her mother.

After the 'event', her physical appearance somewhat makes her look older by two years than her real age.

The black-crystallized complexion appeared at neck until nape and waist. At the neck, it's only appeared as dot, and the size is intensely small, can't spotted by naked eye. Unlike the waist that spread like an island. Her hair color is changed to slightly dark chocolate tint with vague shades of pink. The length of her hair is quite long, around the waist. At certain moment, she tied it into ponytail style. Had upturned eyes with thin eyebrows, the lilac irises turned into hazel. Her nose is quite pointed, while her lips is thin with pink hues. Her face-shaped is oval.

Supported by her v body-build that reached 1,71 meter and 48 kg, and finally pair of long not-so-slim legs. However, as she didn't follow any sports activities, her tummy isn't too flat. Her fashion sense considered as 'unique and random', but unfortunately, the lassie didn't even know about this. Her usual attire is soft red dress, wrapped by her light brown jacket, and her neck is covered by red plaid scarf.

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Calm, reserved, aloof, yet slightly air-headed. Sometimes caught sleeping, thus making people claimed her 'lazy'. She's currently recovering from Social Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder, yet there is still the tense of fright whenever met with stranger. Had to admit, she's more comfort when execute social interaction via non-verbal communication.

Behind all of it, the lassie is quite sensitive, child-like, and tend to live in her 'universe'. But can't deny if she enjoyed anything that tastes random or 'outside the box', thus making her somewhat imaginative, and her sense of humor incline off-beat some times. However, there's her 'tomboy' side on some spot, but reduced as she's must be the 'organized lassie' because 'her grunkle say so'.

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- She's right-handed
- Addicted to toys and (somewhat) bibliophile.
- Having philophobia, hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, (somewhat) plutophobia.
- Could sleep from 5-9 minutes, and feel that she's has been sleeping for 8 hours.
- Believe in any supernatural stuff.
- Yekaterine is the variant of Yekaterina, derive from one of Greek Gods name : Hecate. While Kiivo and Ollenique are believed the name that made up by her grunkle, Elias has two different meaning. Her last alias, Leiko, which means arrogant, is actually her nickname to her 'sister'.
- She finds cats are interesting creatures, and once stated that she want to reincarnated as them.
- But ironically, she dislikes any of cat attires for human, especially cat headband and when people imitated them. Somehow, it really gets her nerves.
- Quite ashamed by her height, mainly around boys and girls with short height.
- Her favorite drink is royal milk tea and vanilla milk.
- Her favorite anime is Read or Die the TV, and admitted if she having a huge crush with Maggie Mui. Still developed it though.
- Her favorite food is usually anything that tastes salty.
- Could eat a lot of food and didn't get a weight.

*Hobbies* : sleeping, reading some books, collecting papers and books, playing with puzzles, origami, archery

*Likes* : fantasy, sleeping, reading books, playing with her toys, origami, sweaters, jackets, scarf, anything abstract.

*Dislikes* : if someone disturb her sleep, conflict, some metal and rock songs, carrot juice, the crystallized skin, Hex.


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A. ** *Papyru Magia* **

Even if she's the victim of the 'event', she never thought that the 'gift' was the best one, or that's what her thought. She gained the ability to manipulate any kind of paper that she wished. Surprisingly, her agility is increased. However, as she is having the contact with paper or paper-like, two unique symbols appeared upon both of the palms.

If the symbols just glowed upon the palms, she might only manipulate paper. But when the symbols are also gleamed rapidly on certain paper, it's signify if she was formed 'charms/talisman'. With charms, she could perform various effects. Usually, charms are more potent than any magic since charms can prepare by time and peace. Plus, some spells are stronger if matched one of paper that colored.

Charm when pre-prepared :
![-]( "This symbol appeared at left palm")
Charm when activated :
![-]( "This symbol appeared at right palm")

|Color Paper|Effect|
|Red| Fire-based|
|White| Ice-based|
|Gray| Force Field|
|Yellow| Electric-based|
|Purple| Binding|
|Indigo| Memory-based|
|Black| Spirit|
|Blue| Air-based|
|Green| Poison-based|


- Unlike conventional magic, charms must pre-prepared. The charms wouldn't work if prepared and used at the same time. Moreover, the minimum time for her charms to work is fourteen minutes.
- Limited by the number of spells she has pre-made.
- The paper that she is using for her talisman must be the plain one.
- Even with colored paper some certain effects would be stronger, her control with the spell would have struggle. Since she rarely ever trained with them, and 'admit that white and gray charms are easier to used'.
- Yet, when controlling with colored paper, her fatigue would be drained quite rapidly. While the bright color more likely decreased her physical state, the dim color more likely decreased her mental state. This weakness is exception for white charms, and gray for some certain moment.

B. ** *Archery* **
One of her best talent, which developed well in childhood. And archery often plays as her 'opening' attack.

C. ** *Literacy* **
Her sister and grunkle once told if she had the talent in literacy,but she didn't developed it well.

D. ** *Housework* **
Even though called 'lazy', she actually quite good when it comes to housework. Especially when doing chores and cooking.

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#THREAD & NOTES{#AnchorLinkg}

- The charms paper picture from the anime series *Mononoke*, and the color paper reference is Fairy Tail wiki.
- All picture belongs to their respective owner. But the OC is mine.

|Title/Link|Status|Partner or Solo|

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>*The blade itself incites to violence ─ **Homer** *

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