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How to Repair a Refrigerator (Servicing the Defrost Timer)
In the event that the blower doesn't run, almost certainly, the thaw out clock is failing. This part is situated close to the blower. To test تصليح ثلاجات out clock:

Stage 1: Unplug the fridge.

Stage 2: Disconnect the wires from the clock and clock engine. Eliminate the clock from its sections by retreating two holding screws.

Stage 3: Test the thaw out clock with a VOM set to the RX1 scale. Cut one test of the VOM to each thaw out clock - - not engine - - wire, and turn the clock control screw shaft until it clicks. In the event that the thaw out clock is working, the meter will understand zero. Assuming the needle bounces, the thaw out clock is broken. Supplant it with another one of a similar sort.

Stage 4: Connect the new thaw out clock the same way the bygone one was associated.

To check the thaw out clock engine, cut one test of the VOM to each engine wire, setting the scale to RX100. Assuming that the meter peruses between around 500 and 3,000 ohms, the engine is working appropriately. On the off chance that the meter peruses higher than 3,000 ohms, the clock engine is broken. Supplant it with another one of a similar kind. Interface the new engine the same way the bygone one was associated.

Overhauling the Defrost Heater
This part is a warming component situated on the evaporator loop. Whenever the fridge or cooler changes to the thaw out cycle, the thaw out warmer is gone on to liquefy the ice in the compartment. Disappointment of the thaw out radiator makes disappointment thaw out.

Test the component with a VOM set to the RX1 scale. To get to the warming component, eliminate the compartment's divider boards. Cut one test of the VOM to every component terminal. The meter ought to peruse somewhere in the range of 5 and 20 ohms. On the off chance that it doesn't, the warming component is broken and ought to be supplanted. Supplant the radiator with another one of a similar kind and electrical rating. Interface the new warmer the same way the bygone one was associated.

Adjusting the Condenser Fan
The condenser fan is situated under the unit. On the off chance that the fan is breaking down, the cooler or cooler won't cool as expected, or it will run consistently or not by any stretch.

Test the fan with a VOM set to the RX1 scale. Separate the electrical wires to the fan engine and clasp one test of the VOM to each fan engine terminal. Assuming the meter peruses from 50 to 200 ohms, the engine is working appropriately. Assuming that the meter peruses higher than 200 ohms, the fan engine is defective and you ought to supplant it.

While you're chipping away at the fan engine, ensure the fan edges are perfect and unhampered. Assuming the edges are bowed, cautiously fix them with pincers.

Clearing the Drain Ports
The channel ports are situated along the lower part of both the cooler and the fridge segments of the unit. These openings can become obstructed with trash or ice, causing a waste issue when the unit is thawing out. To clear the ports, utilize a short part of wire that will fit the openings. Try not to utilize a toothpick, in light of the fact that the wood might sever in the port and become stuck. On certain fridges, the channel ports are situated close the thaw out warmer at the evaporator loops. A great deal of dismantling is expected to clean this kind of unit. In the event that the fridge or cooler is this sort, you might be in an ideal situation calling an expert assistance individual to clear the ports.

On some cooler compartments, the channel is situated under the cooler compartment and formed like a shoehorn. This sort of channel can for the most part be unscrewed so the channel region can be cleaned.

Adjusting the Drain Hose and Pan
The condenser fan is situated under the lower part of the cooler. During the thawing out cycle, water might go through a little hose into the channel dish and is normally dissipated. On certain fridges, the channel hose is elastic rather than metal. This kind of hose can become broken, causing spills. Analyze the hose. In the event that it's harmed, supplant it with another one of a similar kind. Assuming that you spot water on the floor, the channel container might be tipped on its sections, or the dish might be broken or rusted. To dispose of the break, realign or supplant the dish.

Overhauling Ice Makers

Coolers with programmed ice creators once in a while glitch on the grounds that the water bay valve sifter that feeds water to the ice producer becomes obstructed. To address this issue, turn off the machine and separate the water supply. Eliminate the water line where it enters the valve- - ordinarily at the base edge of the unit. Find the wire sifter and eliminate it. Clean the sifter with a firm brush, utilizing gentle family cleanser. Reassemble the part backward style.

Overhauling a Refrigerant Leak
Coolant spills are recognizable by their bitter smell. There is no way to fix a coolant spill aside from call an expert assistance individual to manage the issue.

Adjusting the Motor/Compressor
The blower and engine of a fridge or cooler are contained in a fixed unit. Assuming you follow issues to both of these parts, don't attempt to fix the unit yourself. Call an expert help individual.

As you've seen, some normal fridge issues (like defective gaskets) can without much of a stretch be fixed at home, while others (like an engine or blower) are past the extent of the typical jack of all trades. Presently you know how to make the little fixes, as well as when you've met your match.

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