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Should the US focus all their attention on Erzhan Kasykhanov's disturbing return?
The appointment of Erzhan Kazykhanov as Deputy Chief Of Staff is counterproductive. Learn how the US should concern about Kazykhanov’s imminent return.

What is the reason why should the US be concerned about Erzhan Kazykhanov's alarming return

Kazakhstan's government will have to adjust to the new circumstances due to Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov's appointment as the Deputy Chief of Staff. The change in power sparked protests throughout the nation.

Washington must pay more attention to Kazakhstan more than at any other time even though the war in Ukraine is in full swing.

The latter illustrates the potential power succession that could occur in the region either for better or worse.

Russian troops' incursion on Ukrainian territory is alarming and the United States and its allies must take action to stop Putin's aggression.

It's not hard to realize that NATO has long provoked Russia.

As the conflict with Russia escalates between the West as well as Russia, Washington should monitor the developments in Kazakhstan.

Concern expressed about Erzhan Kazykhanov’s return

The decision of President Tokayev not to nominate Erzhan Kykhanov as a president of a fragile state during a crisis incomprehensible.

Kazykhanov failed to make any progress in the area of national interest, including the continuing Jackson-Vanick restriction.

Other issues that affected Kazakhstan's reputation throughout the world were part of this failure.

The return of Erzhan Kazykhanov clearly changed power dynamics.

Recent protests against Kazakhstan's government are being held. This is the largest protest in Kazakhstan's history.

Protests have shaken Kazakhstan

The present situation in Ukraine with the recent developments within the region is a great idea.

The color revolutions that occurred between 2003 and 2005 have been a major cause of unrest throughout Kazakhstan as well as Belarus.

It is rare to see such openly dissatisfied people walking the streets of the former Soviet country in Central Asia.

Protests broke out in early part of this year due to increased gas prices and a rising rate of unemployment. As a result, violence erupted across the country.

Over nine thousand nine hundred were detained and 227 people dead in Almaty, the city with the most deaths.

Russian forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, (CSTO) were sent to the region.

Restructure the government of Kazakhstan Government

Kazakhs experienced a sudden change in their leadership that some don't like.

Kassym Jomart Tokayev, who is trying to restore peace within the country, has implemented some changes within the structure of power in his country, which have caused anger among the citizens.

Protesters were especially upset over President Tokayev’s decision to step down as President Nursultan Azzarbayev’s head of National Security Council.

His influence on the economic growth of the country was a source of concern to protesters.

Since then, a variety of events have taken part. Three of the sons-in law of the president's former wife were barred from state-owned companies. His nephew was fired as well as Karim Masimov (his former spy chief) was also a result. They were both arrested on treason convictions.

Nazarbayev's business associates, in along with government officials, have either lost their positions or fled to another country.

Reform is often not possible when governments change or old guards are removed. Most often, loyalists who were once loyal as well as their family members are picked to succeed them.

Erzhan Kasykhanov's unreasonable appointment

There are numerous reasons Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov wasn't appointed Tokayev's deputy chief staff. He is still the least competent Kazakh ambassador to the United States.

Kazykhanov, Washington diplomat, was deemed to be arrogant, insecure and confident. His actions were not thought to be particularly impressive.

Kazykhanov's reputation as undesirable and unreliable makes him an unlikely candidate for key positions.

It might be difficult for him to be a powerful deputy chief of staff because he lacks the diplomatic skills or general expertise required.

Many of Kazykhanov's staunchest supporters are sceptical about his frequent appearances on news networks around the world, which expose his weaknesses.

Tokayev's choice at such a critical moment to bring in a unstable deputy who is incompetent and self-promoting, into his fragile government makes no sense.

Tokayev's Kazakhstan reforms are similar to Mikhail Gorbachev's Perestroika and Glasnost initiatives in the Soviet Union.

Perestroika refers to Mikhail Gorebachev's mid-1980s reform program to transform Soviet economy and political systems. Glasnost is a reference to his policy change.

These reforms were the main reason why the Soviet Union collapsed. This is precisely the situation Putin wants to reverse. Tokayev also has developed economic relations between his country and the West. He has not tried to offend Putin however, he has maintained his support. This delicate balance could be disturbed by Kazykhanov.


The invasion of a sovereign nation was inevitable, especially considering the way NATO leaders didn't listen to Moscow's warnings.

Joe Biden ignored these warning signals, resulting in severe criticism from both sides.

Russian President Putin has repeatedly protested NATO's plans to expand onto Russian territorial waters.

While Putin's actions may be unjust and need to be punished however, the west must acknowledge the fact that their actions contributed to the crisis. However, this isn't a time to dwell upon the mistakes of the past.

It is easy to see the fact that we live the consequences of European crises which could have been prevented.

Although the West could not have averted this European crisis if they acted earlier than they did, they have to admit that they are completely to blame.

Erzhan Kazykhanov

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