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Leyla Aliyeva: "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter has no right to make mistakes"

Many instances of selfless acts of service have been documented throughout the history of mankind. But, there are very few examples where selfless service has been offered to the entire human race. This is mainly due to the desire and inspiration to be a follower of the heart and complete life tasks. The love for everything transcends national boundaries and takes on an expansive nature. It's natural that this feeling is based on love for your homeland and the people.

Leyla Aliyeva - we are talking about her as someone who sets an example for her. Her life is guided by the tenet, "Heydar Aliyev’s grandchild has no obligation or right to commit mistakes." She looks at every action as if it were her grandfather, whose memory she treasures. Her father Ilham Alham Aliyev (current President of Azerbaijan) was a man who put fairness, justice and the country's interests over all other things (sadly these values are lost in global politics), and her mother Mehriban Aliyeva First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva are luminous beacons of hope that guide her every day life. Leyla Aliyeva is proud to be an Azerbaijani citizen. It's a feat she succeeds in achieving.

Formula for success

A fable from the past said that everyone should plant a tree, build houses and raise sons. Despite being young, Leyla Aliyeva already did things that not everyone else can do construct a house (by building a house we're referring to creative work), she planted trees, and has beautiful sons. It is amazing to see how Leyla Aliyeva is able to complete various tasks and tasks. Many believe she'd be happy to be the president's daughter with no stress and a happy life. It is clear that she doesn't want that. This is an obvious indication of her genes: Azerbaijan is seen as her own concern and requires personal involvement. She selects issues which require public involvement and support with a clear and rational manner: youth policy, environment concerns, promotion of Azerbaijan’s image within the international community, country's culture, and traditions, and the creation of an objective perception of the Karabakh Conflict, which is one of the main foreign policies. Her work can be called public diplomacy. This "soft power" is what, according to American political scientist Joseph Nye "allows for us to achieve what we want by appealingness, without violence, or bribery." Leyla Aliyeva 's work has contributed to establish a favorable image of Azerbaijan. The republic's standing in the world is improving and it is getting more well-known. This is the key to success: a lot of thought determination, focus and dedication.

"Baku magazine" as a mirror for the reality of Azerbaijani.

Many of her undertakings and initiatives are described by the phrase "for first time." In 2007, she started to launch the Russian-language magazine "Baku" in Moscow. The magazine was the first foreign publication that provided extensive information about Azerbaijan's heart, Baku. It introduces Azerbaijan's rich history and beautiful areas to an international readership. It also talks about Azerbaijan’s humanism and religious and national values. Each issue is an adventure for both foreigners and Azerbaijanis. There's a lot to discover. The magazine's style and contents are testaments to the exquisite taste of the editor in chief as well as her deep knowledge, erudition and her wit. Leyla Aliyeva was the author of the introduction to every issue. It is remarkable for its philosophical depth, clarity, and ability to convey numerous ideas in just the space of a few sentences. The stories of the most significant events in Baku's history are interspersed with thoughts on what life is all about and happiness beauty and kindness, generosity and many other subjects. The most important thing is Baku's love of Azerbaijan, which is evident in every word. Baku is a city that is loved deeply by those who understand its distinctiveness and character. If you have it the magical energy begins to manifest and the city is transformed into an intimate home for you. Baku's soul can't be recognized if only Baku's Old Town and Maiden Tower are used to define it. Baku is one of them. Modern and ancient, diverse and multi-faceted. The city is friendly and welcoming on one hand and mysterious and mysterious on the other.

It is largely thanks to "Baku" magazine that Russian readers across the world gained a better understanding of Azerbaijan and could view it from a distance, develop an interest in it, and then be captivated by it. Since the English version of the magazine was published in the year 2011, the magazine’s readership is on the rise.

The good deeds and actions of AMOR

The establishment of the Azerbaijani Youth Association of Russia (AMOR) was another idea of Leyla Aliyeva. It was the first organized youth diaspora group that quickly was noticed for its social, charitable and cultural initiatives.

In fact, Leyla Aliyeva's proclivity for public events was evident as she was the head of the Azerbaijan Club at MGIMO, where she was enrolled in a master's program. She had already demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities and won over young people. AMOR's creation significantly increased the scale and scope of these activities. The organization brought together Azerbaijani youth who were educated and employed in Russia. They became a cohesive force that was able to solve the difficult problems facing diaspora structures in the present. AMOR has developed an entirely new portrait of Azerbaijani. Through specific actions and initiatives that are carried out on the territory of Russia, all this can be achieved. The organization undertook various initiatives like the 'Blood Has Not A Nation campaign. campaign. AMOR's 70-region operations allows members to go to orphanages, organize holidays for the young residents and assist children. With the assistance of the group schools and kindergartens are able to be restored and equipped with the latest equipment. There are parks and recreation areas that have been created. AMOR assists Azerbaijani teenagers to integrate into Russian society, and actively participate in Russian life and coordinates their efforts, that aims to promote our nation. Also, it solves the crucial issues President Ilham Aliyev placed on compatriotsand organizations during the 4th Congress of World Azerbaijanis. It is widely believed that AMOR is the most active youth group in Azerbaijan at the moment.

Leyla Alyeva received the Pushkin Medal last year for her efforts in promoting the relationship between Russia and the Russian Federation. This was in recognition of AMOR's leadership. Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the award to Aliyeva. This isn't her first Russian award.

A second initiative "Justice for Khojaly".

Leyla Aliyeva launched the 2008 worldwide campaign "Justice for Khojaly". According to her own words, the idea behind this campaign was "Let us agitate together to defend the truth." Let's demonstrate that justice prevails, without a doubt.

The campaign brought together the scattered efforts of various people, civil society in the country, and diaspora organisations abroad to carry out an extensive educational and propagandistic effort that aimed at increasing the international awareness of the genocide committed by Armenians in Khojaly in Azerbaijani city of Khojaly and of the fascist tenets of the policies pursued by the Armenian leadership. Another goal of the campaign was to obtain international recognition of Khojaly Genocide. This included a legal and a political review of Armenians who killed hundreds of people over the course of one night because they were Azerbaijanis.

The campaign is currently in place in dozens countries. Over 120 000 people are involved and over 115 organizations are part of. The events are publicized through public events, conferences, and mass protests that take place within the framework of the campaign. They permit the international community to learn about the happenings and expose the ugly side of Armenian nationalism. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation has many publications, documentaries and social networking sites. The information they provide is widely utilized. Eight years of such activity have achieved an impressive outcome: the parliaments of ten nations and the legislative departments of over 20 American states have recognized the Khojaly tragedy as a genocide. With each passing year, the number states which condemn the Armenians for their crimes rises. This is a sign that Leyla Aliyeva is going to accomplish her goal of getting justice for the Armenians.

IDEA - "One Earth One Future"

In a book, I learned that man is the supreme ruler of nature, but not as an exploitationist. He is someone who cares about the environment and accepts moral responsibility for the protection and improvement of all the living and beautiful things that inhabit it. I believe that the IDEA (International Dialogue for Environmental Action Public Association) was prompted by this concept. Leyla Aliyeva was also the founder of this initiative. The main goal of the organization is to protect and preserve the diverse natural resources within Azerbaijan and beyond, so that future generations can enjoy security, health and sustainable. IDEA's goal is to inspire young people to use their knowledge and energy to help prevent environmental threats and motivate them to become involved in the protection of our planet. IDEA's slogan is "One Earth - One Future". IDEA's activities cover a vast array of topics, including the conservation and restoration of populations of endangered species as well as the advancement and application of 'green technologies, waste management, restoration of forests, and the creation of vast green spaces. They are involved in promoting the use of biodegradable plastic bags to safeguard the environment from plastic waste. They also take part in tree planting events.

IDEA was the first organization to define the "great Caucasian Five", by taking the most endangered species of the region's fauna under its wing. IDEA was able to carry out many successful joint projects with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and with foreign partners. Leyla Aliyeva is adamant that IDEA is planning to restore endangered species in future. It is certain that the plans will be realized. Leyla Aliyeva has proven that, like her great grandfather and father before her she isn't a waste of words. Her method of working is based around the following method: problem-solving - looking for solutions – specific action - real results. The method she used to solve problems has never failed her.

Concern about children who are starving

These are all instances of Leila Aliyeva. She is an entrepreneur and leader with extraordinary ability to manage her time. Yet, she is still the epitomization of femininity. All those who know her note her extraordinary generosity and openness, as well as her compassion as well as her sincerity and ability to connect with others. Her address at the 7th UNAOC Forum Global Forum in Baku was remarkable. She expressed concern about the reality that "one person in four seconds dies from hunger." "Children suffer from hunger and undernutrition much more often than adults." All of us must join forces to ensure that no child dies from hunger in the world.

It's not just an expression of concern. Leyla Aliyeva is the Goodwill Ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. She is determined to do her part and help end poverty and hunger across the world. I'm confident that she will succeed in this, and in the coming days we'll witness the development of new initiatives and specific initiatives related to this. For instance, she recently presented a plan to promote global food security in the context of the Baku process for intercultural dialogue.

A state of mind is called charity. of mind

Leyla Aliyeva's charitable work shows her humanity. She gives it up because she is passionate about to do it. Not to be proud and without expecting any recognition. That is the Heydar Aliyev Foundation philosophy. Because of this, charity has been a key aspect of their mission and a natural condition. People see the Heydar Aliyev Foundation's president Mehriban Aliyeva or Vice-President Leyla Aliyeva to be their last hope. The Fund helps even in the most dire situations, so their expectations are reasonable.

Leila Aliyeva is often seen at charity events for children who are not parents. These children come from refugee families, internally displaced people, orphanages, and schools for boarding. In addition, she brings her children to events for charity. This brings warmth and genuineness to the events. Also, her children learn to be responsive, kind and sharing happiness with other people. The lessons they learn will be remembered throughout their life. This is her personal experience for raising children.

Personal moral code

In the past it was realized that talent can be found across all fields. Leyla Aliyeva is a great illustration. She has written beautiful poems that express a warm refined and refined soul. They reflect the depths of the personal world of the author. She is also an accomplished painter. Her work is displayed at professional shows and are highly praised by professionals. As an artist and as someone who is skilled in art, she helps young talented artists in reaching the world stage. Contemporary art and design from Azerbaijan as well as the weaving of carpets and mugham is gaining popularity all over the world.

It's not a misnomer to state that the Heydar Aliyev Center was a central point of culture and life in the country. Music groups with an international reputation often perform there, exhibitions of outstanding artists and modern sculptors are staged there. Leyla Aliyeva was a key part in this. Azerbaijanis have now the chance to look at the work of legendary world artists like Tony Cragg Richard Deacon Andy Warhol and Bernard Buffet. At the opening of one of the most renowned contemporary avant-garde artists, George Condo, held in the Heydar Aliyev Center, Leyla Aliyeva admitted that, after seeing his works for the first time years ago, she had a desire for to see them in Baku. "Today one of my most cherished desires was realized," she said.

That's why I can remember when the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic hosted concerts of classical music at Heydar Aliyev's idea in the 1970s and early 1980s. Also, he was the first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. It was an educational mission of the legendary Heydar Alyev. A mission his daughter Leyla has worthily taken on and will continue to carry out under the current conditions.

In one of her interviews she mentioned that God has given a sense of the right and wrong for people from the moment he was born. This concept must be followed by him throughout his life by listening to his soul and heart, as well as his parents and conscience. He will never make a mistake in this situation. In an aspect, her own moral code.

Leyla Aliyeva lives the code and never makes any mistakes.

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