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9 first-class tips for really good articles. The definitive guide!

You want to be able to write really good articles that people will read? Here are 15 top tips for you. I show you step by step how to write a really perfect blog article.

Writing really good articles - the guide
15 simple steps make the difference between a good article and a mediocre one. Follow these 15 simple steps and your blog will get more readers. And if you then read my article on how to improve your Google ranking, your posts will be significantly more successful. This also includes optimising internal linking.

Then, with a little practice, you can write really good articles and market them successfully.

Point 1 - Write an enticing headline
Your headline must have a benefit for your potential visitors. It must also convey what the article is about and of course: it must arouse curiosity and tempt them to click.

Therefore, always write your headline first and try several variations from which you can then choose the most successful one. Extremely successful websites such as Upworthy have their editors write 25 different headlines for each post.

Only one of these makes it to publication. To find your best headline out of the 25, you can go through the following categories:

The direct headline: Writing perfect blog articles.
The indirect headline: The only blog you can scroll through
The news headline: My new e-book.
"How you..." Headline: How you write a great article
The Question Headline: What skills are you missing?
Command Headline: Get my new free e-book
The "Reason Why" headline: 7 reasons why I don't like your blog
The customer opinion headline: Why I read this blog every week
Point 2 - Research thoroughly and very accurately
Research is very important, your articles should be of very high quality if you want to achieve a lot of traffic in the foreseeable future. To do this, feed Google with different search terms or short phrases.

At the end of each search results page you can find the so-called "long-tail keywords". These are search terms that consist of several words and were entered by the searching user to find a solution to their problem.

And that's exactly what you should offer them. Proceed like this:

Look at the first fifty search results.
Open the matching pages
Scan these pages for appropriate content
Filter out the rubbish
Read up on your topic and develop an expertise for your article.
With a high quality, long and well-researched article, you will always stand out from the other bloggers and rank better in the search results.

Really good articles are always well researched and unfortunately also costly.

Point 3 - Don't forget keyword research
Find the right keywords with the Adwords Keyword Planner.

Google provides you with two good tools for this. One is the Google search, as already mentioned, and the other is the Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool, which is really excellent.

Both approaches together form the foundation for an article that is well optimised for the search engine. Make sure there is little competition and enough search queries for the desired keywords.

Really good articles are always search engine optimised too.

Writing really good articles: The SEO optimisation
Write the keyword once in the title - as close to the beginning as possible. Make sure that the title of an article is always marked with a heading 1. More on this later.
Include the keyword in your first headline, which should be a Headline 2.
Make sure that the keyword appears three to four times in the article.
Bold the keyword once
Write the keyword in one of the images or graphics used as an alt tag.
Use the keyword as the name of the image
Use the keyword in the URL of the article and keep it as short as possible.
Use the keyword in the meta description. This brings click-through rates and, in my experience, also has a small effect on the ranking.
However, always keep one thing in mind: write your articles for your readers first, then for the search engine.

Point 4 - Write a first draft
Now write down everything you can think of on the topic that seems important. You do not need to pay attention to a good structure or spelling at this stage. The main thing is that you write.

It doesn't matter if you have ideas about the core content, the introduction, the conclusion or the structure. It's all about writing the content and getting enough content for a good article.

Point 5 - Now create the structure
The structure of an article is really important. Put some effort into it. Create the sub-headings. Make sure that you use these headings to describe what is in each paragraph.

The sub-headings should keep the scanner in the text and arouse curiosity. However, they should not reveal too much, otherwise there would be no reason to read the article.

Always bear in mind that many people on the Internet do not read, but "scan" the texts for the information they are looking for. It is important to catch these visitors and get them to read the article.

Structure for the search engine

The structure is also important for Google; a good structure ensures a better ranking. Basically, the following rules apply:

Write an introduction. It should not be too long and should arouse curiosity.
Write many short paragraphs instead of long ones. Structure your texts with subheadings.
Use good visuals. If you are good at graphic design, create images for your articles.
If appropriate, use supplementary videos from YouTube.
Point 6 - Fill in the gaps in your structure
Point four and point five have given you a kind of form that you now have to fill in with more information. Adapt your contribution so that it fits well into this form and fits in well with the individual sections.

Start at the top and work your way down. The headings you have already set are a good guide for this section of the text work.

Point 7 - The finishing touches to the article
You now have a blogpost blank in front of you. A rough diamond that you now have to cut and polish. It's best to read your article aloud.

Make sure the text sounds rhythmic.
Is the style OK? Correct it.
Do you start many sentences with the same words? Correct.
Does everything read smoothly, or have you written too awkwardly? Correct.
Do the individual passages make sense? Correct.
Do you have repetitions in the text that can be deleted? Delete.
Are there passages in the text that need to be added? Add them.
Is the spelling correct? Correct.
Point 8 - Let your text rest for a day.
Excellent texts differ from good texts in that they have a kind of "maturing time". So take a day off and let your post mature. After a day's rest, you will have a different view of things, you will no longer be so dense in the topic.

This is exactly what can improve your post. Because after a day's rest you will have a different perspective on things and can truly improve the text.

After a day's rest, read through the article again and correct stylistic errors, inconsistencies, poor explanations and - if possible - make the text more readable.

Point 9 - Find suitable pictures or videos
A lot of traffic can come from writing really good articles.

Supplementing blog articles with pictures and / or videos is a great thing, but not suitable everywhere. Of course, people often want to advise you to add images to every article.

However, this only works with really good pictures and rarely with stock photos that you can download for free from the internet. Of course, you can still edit stock photos well in a photo programme (Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, etc.) to personalise them. Or you can use an online service like to create very individual graphics using templates.

Then again, stock images can also work.

business news if you can find videos to support the content. Such content is sure to be well received and used by your visitors. Especially the young generation is into it.
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