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Akaashi was left in thought with his gaze roaming across his lap. It was contrary to Sugawara's lighthearted silence while sipping on his drink. He admittedly didn't want to interrupt Akaashi's thoughts, in case they were important.

He wished his thoughts could've been as simple as flickering candlelight. Akaashi eventually opened a can of cider, once again reminded of the new person in his life. Bokuto Koutarou, the warm, polite, open, considerate, handsome gentleman that blew his mind sometimes. Perhaps it was society's fault. Perhaps people had grown so cold, that one good person was all it took to trigger crushes.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Sugawara couldn't help but ask. Akaashi took a long sip from the can, before nearly chugging it down. The silver-head was nearly impressed.

"My stupid crush. The entire, having a crush, is a bit stressful," Akaashi sighed lightly and rested the back of his head against the couch. Sugawara did feel empathy, but also a relief.

"I knew your type of person would be that way," Sugawara snorted. Responsible, mature, and independent. Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows, before shaking his head.

"He's not only that. He's just, he's very fun, open, and very empathetic. He's not plain or boring, you know. Exact opposite of boring, actually," Akaashi tried to reason. Yes, maturity and all were important. Yet, Bokuto's personality resembled a painting. A painting that blended contrasts into perfectly blended harmony.

"It's not embarrassing to ask him out, you know?" Sugawara took another sip until his glass neared empty. Akaashi shrugged his shoulders because he genuinely lacked words. He seemed to want equations, rationalism, and logic into asking Bokuto out.

Then again, his heart was everything but rational for beating so fast from just memories. Having a crush meant irrational jitteriness, excitement, and bodily reactions. Akaashi couldn't say he didn't appreciate the youthfulness of it. Passively, Bokuto made Akaashi feel younger. Akaashi's mind ran wild, even with alcohol making it to his head soon.

"What if it's too sudden, weird, or random? What if he literally doesn't swing that way?" Akaashi voiced his worries. To his surprise, Sugawara had already prepared a response to his doubts.

"Then trust him with your feelings. If not yours, trust him with anyone's feelings. He wouldn't say anything to hurt you. He either accepts, or he'll make sure to take care of your heart even in rejection. He won't break your heart. It'll be the gentlest rejection ever, and only if he's the same person you find him to be. You have nothing to lose," Sugawara explained. It made sense and caused Akaashi to exhale in relief. Now that made sense to him.

Sugawara gave him a knowing look and raised his eyebrows. Akaashi only offered his can, to clink it against his glass. The two took a sip simultaneously before Sugawara chuckled inexplicably.

"Tolerance hasn't gone up," Sugawara shook his head and pointed to his slight tipsiness. Their silent drinking was interrupted by an opening of the door.

"Did you even tell him?" Akaashi asked lowly upon hearing the hanging of a jacket. Sugawara shook his head and snorted too easily. Jesus.

"Koushi, I'm home- Oh, hey Keiji!" Daichi greeted upon walking into the living room. The confusion on the tired man's face was far too funny for the intoxicated pair. Daichi was confused as they broke into laughter. He shook his head as Sugawara filled a second glass with contents.

"Dinner is over here," Sugawara did manage to get up, and even abandoned his glass on the table. Daichi almost protested, but Akaashi watched the two walk to the kitchen. He couldn't see much after they passed the corner.

Akaashi was just left in his own thoughts. He just remembered how Bokuto made him food, the taco roll, and served him drinks. His cheeks heated up at the mere thought and finished the rest of the can in one gulp. Two more to go?

The kitchen roomed the couple who prepared food. Daichi insisted on heating up his own food and thanking Sugawara for his consideration. On second thought, he had many unanswered questions about the new decor in the living room. Balloons?

"It's not his birthday right?" Daichi quietly asked and widened his eyes slightly. It would be too sudden to get Akaashi anything now.

"No no, this is a secret but, we're celebrating Keiji's first crush in forever! Bokuto, the guy we mentioned," Sugawara revealed. Daichi widened his eyes even wider and raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that.

After filling his plate with warm food, the pair returned to the living room. Sugawara offered his fiance wine, to which he shook his head. He pointed out driving as reason number one. Then, it was his turn to ask. Only, Sugawara had a lot to say after taking a sip, apparently.

"When I close my eyes, my head falls back," Sugawara started before closing his eyes. Surely, his head spun backward. The couch covered his weight. Daichi and Akaashi shared a look of confusion before Akaashi shrugged his shoulders.

"When I open them, I fall for you," Sugawara looked up at him with wide eyes and a sweet smile. His fiance fell speechless, though he wanted to laugh at the cheesy saying. Daichi considerately limited his affection to lovingly tracing Sugawara's cheek, with Akaashi present.

"I fall for you too, and we should listen to Keiji, yes?" Daichi reminded him. He insisted on having Sugawara's head on his shoulder, for locking him in place. He'd only get drunker and spin anywhere else than the couch.

"I kind of want to ask Bokuto on a date, but I'm just stuck. I don't know how, when, or whatever," Akaashi groaned lightly and felt his head lighten. Halfway through his second can, he was relieved to feel his thoughts dissipate into simplicity he could understand.

"I understand. Well, you don't have a deadline. How about the next time you meet him?" Daichi suggested with a shrug of his shoulders. The sudden realization soon hit Akaashi, before he shook his head in disapproval.

"We haven't planned on meeting next," Akaashi remembered. They hadn't really planned the fourth meeting. Daichi widened his eyes at the open opportunity before Akaashi's face.

"Go ahead. Invite him to yours, invite him to a park, invite him to anything you think would work," Daichi motioned for Akaashi to go on. He didn't necessarily mean now, but Akaashi's mind took it very literally.

"Or do it now, I guess," Daichi mumbled to himself. Sugawara gasped upon seeing him bring up his phone. It was evening time, and it wasn't said that Bokuto would be available.

However, Akaashi decided he should call. He wasn't afraid to, contrary to earlier. The contrast was astonishing. However, Daichi and Sugawara quieted down in excitement.

A few rings were heard before he heard a groggy voice reply on the other end. Normally, Akaashi would be scared he woke someone up. In this case, he didn't feel a thing.

"Hello?" His voice was deep, which sent electricity from Akaashi's hands to his feet.

"Bokuto?" Akaashi was suddenly at a loss for a plan. He didn't remember what he was supposed to say. Rather, he was unsure. Daichi motioned for Akaashi to go on and gave a thumbs up in support.

"Akaashi?" Bokuto chuckled lightly, mimicking Akaashi's tone. Having a crush could be intense, and Akaashi felt it against his ribcage.

"I'm tipsy," Akaashi confessed, feeling the honesty seep out of him like carbon dioxide. He blinked lightly and gulped at the hum on the other end.

"Are you safe?" Bokuto asked, and sent a rush of warmth across his face. Akaashi looked over at the smiling couple, who clearly approved of Bokuto in a split second. Akaashi nearly stayed speechless, until Daichi and Sugawara sent him hand motions.

"Yeah. I am," Akaashi replied, nearly shyly. Sugawara had a nervous expression from anticipation. Man.

"Were you asleep?" Akaashi asked before Bokuto could reply. He still cared whether or not he disturbed Bokuto's sleep.

"I was just taking a nap. I'm happy to be awake, though. Still have some dishes to wash from Tetsu and all," Bokuto chuckled lightly. A responsible man. Akaashi almost sighed dreamily but gulped it down of self-control.

The warmth of the room couldn't explain the heat throughout his chest. Akaashi felt the wonders of having a crush, rather than despair. He took another sip of the can, before realizing he had to reply.

"Sorry for disturbing, regardless," Akaashi apologized genuinely. The guilt was allergic to an intoxicated conscience. So it would wait for tomorrow. Currently, Akaashi had so many things he wanted to tell and share.

"No, don't worry about it. I got a reminder of things I need to get done. Hey, are you able to safely get home?" Bokuto asked. His voice matched a tone that awoke an orchestra of chills along Akaashi's arms.

Sugawara pouted at Daichi in awe, at how cute Bokuto was to his friend. Daichi nodded in surprise, before whispering secrets into his fiance's ear.

"I swear they sound like a couple, kind of," Daichi had whispered, to which Sugawara nodded in agreement. They both could only spectate their conversation for now.

"Yeah," Akaashi reassured his friend. He could imagine Bokuto offering to drive him home if he had said no. Akaashi had been shot by an arrow because his heart burst.

"I'm glad to hear that. Is it a party, gathering, or?" Bokuto asked curiously. Akaashi replied with a no. How could he explain? He was celebrating having a crush on him. That was the literal truth of it.

"No, I'm having a wine evening with my friend," Akaashi simplified it in one sentence. Bokuto seemed happy for him, as he heard a beam from the other end.

"Nice! Has your friend passed out already?" Bokuto chuckled lightly, and Akaashi had the urge to lie. His eyes met with Sugawara's. He bit back a smirk, before lying.

"He's busy with his partner," Akaashi sighed playfully. He adjusted to a more comfortable position on the couch, before continuing.

"Ah, well, I'm glad I could accompany you through that," Bokuto hummed, and unknowingly caused Akaashi to grin lightly.

It clearly was a lie. Sugawara was ready to listen to him until Akaashi was the one who decided to call. Even Daichi rolled his eyes playfully, before shaking his head at the untruth.

"He was supposed to give me advice," Akaashi blurted out. He sighed heavily upon remembering why he was there. Suddenly, his heartbeat quickened.

"Oh? What's up? You can ask me if you feel like it. It could be a better idea to let it wait until you're sober," Bokuto insisted lightheartedly. His consideration brought a physical form of happiness to Akaashi's lips. He was far from drunk, luckily.

"Green flag," Sugawara muttered inaudibly, to which Daichi nodded in agreement. Perhaps it was smart to have the couple listen to the conversation.

Akaashi looked down at his lap. How meta could he be? Talking to his crush about his crush. It felt like high school. Wouldn't it be dumber once Akaashi did ask him out? Bokuto would realize the timespan of Akaashi's crush.

"It's so simple, and yet it's difficult. I'm having a crush on somebody, and I'm lost on how or when to ask them out," Akaashi explained the situation a majority of people had gone through. Bokuto hummed in understanding, before taking his time to respond.

"I get it. There's never a perfect time to ask somebody out. Honestly, I would advise you to go for it. Is the likelihood of a yes more worth than a no? In that case, go for it. As I've heard: You lose at every goal you don't shoot for," Bokuto finished with a quote. The allegory made perfect sense.

Akaashi went silent for a while, and Bokuto allowed him. He didn't push for questions or lines. The comfortable silence lasted a short while before Akaashi inhaled deeply to regain his breath.

"You're right. Oh, by the way, I was thinking, do you want to meet up? We can talk about it maybe?" Akaashi stupidly added. Sugawara nearly smacked his forehead at the unnecessary addition. Why would Akaashi invite his crush to talk about his crush?

"Of course. Hm, suggest a time and I'll make it work," Bokuto hummed in thought. Akaashi was stunned and speechless, even after successfully inviting him again.

"I want to return the favor of serving homemade dinner. You could come over to my place, and I'll make something," Akaashi reasoned and looked away. Daichi and Sugawara were both stunned, but very happy for their friend.

"Sounds nice! When would you prefer?" Bokuto asked, and chuckled lightly at the question still unanswered. Akaashi suddenly widened his eyes in realization and cringed at himself.

"I mean, in a few days or something. Whenever, really," Akaashi blindly suggested. Sugawara wouldn't rate that the best response ever. However, it was better than nothing.

"How about the day after tomorrow? At five?" Bokuto took the assertive role of actually pinning down a day and time. Akaashi nodded in agreement, to Sugawara and Daichi apparently.

"Works for me!" Akaashi beamed but concealed the rest of his excitement to meet Bokuto again.

"Great! I'll bring ingredients for my highly awaited cocktail," Bokuto insisted, to which Akaashi smiled in awe. He did look forward to trying it.

"Do that, I'll see you soon," Akaashi desperately contained his voice from sounding weirdly excited. His smile expressed the warmth surging in his entire being.

"I'll see you soon, Akaashi. Remember to have water easily accessible," Bokuto reminded him. Akaashi could only wonder what brought goodness to his heart.

"Do you take care of all your friends like this?" Akaashi chuckled lightly, though he needed to gulp. Not the time to start flirting now, was it?

"Ah, the ones that tolerate it. Tetsurou, I've given up on. A few dislike it since I sound like a parent or a know-it-all. I just feel better knowing my friends are safe," Bokuto thoughtfully replied.

Akaashi somehow felt slightly disappointed. It wouldn't be a bad thing to be special. Then, he felt stupid for even asking such a question. Having a crush blinded every hint of rationality, didn't it?

"Sorry, are you okay with me... taking responsibility? I don't want to sound annoying," Bokuto added. He must've thought of the question in a different context. Instantly, Akaashi cleared his throat and replied as fast as he could.

"No no, I'm not uncomfortable with it. It's very nice of you to take care of m- your friends," Akaashi glossed over the near slip. He could easily cover the slip-up by humming. The previous consonant was a common sound in humming anyway.

"Good! Then alright, feel free to let me know when you're home. Also have water accessible, just in case," Bokuto said so nonchalantly. His physical form was the only thing that could increase Akaashi's evolving crush. Looking at Bokuto's concerned, warm expression would cause him a heart attack.

Even Daichi and Sugawara smiled warmly at their interaction.

"I will, thank you for looking out for me. Have a nice sleep," Akaashi attempted to level up to Bokuto's care and empathy. He could only blame the alcohol for making the crush feel fifty times more intense.

"Have fun, sleep tight!" Bokuto wished in return before the two hung up nearly simultaneously.

Akaashi put his can on the table and decided to lay on the couch. His body couped all three seats, with his head on the soft armrest. He looked completely lost as his eyes met with the bright ceiling.

"You're crushing, badly," Daichi chuckled to himself, and unknowingly wrapped his arm around his fiance's waist. It was out of Akaashi's view, and he wasn't paying attention anyway.

Akaashi's drunken dreamworld proceeded to play, unbeknownst to the pair. At this point, he was just letting it sink in how he asked Bokuto to meet up.

Mission accomplished

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