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Wiersz O Ekologii Dla Niemowlęta - Kot Zefir I Skarby Przyrody - Bajki Zasypianki
Destruction of Universal Star Gate-12 would effectively seal off from Density-5 Founders Race protection, 11- dimensions of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and the manifest life field would become “imprisioned in time” for Fallen Angelic exploitation and dominion, unable to fulfill the natural evolutionary process of ascension. Those doing the AA Michael Fire Sword initiation will become metatronic. The fire sword initiation of AA Michael is a tool of Metatron to allow our chambers to get zapped with metatronic programming. To get rid of everyone on the planet. This is the core motivation behind the Fallen Angelics’ continuing Grail Quest. Prevention of the Anti-Christos Agenda (Fallen Angelics’ continuing Grail Quest) is the purpose for which the Angelic Human Race was created 560 million years ago. Toth and Enoch decided więc go wtedy fallen Luciferian agenda involved the Wesadek coding. Through Jesheua-12 the integrity of the Hebrew Melchizedek genetic imprint was restored, and he became known by some as the „savior” of the Jewish peoples for this reason. Sananda, and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek (herein Jesheua-12), who later became known as Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph.

This child was named Jeshewua (herein Jeshewua-9), and the stories of his birth to the Hebrew-Melchizedek Essene’s Mary and Joseph are recorded as the birth of Jesus in contemporary Christian doctrine. Through the centuries that followed the two avatars, the life stories of Jesheua-12 and Jeshewua-9, plus another man who was not an avatar, became consolidated into one personage called Jesus Christ. In i greater sense, Jesheua-12 became the savior for the races, for through his birth the Halls of Amenti could once again be opened. With the assistance of the Ra Confederacy the Ur-Terranates of the Covenant of Palaidor gestalt of consciousness/genetic and planetary morphogenetic field was entered into the remaining morphogenetic field of Earth through the 11th and 14th dimensions. With the birth of Jesheua-12, the 12th-level avatar, the Hebrew Melchizedek morphogenetic field in Alcyone was reintegrated into the Sphere Of Amenti. This 12th-level avatar was to realign the Sphere of Amenti and Alcyone morphogenetic field of the Templar Sealed Hebrew and Annu Melchizedeks, and he was intended to bring together the factions within the Essenes that had developed within the Melchizedek and Hebrew Cloisters.

Earth morphogenetic field. The Alcyone morphogenetic fields of Templar Melchizedeks and those that received the Templar-Axion Seal during Akhenaton’s reign and were stored in Sirius B, also needed to be reintegrated into the Sphere of Amenti. Despite klik of Akhenaton’s campaign, he had successfully reintegrated the Annu peoples into the Sphere of Amenti morphogenetic field, so a similar arrangement was made in reference to the Templar and Templar-Axion Sealed race families. The portions of the Amenti Sphere that had been trapped within Earth’s D-2 morphogenetic field, as a result of Akhenaton’s reign, were realigned and the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti was once again restored. The personages of Mary and Joseph were not the parents of this avatar child, they were the parents of a ninth-level avatar soon to follow. Thus, only the highest Ascending Humans can enter The Halls of Amenti and this serves as a perfect self-regulating device (which is no accident) and perfect self-regulating devices such as this exist throughout all worlds, times, planes, and dimensions of God’s Omniverse. An unascended human could not enter The Halls of Amenti without being destroyed by the much higher vibrational frequency of Amenti. In 7 BC the Elohim orchestrated the birth of a ninth-level avatar, who would serve to integrate the Templar-Axion Sealed souls of Sirius B, back into the Sphere of Amenti and restructure the patriarchal Templar creed to be more reflective of the Law of One.

He would also re-enter the original egalitarian Templar creed back into the teachings of the Essenes.. The entity Jehovah, who was one of the original contributors to the creation of the Sirian-Anunnaki races of HU-2, had worked with the Elohim since the time of the Treaty of El-Annu 848,000 years ago. Original human race was from Tara. Following the events of Akhenaton’s reign, the Elohim did not want knowledge of ET ancestry available to the general human populations, so the truth of Jeshewua’s birth was hidden within the story of the Immaculate Conception. Jeshewua was not born of an Immaculate Conception either, but rather through the visitation of an ET Nephilim, who, like King Melchizedek had been, was part of the entity named Jehovah. It was not an Immaculate Conception, but rather orchestrated via traditional means through a couple chosen and prepared by the Priests of Ur. They took enough people and animals to reseed when they came back up We all came through the Arc of the Covenant to get here.

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