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My long trip home to Thanksgiving is always informative. This is because I use this trick that I carry lectures.
This is what's been going on in my life recently. Although I'm not yet in university, but I am on the internet, I'm learning an abundance of knowledge that will help me with my next goal - becoming a Youtube star or Instagram influencer. You may laugh now, but I have already began my journey to this point and my followers total is nearly 1800 people. It's not much but I'm sure it will grow through positive thinking and exclusive articles that are packed with great ideas. It's possible to achieve anything if you make the effort, Nas said. His words have always been an motivation to me.

The long and tedious return trip to back home for the holidays was expected to be just as boring like any other. Because I am a large person, I do not like being in a small bus seat. So, this time I decided to outsmart the boredom. It's true! You're correct!

Here I am, getting ready for an eight hour bus journey. I'm thinking about what to do, how can I enjoy myself, or perhaps do some work. In any event, when I looked over the videos of my 3 lectures. youtube video saver There was almost 7hrs of just the listening materials. I wanted to save video on my iPad and so I simply listened to the lecture while I was on the bus to home for Thanksgiving. YouTube mp3 convert helped me to do exactly this.. I used only audio on the smartphone, because I have very little space there, and the audio lecture is just like podcast, plus nothing really visual happens in these lectures, everything is explained in terms of watching a person aged two to three years old. So it's fairly easy to grasp even if you're not actually watching but just listening. I downloaded the videos as mp3 files and set up my headphones. I used the cheap old headphones I owned, and didn't buy the latest Airpods for a price that was high.

I also downloaded YouTube videos and saved them as mp4 files on my iPad. It was very helpful during the first couple of hours. Video is amazing as it allows you to observe what's happening and what the instructor is doing. It's not an audiobook. However, mp3s can be smaller than MP4 video and I was unable to squeeze the entire seven hours of video onto my iPad. In addition, I did not want to watch the Hulu Season 2 of Family Guy that I had downloaded for this trip.

I was very pleased I had both video and audio recordings of the lectures. My iPad died within 2 hours. My phone then stepped in. I didn't pay attention to the lecture, I was just listening to the lecture. It got me all the way to where I wanted to go. It was easy to refresh the information I had learned on my travels, and then amaze my teacher by sharing my knowledge with the class. It's interesting to observe how technology can help you improve your knowledge. Youtube and other video storage sites provide infinite knowledge, with tutorials and DIY videos. It's something to think about.

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Regards; Team

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