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So You Want To Make Big Money In Casinos
So you want to make big money in casinos ?

You can learn how to gamble big on a variety of blogs. You won't lose anything if you follow my instructions.

While expatiating upon winning strategies, many self-proclaimed pro-gamblers may give you the illusion that there are easy and mathematical ways to beat casinos at their own games. Some will try to sell such strategies! But you often hear of a desperate soul throwing himself out of a window because of heavy losses, but you rarely meet people who do make money at gambling. While most players claim to have a winning strategy, their logic is flawed. This is an attempt to stimulate your critical eye. It's possible to give it a shot with your own money, but I strongly advise against it.

The pseudo-method refers to the game roulette. This game requires you to choose between black and red. The odds of getting either color are 18 to 37 because there is a slot with a green symbol. You have a chance of guessing right about 50%. This guarantees that the casino will make money long term. Mathematically speaking, the casino has an expectation of winning. Every time you guess right, you win the same amount as you bet.Otherwise, you lose your bet.

Imagine you have enough money to play with. One option is to wager $100 on the color red. You win and get $100 back. You lose, and you can bet again. This time, however, you will double your wagers to $200. This will guarantee you a $100 profit if your win. You get $400 but you've just lost $100. If you lose again, you bet once again, this time with $400. Repeating this process indefinitely will ensure you, at the moment you win, to get a $100 profit. Reasonably, you already know it shouldn't take long to get the color red. We've shown that it is easy to go to a casino and walk away with $100 more Also, wait for long numbers of black numbers to improve this method. This will increase your chances of getting a red number at the next turn (**).

The statements (*), (**) and above are fundamentally flawed. However, it's not shameful to recognize the errors if you don’t have a scientific mind. As usual, I will let you ponder over these problems for a while and will give away the explanation in another related thread. It is important to remember that casinos, bookmakers, lottery operators, etc., cannot be fooled. Although these entities may offer a slice of paradise, they rarely result in winnings. People lose more often that they win. For those who depend on these structures to make their fortune, this is the reality. Losses are just an arbitrage or price comparison between the expected probability of winning and the actual one.

Can gambling debts ever be paid off?


The lottery house will keep your gambling debts if you don't pay them back. Some people have been successful in getting the lottery collectors on board to declare bankruptcy. This is expensive and can lead to a financial disaster. You can try to convince the courts you aren't broke but this is against the law. It is very unlikely that your house judgment will be reversed. This would require a significant amount of legal fees and paper.

So, the bets look like they will be coming your way, so get out there and place your stake!
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