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a. Vehicle Inspections. Upon arrival to the supporting activity, all explosives laden vehicles will be the subject of a vehicle inspection. Due to this mandatory requirement, supporting activities shall ensure vehicle inspectors maintain current qualifications.

b. Packaging. Every effort shall be made by the supported unit to retain original packing material and return assets as close to factory pack as possible. Failure to do so may result in a NAVMC 11865, discrepancy report or a request for investigation to the parent command.

c. Documentation. The supported unit shall arrive with the original DD Form 1348-1A's for their assets. The original document is needed in order to credit the receipt to the unit's allocation. A supporting activity may require the supported unit to arrive with a completed DD Form 1348-1A "turn-in" document. If so, the quantity may be left blank if there is concern that the supporting activity may reclassify a certain quantity.

(1) DD Form 1348-1A Receipt Document. The original 1348-1A will be utilized to verify all turn-in documentation. The following sections on the Receipt DD Form 1348-1A will be verified for correctness:

(a) Left Side of DD Form 1348-1A.

1. RP 1-3 (DIC). The DIC is a three-digit code which indicates the purpose and use of the document (i.e., issues, receipts, vouchers etc.).

2. RP 22-24 (Unit of Issue). The Unit of Issue is an abbreviation describing the standard unit under which material is ordered and issued.

3. RP 25-29 (Quantity). The quantity will be left blank until after the ASP has completed two matching inventories.

4. RP 71 (Supply Condition Code). The condition code will be left blank until the ASP has completed sentencing procedures to determine condition of ammunition.

5. RP 30-43 (Document Number). The document number will be the same as the original 1348-1A issue document with the addition of a suffix added to the end of the document number. If multiple condition codes of ammunition are being turned in each document will require a different suffix.

6. RP 8-22 (NSN). FSC will be entered in RP (8-11) and the NIIN will be entered in positions 12-20.

7. RP 27 (Additional Data). The lot number (s) to be issued are entered under additional data. The supported unit ammunition technician will sign/date beneath the lot number(s).

(b) Right Side of DD Form 1348-1A.

8. RP 2 (Ship From). Unit turning in ammunition.

9. RP 3 (Ship To). Unit receiving ammunition (ASP).

10. RP 5 (Doc Date). Date of document preparation.

11. RP 10 (Qty Rec’d). The quantity will be left blank until after the ASP has completed two matching inventories.

12. RP 16 (Freight Classification Nomenclature). DODIC of ammunition being issued.

13. RP 17 (Item Nomenclature). Nomenclature of ammunition being issued.

14. RP 22/RP 23 (Received by/Date Received). Signature of individual accepting the ammunition and date of turn-in.

(2) DD Form 1907 Signature and Tally Record. For SRC I returning shipments (If required). Ensure that chain of custody of Security Risk Category I munitions was maintained at all times.


a. Segregation and Inspection. All class V(W) returned to the supporting activity must be properly inspected and segregated prior to transfer to site approved storage locations. After initial processing, assets will be segregated by:

(1) DODIC.

(2) Lot Number.

(3) Condition Code.

b. Material Inspection. The Field-Return Ammunition Inspection Guide is a tool to assist ASP personnel during the inspection of munitions being returned by supported units prior to acceptance for storage. The information for each item was derived from technical documents used during design, manufacture, and in-service surveillance evaluations of ammunition. The following guidelines are provided for receipt of field-returned material:

(1) With the exception of factory-sealed boxes, container, or original packaging, all field-returned material shall be thoroughly inspected to ensure that the ammunition is safe for storage and transportation.

(2) Follow local ASP procedures for additional inspection, safety, and handling guidelines. An inspection criteria table for the outer container, inner container, and individual item are provided along with an inspection checklist.

(3) Local ASP procedures will dictate what action to take when a deficiency is found.

(4) The Field-Return Ammunition Inspection Guide, including the inspection criteria tables and checklists, are included on the disk, as well as the MAKE website. Activities requesting to be added to the distribution list should submit requests to [email protected].

c. Material Sentencing.

(1) Ammunition Condition Codes (C/C).

(a) General. Ammunition Condition Codes (C/C) are the means for identifying the serviceability of ammunition in the current inventory. In order to satisfy the needs of all users of C/Cs they must be assigned correctly. Any error in the assignment of the codes will have an adverse effect on safety, performance, availability, efficiency and/or readiness measurement.

(b) Purpose. C/Cs are used for the following:

1. Item Identification. C/Cs are mandatory entries on Material Condition Tags/Labels and on item identification barcode labels. These tags and labels (with the appropriate C/Cs entered on them) provide the means to differentiate between items of different serviceability. The bar-coded labels also make it possible to transfer serviceability data directly into stock records using optical scanning or other technology, eliminating more costly and error prone manual data entry.

2. Reclassification. C/Cs are the principal element of Notices of Ammunition Reclassification (NAR). When a NAR directs reclassification as unserviceable, suspended or limited use, or directs reclassification to return unserviceable or suspended assets to serviceable condition, the direction identifies a specific C/C to be assigned.

3. Transfer Documents. C/Cs are mandatory entries on transfer documents, e.g., DD Form 1348-1A (Issue Release/Receipt Document). These “shipping documents” transfer identification, quantity and serviceability information from the shipping activity to the destination activity.

4. Stock Records. C/Cs are mandatory data elements in the Retail Ordnance Logistics Management System (ROLMS) or any other stock record system used to record or control ammunition stocks. This data is the controlling record of the serviceability of the ammunition held.

5. Transaction Reports. C/Cs are mandatory data elements for all Ammunition Transaction Reports (ATR) and Transaction Item Reports (TIR) to OIS-W/OIS-MC. These transaction reports are required for all ammunition receipts, issues, expenditures, gains, losses, assembly, disassembly, reconfiguration, reclassification, and re-identification of stock. The C/C data in these reports provides OIS-W/OIS-MC with data on the current serviceability of all ammunition in inventory.

(2) Sentencing Criteria. C/Cs are assigned to individual items (and to populations of individual items) as a result of sentencing inspections performed in accordance with approved criteria. The C/C definitions and amplification provided in Section D-3.3 are not sufficient, alone, for use as this criteria; sentencing criteria are specific to the ammunition items being sentenced and to the process wherein the inspections are performed. C/Cs must not be assigned for purposes other than to identify current serviceability and status.

(a) Receipt, Storage and Issue. Sentencing criteria for receipt, storage and issue processes are provided in NAVSUP P-805. NOTE: Sentencing criteria for receipt, storage and issue processes have a limited capability to make final classification determinations due to time, facility capability and safety constraints. When such final determinations cannot be made during receipt, storage or issue processing, subsequent additional processing is required. For 0T, 2E and 2T (cognizance symbol) ammunition, segregation processing and the application of additional criteria are required. For all other ammunition, maintenance processing and the application of additional criteria are required.

1. Receipt inspection criteria is limited to specific characteristics for ammunition whose classification is subject to have changed as a result of exposure to the in-service environment, as a result of reclassification direction, or due to other changes that may have occurred since the ammunition was last classified. These criteria, when all are satisfied, provide for certifying (or verifying) the Serviceable (Issuable Without Qualification), C/C A, condition of ammunition received. In addition, these criteria, when any are not satisfied, specify the C/C and D/C to be assigned.

(b) Relationship to Defect Codes. A C/C has only a limited capability to identify the underlying reason for its assignment and no capability to identify specific defects or other conditions that may apply. D/Cs provide this information. D/Cs either identify the specific reason for a C/C assignment, identify specific defects or other conditions that exist, or both.

(3) Ammunition Defect Codes (D/C).

(a) No D/C. Per the definition, the purpose of D/Cs is to “complement and/or supplement C/Cs by identifying specific reasons for C/C assignment and/or identifying specific defects or conditions.” For C/C M (Suspended - In Work) no complementation or supplementation is required; the information provided by the C/C alone is sufficient; however, D/Cs identified with items prior to their identification as C/C “M” may continue to be associated with the items until the “in work” processing is completed and the items are assigned the appropriate C/Cs. For C/C A (Serviceable – Issuable Without Qualification) no complementation or supplementation is needed in a great majority of cases. In these cases no D/C (blank field) is appropriate. There are circumstances, however, when a D/C is appropriate for C/C A.

(b) Single D/C. For ammunition that is any C/C other than C/C A or C/C M, at least one D/C is always required. In the majority of cases a single D/C will provide the necessary information.

(c) Two D/Cs. Two D/Cs can be assigned to a single item or to a quantity of items (of the same lot number).

1. A second D/C should be assigned when more than one Defect/Special Remark Code applies and the additional Defect/Special Remarks Code identifies either an unsafe condition, a physical security deficiency, a Processing Deficiency, or a Special Remark, that is independent from the C/C and first D/C combination.

2. A second D/C should be assigned when a status (Status Code) applies that is independent from the C/C and first D/C combination, or when a classification (Classification Code) applies that is independent from the C/C and first D/C combination.

(d) Relationship to Condition Codes. Per the definition, the purpose of D/Cs is to “complement and/or supplement C/Cs by identifying specific reasons for C/C assignment and/or identifying specific defects or conditions.” Accordingly, D/Cs do not “stand alone;” they have meaning only in relation to a specific C/C with which they are assigned.

(4) Ammunition Defect Code Structure.

(a) D/C Structure. D/Cs are six-character, alphanumeric codes that are constructed in four parts as follows:

XXXXXX Complete, six-character Defect Code

X Status Code – First character

XX Component Code – Second and Third Characters

X Classification Code – Fourth Character

XX Defect/Special Remark Code – Fifth and Sixth Characters

1. Status. The first part is a single alpha or numeric character called “Status” Code. It is the first of the six characters. Its purpose is to identify the action required to determine true condition or to change the current condition when the C/C alone does not provide this identification. (Status Codes, para D-4.3.2, pgs. 22-23)

2. Component. The second part consists of two alpha-characters called “Component” Code. It is the second and third of the six characters. Its purpose is to identify the subassembly, component or part (including packaging) of an item which is defective or which is the subject of a “Defect/Special Remark” Code. (Component Codes, para D-4.3.3, pgs. 24-25)

3. Classification. The third part is a single alpha or numeric character called “Classification” Code. It is the fourth of the six characters. Its purpose is to identify the nature of qualifications on serviceability, including restrictions or limitations on storage, movement, issue or use. (Classification Codes, para D-4.3.4, pg. 26)

4. Defect/Special Remark. The fourth part is a two-character code called “Defect/Special Remark” Code. It is the last two of the six characters. Defect/Special Remark Codes consist of numeric characters (two numbers) or numeric-alpha characters (a number followed by a letter). Their purpose is to identify specific defects or other factors (special remarks) applicable to the material condition or status. (Defect/Special Remark codes, para D-4.3.4, pgs. 27-30)

5. Note. Specific codes that are unique to or for application by other services are included (but are identified as (“NOT FOR USN/USMC USE”) and their definition/amplification are in italic text. Where appropriate, the codes appropriate for Navy and Marine Corps ammunition are identified.

d. Materiel Preparation/Packaging. Once the materiel has been properly segregated and inspected, two separate verifiers will inventory the material. Local SOPs will be established to detail the appropriate steps taken when inventories do not match. If the inventories match, the containers will be repackaged and prepared for transfer to an approved storage location. All ammunition containers shall be marked in accordance with references MCO 8025.1E and MIL-STD-129. Block 22 of the DD Form 1348-1A may be signed and the supported unit/shipper released. At no time shall a supporting activity receipt for material that has not been verified by a minimum of two individuals.


a. Segregations Section. When all turn-in requirements have been met, (i.e. vehicle inspected, documentation, etc.) ASP segregations personnel will then escort the using unit ammunition technician and the explosive laden vehicle(s) to the appropriate location(s) within the ASP storage section.

(1) Once at the appropriate storage section, asset markings will be cross-referenced against the supporting documentation and two separate inventories on the turn-in ammunition will be conducted. The F will accept the ammunition when both inventories match.

(2) When all turn-in ammunition has been accepted by the ASP storage section, the using unit ammunition technician and vehicles will be escorted back to the segregations section. The using unit ammunition technician will be given copies of all turn-in 1348-1As prior to departing the ASP. Copies of the documents will also be given to the records section for processing in an Automated Information System.

b. Storage Section.

(1) Returning Assets to Stock.

(a) Upon receipt of a DD Form 1348-1A, assets are-located by DODIC, Lot Number, and Condition Code

(b) Once located, the assets are inventoried. The results of this inventory are known as a "Beginning Balance On-Hand" or BBOH. The BBOH is annotated on DD Form 1348-1A. It's recommended the count is verified prior to documenting the BBOH.

(c) Upon completion of BBOH inventories, the material returned is now added to the stack.

(d) Once the assets have been placed on the stack, an "After Balance On-Hand” or ABOH inventory is conducted. The ABOH is annotated on the DD Form 1348-1A. It's recommended the count is verified prior to documenting the ABOH.

(e) Once the BBOH and ABOH have been annotated on the DD Form 1348-1A, both the first counter and the verifier will sign the DD Form 1348-1A. The magazine data card will be annotated to reflect the turn-in.

(f) The document will be given to the Records section for verification against asset records. If the BOH is incorrect, the storage section will be required to conduct additional inventories until the BOH is correct.

(g) If the materiel returned creates a situation where there are two lite cans/non-standard pack(s), the material will be moved to a facility site approved for the conduct of explosives operations and consolidated and re-marked as required by local SOP.

(h) Hazard Class/Division 1.4 ammunition may be repackaged in the storage area if the area is limited to 1.4 storage only.

(2) Application of Material Condition Code Tags/Labels/2DBC Labels.

(a) Marine Corps class V(W) ASPs are not required to apply/maintain Material Condition Code Tags/Labels/2DBC Labels on ammunition while held in the ASP or when issued for use to the end user (supported unit).

(b) Prior to shipment/transfer to another DOD military service or other primary/secondary stock point (ASP), application of Material Condition Code Tags/Labels/2DBC Labels are required per reference NAVSUP P-805.

(3) Traceable Seals. Although encouraged, Marine Corps class V(W) ASPs are not required to utilize traceable seals on ammunition while held in the ASP or when issued for use to-the end-user (supported unit). However, prior to shipment/transfer to another DOD military service or other primary/secondary stock point (ASP), application of the traceable seal is required. Reference (n) provides more detailed guidance on the application of traceable seals.

(a) Seal Composition. All Type 1 Traceable Seals applied to ammunition containers shall consist of aluminum disks or pellets and wire combinations. Lead disks or pellets are no longer authorized for use regardless of remaining available supplies. Containers previously sealed (prior to 1 October 2002) with other than aluminum seals are acceptable provided that the seal wires are intact (providing a serviceable seal) and the seal includes an activity symbol or identifier. Seals with an activity symbol or identifier not completely legible due to surface damage, wear, or corrosion will continue to be accepted and do not require replacement provided all other sentencing criteria is met.

(b) Type 1 Seals. Type 1 seals are the preferred seals for containers having provisions or means for application of the seals, e.g., metal, plastic, fiberglass or wood containers with lids or hinged covers, latches, brackets or flanges. A type 1 seal is typically a wire length with an aluminum disk or pellet crimped or crushed using a die that imprints the activity symbol or identifier on one side of the disk with an individual's traceable serial number on the reverse side.

(c) Type 2 Seals. Type 2 seals are the preferred seals for fiberboard or foam type containers or for metal, plastic, fiberglass or wood containers that will not readily accept type 1 seals. Type 2 seals are typically nonmetallic labels with pressure sensitive backing. They may be pre-printed, stamped, or marked with the activity symbol or identifier. Preprinting of individual inspector indicators is not authorized.

(d) Traceable Seal Activity Identifier (Type 1). Type 1 traceable seals applied by supporting activities shall be crimped with die-sets that produce the activity UIC on one side of the crimped disk/pellet and a numeric or alpha-numeric identifier on the other side to identify the individual assigned the die set.

(e) Personnel Requirement. There are no minimum rank/grade requirements for the assignment of seal presses.


a. Inspection. Upon receiving commercial shipments, the Segregations section will check the condition of the vehicle, seals, ammunition and explosives for damage, dunnage condition and placards prior to unloading and releasing the vehicle from the ASP.

b. Discrepancies. Any variation in assets received from data shown on the receipt shipping documents which are not the result of a transportation discrepancy or product quality deficiency.

c. Reporting Discrepancies. The Transportation Discrepancy Report (TDR), DD Form 361, shall be used for reporting over, short, astray, loss of, or damage to shipments; improper loading, or blocking or bracing of the load; improper handling by carrier; improper placard; and other transportation discrepancies. Shipping (item) discrepancies and packing/packaging/ marking discrepancies attributable to the shipper are identified as supply discrepancies, and are reported on a Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) using the SF-364, Report of Discrepancy.

d. Reporting Method. The Supporting activities will utilize the Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP)/SDR application to submit SDRs for applicable discrepancies. Submit all SDR's via the PDREP/SDR module,

e. Off load and Inventory. Once the shipment has been inspected and any discrepancies annotated, the shipment will be escorted to the appropriate storage section for offload. The ammunition will be downloaded from the vehicle and segregated by DODIC and lot number. Once all ammunition has been downloaded, it will be inventoried by designated personnel utilizing a commercial vehicle inventory sheet. Inventory sheets, along with shipping documents will be turned into the Records section for verification. If the inventories and documents do not match, additional inventories and causative research will be conducted.
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