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a. General Procedures. The Class V(W) Expenditure Report (NAVMC 11381) is used to document all expenditures of class V(W) assets. This form will be completed at the range by the OIC and the ammunition technician/handler, to include signatures of both parties, prior to any ammunition leaving the range for transport to the supporting ammunition storage activity (e.g. ammunition supply point (ASP)).

(1) The Range OIC must certify the receipt and expenditure data is accurate on the NAVMC 11381. The Range OIC signature on the NAVMC 11381 certifies the quantities listed on the form to be accurate.

(2) All NAVMC 11381s are finalized on the range after the exercise is completed and before any unused ammunition is returned to the supporting ammunition storage activity.

b. NAVMC 11381 Expenditure Report Example.

c. Expenditure Report Data Entry. The NAVMC 11381 Expenditure Report is completed as follows:

(1) From. Enter the billet of the individual accepting responsibility. Range OIC or EOD are required entries.

(2) Print Name. Print the name of the individual accepting responsibility.

(3) Rank. Rank of the individual accepting responsibility.

(4) UIC. Enter the UIC of the unit accepting responsibility.

(5) Unit. Enter the unit name. For example, 2d Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment.

(6) Phone Number. Enter the phone number of the individual accepting responsibility.

(7) Range/Training Area and date. Enter the range/training area and date(s) for the expenditure.

(8) Receipt Document Number. Enter the document number from the original receipt document.

(9) DODIC. Enter the DODIC from the original receipt document.

(10) Nomenclature. Enter the nomenclature from the original receipt document.

(11) Lot Number/Serial Number. Enter the lot/serial number from the original receipt document. Note all serial numbers for serialized munitions are annotated on the issue/receipt documents and- are to be attached to the expenditure.

(12) Qty Received. Enter the quantity received at the training range/area. Note all serial numbers for serialized munitions are annotated on the issue/receipt documents and are to be attached to the expenditure report with a copy of the expenditure message (if applicable).

(13) Qty Expended. Enter the quantity expended throughout the training evolution.

(14) Qty Returned (Serviceable). Enter the quantity of serviceable material returned to the supporting activity.

(a) Serviceable turn-ins are ammunition with a condition code of A, B, C, or N.

(b) All unexpended class V(W) will be returned using the same document number as the initial issue document using a suffix (example M1100010010001A).

(15) Qty Returned (Unserviceable/Suspended). Enter the quantity of unserviceable material returned to the supporting activity.

(a) Unserviceable returns are ammunition with condition codes of E, F, G, and H.

(b) Suspended returns are ammunition with condition codes of J and K.

(c) All unexpended class V(W) will be returned using the same document number as the initial issue document using a suffix (example M1100010010001A).

(16) Propellant Increments (if applicable). Enter the quantity of unused propellant increments that were burned on ranges per Individual Training Standards. Additionally, print the name, rank, and provide a signature for the individual responsible for the supervision of the burn.

(17) OIC Certification. Upon completion of the training evolution, the OIC will certify "the receipt/expenditure data listed on the report is accurate and the "Qty Expended" as listed above was consumed on the range/training area as documented." Additionally, the OIC will certify that "a range sweep/amnesty brief was conducted and all expended ammunition retrograde material was checked for dangerous/hazardous items."

(18) Ammo Tech or Authorized Individual Certification. Upon completion of the training evolution, the ammunition technician or authorized individual will certify that "I have received the quantities of ammunition listed above and completed the turn-in documents (if applicable) for any unexpended class

V(W) and returned the unexpended assets to an authorized storage activity."

(19) A&E Audit and Verification Officer. The A&E AVO will certify they have audited the NAVMC 11381 expenditure report against all receipt and return documentation (DD Form 1348-lA's) and annotate whether corrective action is/is not required.

d. Submission Timelines.

(1) The NAVMC 11381 shall be:

(a) Completed at the training area in cases where class V(W) is being returned to a supporting activity.

(b) Completed within 48 hours after the training event in cases where all class V(W) has been expended.

(c) Verified by the A&E AVO within 7 working days.

(d) Verified by the A&E AVO within 30 working days in training events considered exercise support.

(2) Expenditures/Training events must be reconciled in TAMIS within 10 working days of completion.

e. Serialized Expenditure Reporting. Due to their portability, lethality, and potential threat should they fall into the hands of unauthorized individuals or groups, serialized class V(W) items require more stringent accountability controls than non-serialized items.

(1) TAMIS Users. In addition to the NAVMC 11381 expenditure reporting process detailed in this chapter, supported units-utilizing TAMIS shall certify and verify the expenditure of serialized assets using the reports and reconciliation processes in TAMIS.

(2) Non-TAMIS Users. In addition to the NAVMC 11381 expenditure reporting process detailed in this chapter, supported units not utilizing TAMIS shall follow the below procedures for reporting serialized expenditures:

(a) Expenditure reports shall be submitted within 72 hours of exercise completion to COMMARCORSYSCOM QUANTICO VA AMMO (UC) via priority message, with info copy to MARINE CORPS PROGRAMS FALLBROOK CA, NAVSURFWARCENDIV CRANE IN (JXMQ) and the appropriate chain of command.

(b) Units reporting expenditures shall include sequential report numbers to facilitate the tracking of reports. This will ensure all reports are received from a supported unit. An example report number would be (1-13) where the “1-“denotes first report of the fiscal year and the “13” denotes the last two digits of the reporting fiscal year.

(c) Serialized Expenditure Report Example.

f. Retention. Class V(W) Expenditure Reports (NAVMC 11381) are maintained by FY and retained for 10 years (3 years active & 7 years archived) as of the closing date of the expenditure. For those expenditure reports (NAVMC 11381) which correspond to ammunition maintained on NAVMC 10774s, the retention period shall be three years from placement of NAVMC 10774 in the inactive file.


a. Malfunction Definition. Failure of an ammunition item to function in accordance with the design, intent, and expected performance when fired, launched, or otherwise employed as specified. Malfunctions include abnormal or premature functioning of an item as a result of normal handling, maintenance, storage, transportation, or tactical employment. Ammunition malfunctions do not include incidents resulting from negligence, improper use as intended, user error, etc. However, reporting of these incidents is required since they provide useful data in evaluating future incidents (Para 5.e(4), pg. 7).

b. Malfunction Reporting Instructions.

(1) All ammunition malfunctions are to be reported.

(2) Malfunctions of all types are monitored by the Marine Corps System Command (MARCORSYSCOM), Program Manager for Ammunition (AM) to provide a basis for appropriate action to determine cause of the failure. It is imperative that malfunction reports contain accurate information regarding the specific ammunition lot number(s) and all components involved. A complete description of the circumstances surrounding the malfunction shall be provided.

(3) Malfunctions shall be reported as indicated in the two categories below:

(a) Malfunctions involving injuries/fatalities/weapons damage or resulting in a local suspension will be telephonically reported immediately to MARCORSYSCOM,(PM Ammo) DSN 378-8756 or commercial (703) 432-8756 during working hours, and to the Headquarters Marine Corps, Operations/Command Center (DSN) 225-5454 or commercial (703) 695-5454 during non-working hours. This is essential to ensure that other Marines training with like ammunition worldwide are protected from possible further injuries. Additionally, the written malfunction report must be submitted via naval message within 24 hours of the incident. The initial telephonic report does not negate the requirement for submission of the required Naval Message submission.

(b) All other malfunctions not involving injuries/fatalities/weapons damage (i.e. duds, misfires) shall be reported via Naval Message within 96 hours of the malfunction. In the event that Naval Messaging is not available, Malfunction Reports in the format provided will be submitted via Email to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] and [email protected].

(4) The malfunction report will provide information on the elements contained in paragraphs 4(a)(l) through 4(a)(8), as they relate to the particular malfunction being reported. In case of multiple malfunctions, separate reports shall be submitted for each malfunctioning ammunition lot number. All malfunctions occurring on the same day and with the same ammunition lot number shall be reported on one report. It is recognized that not all of the elements indicated will be applicable to every malfunction.

(5) Submission of the initial malfunction report shall not be delayed due to non-availability of all pertinent information. A supplemental report should be submitted via Naval Message (annotated “Class V(W) Malfunction Report-Supplemental on the report subject line) in those instances when all of the data is not available for inclusion in the initial report or at any time when additional facts, details, or revisions are uncovered after the initial report has been submitted. At a minimum, the initial report must contain information identifying The Ammunition Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC), National Stock Number (NSN), Lot Number, serial number is applicable and preliminary details of the malfunction. It is recognized that, in the case of certain malfunctions, it would be virtually impossible to gather all of the pertinent details and report within the time periods established above for submission of the malfunction report. In these cases, referencing the initial report, a supplemental report shall be submitted within 5 working days of the malfunction.

(6) Utilizing NAVMC 11893 Ammunition Malfunction Report, aids the command and personnel in the collection of data and timely processing of malfunction data. This form however, does not negate the requirements for malfunction reporting required within MCO P5102.1B with regards to the telephonic notification or the naval message traffic identified in paragraphs 2.b.(3)(a) and 2.b.(3)(b).

c. Report Format and Data Elements.

(1) Unit Identification. Unit Name, Reporting Unit Code (RUC), Point of Contact (POC) name, telephone number, and email address.

(2) Ammunition Data. Provide the following:

(a) NSN, DODIC, Nomenclature, and ammunition lot number of the complete end item and the lot numbers of assembled major components, if identifiable. Include serial numbers when reporting rockets and missiles.

(b) Statement as the condition of the round and packaging prior to firing/employment.

(c) Total number of rounds from the malfunctioning lot(s) remaining on hand or returned to the local ASP.

(d) Total number of rounds fired (attempted) from the lot(s) on the day of the malfunction.

(e) Total number of rounds which malfunctioned.

(3) Weapon Data.

(a) Indicate the weapon’s nomenclature, model, & serial number for artillery weapons, also include the serial number and manufacturer of the gun and breech ring.

(b) Statement as to the condition of the weapon prior to the malfunction and the date of the last overhaul, to include data on timing and headspace of actual gage check.

(c) Description of the weapon after malfunction. If the weapon is damaged, transmit photographs under separate cover.

(d) Number of rounds fired from the weapon on the day of the malfunction.

(e) For weapons 40MM or over (except rocket launchers and missiles), indicate the total number of rounds fired prior to the malfunction. If the tube is damaged, provide the pullover gage reading and/or number of effective full-charge (EFC) rounds fired as defined in the appropriate Technical Manual(s). If the tube is destroyed, indicate the last pullover gage reading and/or the number of EFC rounds fired as noted in the gun book.

(f) Elevation, zone in which fired, length of recoil, and range to target.

(g) Statement as to whether the muzzle was close enough to the ground (dug in) to permit the entry of foreign material.

(h) Number of weapons firing the reported ammunition on the day of the malfunction and, if applicable, the number of malfunctions per weapon.

(i) If malfunction occurs on multiple weapons, list each weapons data separately.

(4) Description of the Malfunction. Narrative description of what occurred, describe the location of the malfunction in relation to weapon and/or personnel involved, and indicate the number of casualties sustained.

(5) If the Malfunction was a Premature Detonation. Indicate the following:

(a) High or low order.

(b) Distance detonation occurred from the muzzle or end of launcher.

(c) Obstructions in the line of fire or in the weapon tube.

(d) Fuze setting.

(e) Evidence of unburned propellant or residue in the tube.

(f) Deviations from instructions in the Technical or Field Manual (s).

(6) Prevailing Conditions. Provide the following information:

(a) Time, date, and weather conditions.

(b) Terrain at the scene of the malfunction.

(c) Type of target.

(d) Electronically initiated ammunition.

(7) Storage Conditions. Describe the storage conditions:

(a) Prior to operation.

(b) Prior to firing/employment.

(8) Remarks.

(a) Local suspension imposed.

(b) Supplemental report is anticipated.

(c) Availability/location remaining components.

(d) Any other data considered germane.

d. Distribution. Malfunction reports shall be distributed to the activities listed in MCO 8025.1_ enclosure (5). Supplemental reports, if required, shall also be distributed to these activities and will make reference to initial report. Malfunction reports shall continue to be submitted under any circumstance.

e. Reference. Ammunition Malfunction Data Collection Guide summarizes those facts that must be gathered at the scene of a malfunction to enhance report accuracy. Each Officer and Staff Noncommissioned Officer involved in the expenditure of ammunition should carry this card. Form NAVMC 10155 (wallet-size) is available in the supply system under stock number 0109LF06322100.


a. Defect Definition. An imperfection which may prevent an item from functioning as intended or result in a malfunction. Defects include, but are not limited to, cracked cartridge case; loose primer; missing safety pin; deteriorated or leaking propellant bags or containers; presence of excessive rust/corrosion; and obvious external damage, etc. (Para 5.e(3), pg. 7).

b. Defect Reporting Instructions.

(1) Occasionally, ammunition is encountered with obvious, readily noticeable defects; such as mortar ignition cartridges with high primers, artillery/tank rounds with cracked cartridge cases, grenades with missing safety pins, deteriorated/leaking propellant bags or containers, and dented/rusty/corroded small arms cartridges. Employment of defective ammunition may result in casualties and/or damage to equipment. Accordingly, the use of defective ammunition is prohibited. All defective ammunition after being certified safe to store/transport by EOD, shall be returned to the supporting Ammunition Supply Point for retention.

(2) Defective ammunition shall be retained for possible evaluation/investigation and reported to Marine Corps Systems Command Program Manager for Ammunition MARCORSYSCOM (PM Ammo) utilizing the same distribution list provided for Malfunction Reports. Additionally, Ammunition Supply Points may locally reclassify the entire lot in question and segregate defective items, depending on the significance of the defect(s) noted. Defect reports in the following format, shall be submitted by Naval message within 5 days of the defect identification. All data collection regarding defect reporting should be conducted on NAVMC 11894 Defect Report. This form does not negate the reporting requirements listed above and is utilized in addition to all current reporting means.

(a) A report must be submitted by the supporting ASP within 24 hours each time an entire lot is locally suspended from use.

(b) In the event that Naval Messaging is not available, Defect Reports in the format provided will be submitted via Email to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] and [email protected].

c. Report Format and Data Elements.

(1) Unit Identification. Unit Name, Reporting Unit Code (RUC), Point of Contact (POC) name, telephone number, and email address.

(2) Ammunition Data. Provide the following:

(a) NSN, DODIC, Nomenclature, and ammunition lot number of the complete end item and the lot numbers of assembled major components, if identifiable. Include serial numbers when reporting rockets and missiles.

(3) Defect Description. Provide a complete narrative description of the discovered defect, but not limited to the following:

(a) Date of Discovery.

(b) Circumstances of the discovery.

(c) Was factory seal intact?

(d) Condition of outer/inner packaging?

(4) Local Action Implemented. Explain all actions taken to identify the defect and safely store and/or transport the ammunition. Indicate local action taken on defective lot.

(5) Available Inventory. Report defective quantity and total quantity remaining on hand of defective lot in question, if available.

(6) Historical Information. Activity from which lot(s) received, quantity received and date received (if known). An example NAVMC 11894 Defect Report and Naval Message Defect Report are seen below:


a. Definitions.

(1) Missing. Item(s) that are not in their proper place and cannot be readily accounted for.

(2) Lost. Item(s) that cannot be accounted for. An item would be considered lost in a fire, flood or some other type of disaster.

(3) Stolen. An item that is either missing or lost under circumstances indicating the possibility of criminal activity.

(4) Recovered. An item of material that is found, gained by inventory, or recovered after previously being reported as missing, lost, or stolen

b. Missing, Lost, Stolen, Recovered (MLSR) Reporting Instructions. The MLSR reporting system was designed to enable the Marine Corps to centrally track material losses and to identify trends and areas where security enhancements may be required.

(1) Unit commanders and military police agencies will promptly receive all pertinent information concerning losses of government property. Physical security deficiencies and operating practices that contributed to such losses must be investigated and corrective action taken.

(2) MLSR reporting assists the provost marshal in determining the adequacy of command loss prevention and physical security programs, and enables Marine Corps-wide statistics on all formal account adjustments to be accumulated by CMC (LPC-2).

(3) MLSR reports do not waive the accountability requirements for loss/gain reports prescribed by other Marine Corps directives, nor for causative research and vouchering requirements prescribed by references MCO P4400.150_, MCO P4400.151_, and DOD 4140.1-R.

(4) MLSR reports are required only if actual gains or losses have occurred.

(5) MLSR reports will be generated as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours after the occurrence. Report Control Number DD-5530-01 is assigned to this reporting requirement. Delayed reporting will include the reason for the delay (e.g., loss discovered during deployment, geographic separation of the responsible officer from the commanding officer for 5 days prevented prompt submission of the report). If an MSLR was submitted and further research revealed an administrative error, then an additional MLSR is required to be submitted to correct the reported error.

(6) A thorough investigation will be made of missing, lost, or stolen AA&E to determine the circumstances and to correct responsibilities as appropriate. Inventory and accountability losses must be investigated thoroughly. BEFORE ANY LOSS CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO AN INVENTORY OR ACCOUNTABILITY DISCREPANCY, IT MUST BE STERMINED THROUGH INVESTIGATION THAT THE LOSS WAS NOT A RESULT OF THEFT OR MISAPPROPRIATION. Under no circumstance will investigative reports for AA&E identify “inventory” or “accounting” error as a probable cause for missing AA&E until NCIS or command investigation so indicates.

c. MLSR Reportable Items. (Appendix L) The loss, theft, recovery, or inventory adjustment of the following shall be reported by MLSR message as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours:

(1) One or more missile or rocket rounds;

(2) Over 1,000 rounds or more of ammunition smaller than 20mm;

(3) Individual rounds of 20mm and larger ammunition;

(4) Any fragmentation, concussion, or high explosive grenades including artillery or ground burst simulators, or other type of simulator or device containing explosive material;

(5) One or more mines (antipersonnel and antitank);

(6) Demolition explosives and explosive detonators including detonation cord, DETA sheet, explosive cutting tape, flexible linear shaped charges, blocks of explosives (C-4, TNT), other explosives, and blasting caps.

(7) Armed robberies or attempted armed robberies of AA&E facilities;

(8) Forced entries or attempted forced entries into AA&E facilities;

(9) Evidence of terrorist involvement in the theft of AA&E;

(10) Incidents involving AA&E that cause significant news coverage, or appear to have the potential to cause such coverage;

(11) Evidence of trafficking or bartering involving AA&E, illegal drugs, etc. regardless of quantity of AA&E involved.

d. Reporting Procedures. (Appendix M)

(1) An INITIAL report will be submitted as soon as a loss or recovery of a sensitive item is discovered, not to exceed 48 hours. The fact can be established by discovery of an incident, receipt of a loss claim, completion of an inventory, or by any other means. A FINAL report will not be submitted until completion of all appropriate financial, administrative, investigative, survey, and disciplinary action. A SUPPLEMENTAL report may be submitted to provide any additional pertinent information whenever a FINAL report has previously been submitted.

(2) FINAL and SUPPLEMENTAL reports must reference the INITIAL and any other associated reports submitted on the same incident by report number, date time group (DTG), or correspondence identification.

(3) Whenever AA&E items have been reported, and are subsequently recovered by the reporting command, an appropriate FINAL or SUPPLEMENTAL report must be submitted including circumstances of recovery.

(4) Commands in receipt of recovered government property item(s) (from sources other than through official supply or procurement channels) for which they were not previously responsible, must submit an INITIAL/FINAL report. The Provost Marshal’s Office or NCIS will be notified so the recovered items may be checked against the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). The command must also check the property against accountability data bases for correlation to any prior MLSR reports submitted by other commands. If the property item(s) recovered is identified as belonging to another service, the MLSR report will be submitted to the service owning the property and the reporting organization’s headquarters. Initial/final MLSR reports will only be submitted for the purposes as outlined above.

e. Reporting Format.

(1) INITIAL, FINAL and SUPPLEMENTAL Marine Corps MLSR sensitive material reports are to be submitted in the following format:

FM: (Reporting Command)






CC: (Chain of Command to include responsible command having custody at the time of loss or recovery)


(2) Subject line of all organization’s reports will be:


(3) Only prior MLSR property reports on the same incident will be referenced. References will be indicated by the DTG or correspondence identification on the prior report(s) and by the “incident report number.”

(4) The first line of text after references (if any) must be MLSRP/MLSRP/USMC.

(5) ACC. The Unit Identification Code (UIC) and name of the activity. The ACC/UIC should be identical to that used by the accountable command for MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP purposes. The

ACC/UIC must be indicated on every report.

(6) RUC. The Reporting Unit Code and name of the actual using nit responsible for accounting for the reportable item.

(7) Incident Report Number (RPT). Consists of the Incident report Number assigned by the reporting command and the Incident Report Status. Year and number separated by a diagonal slash. Number and status separated by a hyphen. The RPT must be indicated on every report. Each incident may involve one or more property items. Incident reports will be numbered consecutively by each reporting activity for each year. Examples: 1994/03-INITIAL, 1994/03-FINAL, 1994/03-SUPPLEMENTAL.

(8) AAA – Location of the Incident. Indicate only the name of the State/territory if incident occurred in one of the 50 United States and its Territories. Indicate only the name of the foreign country if the incident occurred there. Indicate the name of the ocean area if the incident occurred there.

(9) BBB – Date of Incident. (Mandatory). Use the actual ate of theft, loss, disappearance, recovery, if known; otherwise use the date the item(s) was last seen or inventoried. Indicate, with an “A” or “L”, whether the date is actual or last. Denote the date in year-month-day order. “A-94-06-25” for an actual date of 25 June 1994, or “L-94-01-08” for a last inventory or last sighted date of 8 February 1994.

(10) Block CCC – Material Description. List each type separately and indicate whether the material is arms, ammunition, explosives, MARES reportable (other than arms), precious metals, or classified equipment.



(b) Indicate whether the material is MISSING, LOST, STOLEN, or RECOVERED.

(c) Indicate the type of material and quantity. Examples: Rifle (1) air to air missile (3), radio (1), hand grenade (2).

(d) Indicate the make or manufacturer.

(e) Indicate the manufacturer’s serial number or lot number.

(f) Indicate the National Stock Number (NSN).

(g) Indicate the full name/description of the item. Example – AN/PCS-3, Manpack Satellite Comm. terminal, M249, Squad Automatic Weapon.

(h) Indicate the actual or estimated replacement value of the item(s).

(i) Indicate the security risk category listed in the Marine Corps Stocklist (AA&E only).

(j) Indicate the last (first for recoveries) known location.

(11) DDD – Liability. Has individual liability been established?

(a) Answer “Yes” or “No”.

(b) Indicate whether there was disregard of established policies, neglect, or dereliction of duty on the part of responsible individual(s).

(c) Identification of Liable Personnel. (Use ranks of military personnel and grades of civilian personnel, if applicable. DO NOT REPORT NAMES.)

(d) Disciplinary/administrative action taken (e.g., referred to courts-martial; NJP; process for discharge; warning; suspension; letter of reprimand; etc.) state whether Military Justice or Civil Service procedures. If negligence, disregard if established policies or dereliction of duty is indicated in paragraph 2k(2), preceding, the liable person is described in paragraphs 2k(3) ,preceding, and no formal disciplinary, administrative, or punitive action is taken, a full explanation must be provided concerning the reasons for not taking action.

(12) EEE – Investigation (Mandatory). All sensitive material losses shall be reported to the security officer/provost marshal. Where no security officer/provost marshal exists at an activity, the nearest supporting NCIS field component shall be notified.

(a) Identify NCIS or Security Officer/ Provost Marshal concerned.

(b) Date incident referred to NCIS or Security Officer/Provost Marshal, and indicate assumed or declined.

(c) Preliminary action taken by NCIS or Security Officer/Provost Marshal, if known.

(d) If the incident is not referred outside the command, indicate actions taken by the command and a status report (e.g., investigating officer appointed and investigation ongoing).

(13) FFF – Summary. Comments concerning available details about the incident to include:

(a) Detail circumstances of loss (e.g., forcible/surreptitious entry to storage area; robbery/assault of personnel; etc.). (Detail any security devices/measures/ procedures breached.)

(b) Date of last command inspection/ inventory.

(c) Narrative comments concerning any real or perceived security deficiencies derived from incident analysis, trends analyses, or resulting physical security/crime prevention surveys.

(d) Status of investigation (e.g., initiated/continuing/closed; suspects identified/not identified, etc.)

(e) Specific security measures taken as result of the incident (e.g., increased sentries; changed locks/combination; etc.).(Stock phrases such as “improved administrative procedures,” “improved recordkeeping,” etc., will not be used.)

(14) GGG – Point of Contact. Individual, who can provide detail Information about the incident, information to include:

(a) Rank

(b) First and middle initial, and last name

(c) DSN Phone Number

(d) Commercial Phone Number

(e) E-Mail address

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