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One night you were heading back home after a long concert, when suddenly you hear a bang. Do you decide to check it out?
[ Y OR NO ]
Y: You walk towards the bang and see a strange sight, a dark figure with a long skirt stands infront of you. Before you get to scream or do anything, you black out.
N: You decide it's probably better to say out of it and just keep walking home. You hear footsteps behind turn around and see nothing. As you keep walking, you hear footsteps again.. you turn around..nothing is there. You walk even faster when suddenly everything goes black.
" Hello everyone, it is I! Aika Akemi! Yes, you heard me! The one and only ultimate popstar! You guys seem pretty confused so how about we begin!? "
[ everyone talks a bit ]
" Okay, hold on to your socks or whatever clothing because let's start this! Welcome to ....drumroll pleaaasse! Hope's Peak Academy! The one and only school for ultimate students! "
" Now, you may wonder why you're here...well..drumroll're here for... "...." " A killing game! I'll let you guys settle down a bit. "
[ everyone calms down ]
" Soo..let me explain how this game works. So, every now and then someone kills someone..and yes, you guys find the body. After everyone is there you investigate it a bit, okay? And after the investigation is done you all proceed to the trial room! "
" After some investigation and everyone has an idea of who the killer vote for who you think it is, of course! But..if you guys are wrong.. " ... " Everyone dies except the real killer! Hehe. And if you all get it right everyone lives another day except the killer and gets executed! Now, i'll let you guys calm down and process what I said! You can come up to me for questions. "

" Now.. shall we begin a tour!? Follow me! "
" Right here we have the beautiful trial room where everything gets spiiicy! "
" Here we have the ______ " xidk
" And here we have the dorms! It's getting a bit late, so how about everyone gets a good night sleep? "
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Regards; Team

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