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How Can I Stop Minecraft Launcher From Requiring Microsoft Sign-in Every Launch?

Up until recently (a couple weeks ago), it would always log him in automatically. Then, it stopped doing this, and prompted him to choose "Microsoft account" or "Mojang account."

Also, in the course of trying to sign in with the Microsoft account, "X" would pop up a zillion messages saying "the password you use to log into your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring." (No, the unix login password was never changed.) I got rid of those messages by deleting (actually moving aside) the file ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring; the next time we logged him into the Minecraft launcher with the Microsoft account there was a system prompt to enter a password with which to create a new default keyring, so we put in his unix login password for that on the basis of the earlier error message. (The new keyring had "Default" in the name; it wasn't called "login.keyring" anymore but I don't think that's important.)

This seemed to work fine, the launcher showed his Minecraft name in the list and after clicking it, he got the normal launcher screen with a big "play" button.
minecraft server list

However, I wanted to test further so I logged out of his Linux account and logged in again. After that, starting the Minecraft launcher newly again showed the "Mojang account" or "Microsoft account" choice, i.e. he wasn't kept logged in. Maybe the keyring wasn't unlocked?

Does anyone know how to permanently resolve this? So far as I can tell nothing was changed locally between the time when it was auto-logging him in and the time when it started prompting for Microsoft sign-in every launch.

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