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Notes -

1 Wrestling
2 orang dapet 100 point
+10 points kalo berhasil menjawab pertanyaan (cepet2an)= greek myth

2 Tracking skills
Tentuin km nya, tujuannya
Setiap berapa km ada monster
Dikasih gambar/ ciri2nya
Tebak nama monsternya, berhasil bisa lanjut
Waktu menjawabnya ditentuin supaya serempak dan gaada yang curang
Setengah kuda-jago memanah [18.30]
Soal dijawab pukul [18.32] dikasih aba2
= begitu 18.32 nanti dikasih aba2 suruh jawab, baru jawab
Kalau benar, nanti dikoreksi dgn tweet dan buat ranking
“Jawabannya Centaurus,
Penjawab pertama = maju 5 km
Penjawab kedua = maju 4 km
Penjawab ketiga = maju 3 km
Penjawab 4,5.6 dan seterusnya = maju 1 km”
Atau ditentukan angka majunya juga boleh
Lebih baik yang ‘penjawab satu sampai ketiga disertakan username’
Kalau ada yang gagal, kirim soal lewat dm
Peraturan dan caranya sama
Hanya saja yang di dm nanti disuruh milih
Kalo benar jawabannya, yg hard maju 5 km, medium 3 km, easy 1 km
Dikasih bukti capt.

3. ride the rapids
Di tiap berapa km ada monster
Battle sama monsternya
Contoh simulasi:
Ditengah jalan kalian melihat perahu karet lain yang berisi orang asing, mereka menembakkan duri pada kalian semua
(-15MP all)
Serangnya tag kelompok, satu orang attack 2 kali.
Total damage, dilapor ke teacher oleh lead grup
Teacher jumlahin damage semua grup
Kalo mencukupi brati orang2nya mati
Dan ngetweet
-stranger faints-
Lanjut smpe akhir km

4. running
Soal perkalian, hanya perkalian
Yang pertama jawab maju 3 km
Yang kedua jawab maju 2 km
Yang ketiga jawab maju 1 km
Yang keempat,5,dsb maju 50m/0.5 km
Atau ditentukan angkanya juga boleh
Lebih baik yang ‘penjawab satu sampai ketiga disertakan username’
Be honest.

Need = 15 teachers
6 Cabins, 4 Houses
[bisa diubah sewaktu2 saat test untuk kabin]
HoPo, semua gabung.
Sorhat, klaim [beda waktu]
Mata uang= GD, galleons drachma
SP = Student point
O.W.L / N.E.W.T = SP
Test/ Exam = SP
One month/grade

1st = 70 SP, plus 30SP
2nd = 100 SP
3rd = 150 SP
4th = 200 SP
5th = 230 SP
6th = 300 SP
7th = 370 SP
Ollivanders, Mnenagerie, Madam Malkin, Stationary, Event, Shop, Equipments, Gringotts, Club, Radio, dsb.

Gaji teachers
Big event = gacuma sehari, include both demigod-wizard
5000 Gold
Small event = sehari, bisa demigod/wizard saja
2500 Gold
Punya/ ada toko =bebas
3000 Gold
Ngajar = maximal cuti = 7 kali pertemuan
2000 Gold
1500 Gold
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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