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8220100010748122- CR Ticket #CR050963882------CR Ticket #CR050963972
8220188952463008- CR Ticket #CR050964186
8396500041939889- CR Ticket #CR050965089
8220122015370488- CR Ticket #CR050968389
8771300223571898- CR Ticket #CR050968669
8396200110141307- TROUBLE CALL 1001014477532103
8535100590543414- CR Ticket #CR050978533
8535114540674773- CR Ticket #CR050979695.........CR Ticket #CR050979839
8535114490288004- CR Ticket #CR050979951
8771200660476124- TROUBLE CALL 1001912882192050
8396800060043062- CR Ticket #CR050985736
8396600012849081- CR Ticket #CR050526136
8535101670019267- CR Ticket #CR050987196
8535100601491215- CR Ticket #CR050990582
8529102510518193- CR Ticket #CR050993762
8495752420987845- CR Ticket #CR050996835
8529101710178055- CR Ticket #CR050997203
8396300100419620- CR Ticket #CR051005614
8771203032828014- CR Ticket #CR051005830
8529101150569102- CR Ticket #CR051008049
8529100040438445- CR Ticket #CR051016033
8771300023605045- CR Ticket #CR051021481
8771402050792470- CR Ticket #CR051021713
8771402012009278- CR Ticket #CR051028777
8220188941672511- CR Ticket #CR051028970
8535101940093647- CR Ticket #CR051029163
8529200867885387- CR Ticket #CR051029318
8771300014040640- CR Ticket #CR051045357
8535100280051082- TROUBLE CALL 1001977458772031
8771300322579487 CR Ticket #CR051106950
8396200210629987 CR Ticket #CR051107234
8529113760087284 CR Ticket #CR051107336
8396511741986260 CR Ticket #CR051108389
8220199120689291 CR Ticket #CR051111653
8220188942002197 CR Ticket #CR051112637
8535100730142630 CR Ticket #CR051113530
8529114390320327 CR Ticket #CR051118963
8771100570021673 CR Ticket #CR051126839
8396200040079825 CR Ticket #CR051127831
8499052530067166 TROUBLE CALL 1001565289842097 SCHEDULED
8529114220173474 CR Ticket #CR051130830
8529102481354172 CR Ticket #CR051139456
8771101220965186 CR Ticket #CR051142537
8771100690975832 CR Ticket #CR051142682
8535114070732942 CR Ticket #CR051142815
8771100480138658 CR Ticket #CR051146716
8220133034728093 CR Ticket #CR051149010
8495600031782909 CR Ticket #CR051168063
8396511561938805 CR Ticket #CR051171461
8771300322579487 CR Ticket #CR051106950
8396200210629987 CR Ticket #CR051107234
8529113760087284 CR Ticket #CR051107336
8396511741986260 CR Ticket #CR051108389
8220199120689291 CR Ticket #CR051111653
8220188942002197 CR Ticket #CR051112637
8535100730142630 CR Ticket #CR051113530
8529114390320327 CR Ticket #CR051118963
8771100570021673 CR Ticket #CR051126839
8396200040079825 CR Ticket #CR051127831
8499052530067166 TROUBLE CALL 1001565289842097 SCHEDULED
8529114220173474 CR Ticket #CR051130830
8529102481354172 CR Ticket #CR051139456
8771101220965186 CR Ticket #CR051142537
8771100690975832 CR Ticket #CR051142682
8535114070732942 CR Ticket #CR051142815
8771100480138658 CR Ticket #CR051146716
8220133034728093 CR Ticket #CR051149010
8495600031782909 CR Ticket #CR051168063
8396511561938805 CR Ticket #CR051171461

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what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




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