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Best of the Best: The Guest Post Series That's Going Viral
post series are becoming a popular strategy for content marketing in 2018. The guest posts can be used as a way to get your content out and gain audience for your blog. Check out some of the best guest post series of health and beauty that are going viral in the beauty and health niche below.

Post One: Essential Oils for Beginners

There are a lot of essential oils that people use for different purposes, but which are best for beginners? Some of the most popular essential oils for beginners include lavender, peppermint, and Roman chamomile.

Lavender is often used to relax the mind and body. Peppermint is helpful when it comes to improving focus and concentration, as well as relieving anxiety and tension. Roman chamomile is known to be an effective treatment for insomnia, headaches, and tension.

Post Two: The Top Ten Tips for Managing Anxiety

1. Get organized. The key to managing anxiety is to be proactive in your plan of attack. Make a schedule and stick to it, establish daily and weekly rituals, and create a master list of all the things you need to do in order for you to feel productive. When you have a plan in place, it will help you stay accountable and keep your stress in check.
2. Make time for yourself. When we are constantly trying to juggle multiple responsibilities, it's hard to find time for ourselves. Dedicate at least one hour each day to doing something that makes you happy – whether that means taking a walk, reading a book, or listening to music. Once you find something that makes you happy, make it a priority in your life!
3. Talk about your anxiety with someone. It's important to have someone who understands what you're going through and can help support your journey. Whether it's a family member, friend, or therapist, talking about your anxiety is the best way to manage it. Open up about what's been happening and ask for their advice – they may be able to offer constructive criticism or even some new ideas for coping mechanisms!

4. Vogue Health Tips . Physical exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety. Studies suggest that regular exercise can improve heart health, prevent weight gain, and even help with emotional regulation. Try to make exercise a daily habit – it will always benefit you in the long term!

5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for our overall health, whether positive or negative emotions affect our mood or not. Lack of sleep can lead to depression, anxiety, and fatigue – so make sure to get enough rest each night!

6. Find something else that makes you happy – even if it's for just a brief moment. There are so many ways you can find happiness in everyday life.

Post Three: How to Use Hand Sanitizer

If you're anything like me, you probably use hand sanitizers all the time. And if you're anything like me, you probably don't know how to use them properly.

Here's a guide on how to use hand sanitizers the right way so that you can keep your hands bacteria-free and healthy!

How to Use Hand Sanitizers: Step 1: Wet Your Hands

Before you can start sanitizing your hands, you first have to wet them. Pour enough sanitizer into your palm so that it covers your fingers and rub it evenly over both hands. Make sure to get in between the fingers and under the nails.

How to Use Hand Sanitizers: Step 2: Rub Sanitizer into Hands
Now that your hands are wet, it's time to start rubbing the sanitizer in. Use circular motions or up and down motions if possible. Be sure to get in between the fingers and around the nails.

Post Four: What are the Best Natural Sleeping Pills?

Are you looking for a better sleep? Do you feel like you're never really able to get enough rest, no matter how hard you try? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people around the world struggle with this issue every night. And it doesn't have to be this way - there are plenty of natural solutions out there that can help you get more zzz's in a shorter amount of time. In this post, we're going to take a look at some of the best sleeping pills on the market today.

Post Five: Recommended Probiotics Supplements

If you're like most people, you're probably wondering what supplements to take to improve your gut health. In this post, we recommend some of the best probiotic supplements on the market. Read on for our top picks!


Welcome to our latest series, Best of the Best. In this series, we will be featuring some of the most popular and successful guest posts that have been published on our blog in recent months. If you're an author looking to get your work featured on our site, or just want to see some great writing that you can learn from, make sure to check out these posts!
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