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**************************************************(**DE NOT RESPONDING**)************************************************
I tried connecting with the delivery partner but I was unable to. I request you to please stay connected with us here, while I try contacting the delivery partner again in the next few minutes.

I will be contacting the delivery partner again to check the exact order status and will update you in the next few minutes.

I regret to inform you that I was unable to connect with the delivery partner. I request you to please be connected with us here, while I try again and get the order status for you.

Thank you for staying connected with us. I have tried contacting the delivery partner for the 2nd time, unfortunately, he has not answered the call. I request you to please allow me a few more minutes to try connecting with him and I will share the exact order status with you.

Appreciate your patience staying online. I regret that I was unable to connect with the delivery partner. I will try to connect with him again in a next few minutes. Please stay connected so that I can share the details with you

Apologies to the customer and inform that order has to be reassigned (pre-pick up cases) / cancelled (post pick up cases & Delivery Instruction cases)
**************************************(**DE RESPONSE**)**************************************

I have checked on the status of your order is picked up, unfortunately, there was a slight delay. However, I have spoken with the Delivery Partner the order will be delivered within few minutes. Also, you can track your order from the app by clicking on "Account" and selecting the order that you would like to track.

I had a word with the delivery partner. However, as speaking with the delivery partner he will deliver your order within 5 - 10 minutes.

I had a word with the delivery partner. However, as speaking with the delivery partner he will picked-up your order within 5 -10 minutes.

We’re here! The Delivery Partner is at your location and will be arriving at your doorstep shortly.

We’re getting warmer! Oh-no! That’s just the hot and fresh food we brought over to your location. Our Delivery Partner is bringing it to your doorstep as we speak.
**************************************(***DELAY + COUPON***)**************************************

We don't want you to have a bad experience. To make up for it, here is a little something which we can offer you to cheer up your mood. We can process a <inform the exception>

<Name>, I am extremely sorry for the delay, however, if you do choose to wait for the order to be delivered, I would be able to process a coupon worth INRXXX to your account, to be used on your next order.

You will receive a coupon once the order gets delivered.

As I know delay is very frustrating we don't want to hamper our relationship because of this mistake hope this instance will not stop you in ordering from swiggy.

<Name>, I’m sorry for the trouble that you faced. Since you are unwilling to wait, I will have to go ahead and cancel the order.

<Name>, would you like to proceed with cancellation or would you like me to place a replacement order for you?


Would you like a refund or replacement for this order?

Replacement takes few more time. Are you fine with that?

<Name>, for me to place a replacement order, I will have to mark this order ‘delivered’.

Name>, I will cancel this order and then place a replacement order for which you will have to pay.

I have successfully placed a replacement order. The replacement order ID is () and the order will be delivered to you within XX minutes. Please note that there will be no charges applicable to this order and you can track the order on the Swiggy App/Website.

Your replacement order is on the way and will reach your location in the next minutes. You do not need to make any payment for this replacement order and can track it from the ‘Account’ section on the home page.

I am extremely sorry for this. Things like these happen very rarely and I cannot express how I feel about this. I am issuing a full refund of INR to you for this order and it should reflect in your account within 5-7days. I will be sure to highlight this issue to the concerned department to be looked into.

It's my pleasure to assist valued customer like you.

Thank you remaining so positive throughout the conversation.

Thank you for allowing me the time to assist you. It would be great if you spare a moment to rate this conversation. Thank you for chatting with Swiggy.
******************************************(***FORCE CLOSER***)******************************************
Shyam, I completely understand but as of now, I am doing the best I could do from my end. This seems to be a hassle. However, such concerns are handled by a dedicated team. After sending an email to [email protected], our team usually reverts within 10 to 12 hours. We look forward to serving you better on your future orders.

I’m sorry that there are no delivery partners available. Would you like to wait for a few minutes to see if one is auto-assigned for your order?

Payment and Refund - Payment failure

I know this should not happened. Your feedback will be worked on to improve our services.

This is disappointing. We will work on your feedback to reduce such occurrences in future.

You should not have faced hassles. Your feedback will be passed to our dedicated team.

What a let -down ! we will do a review session and work on your feedback.

We will try not to repeat same instance in future orders.

It will be highlighted to the concerned team who will take relevant actions to minimize such instances in the future.

I truly apologize for today's experience and we will try to minimize such issues in your future orders.

Well! In order to help you in the right way, I would require the details of the issue.

Could you elaborate on the issue to help you with a quicker resolution.

For a quick solution, help me with the details of the issue.

May I have the details of the issue ?

Keeping the situation in mind, we will be unable to compensate you at this time. Let me find another solution for you .

We see that you did not have a great experience this time. Issues like this are beyond our control. Thank you for the Feedback. It is important for us to serve customers better.

Customer satisfaction is our first priority. I can understnad how bothersome your experience has been with said order.

Alternative, if you choose not to cancel the order , we would like to offer you Rs. as a token of apology after the order is delivered .

Please note that the Swiggy One benefits are not eligible on long-distance orders.

Please check the Swiggy One Plan page in your Swiggy app to find out the benefits of the plan.

I would like to inform you that we have highlighted this issue with our relevant team. Please give us 24-48 hours to revert to a solution for you.

I can understand that this has been quite upsetting for you. We regret that you had to go through this.

The Restaurant that you are looking for is Open. Ensure that you are using the right location as the restaurants availability depends on the location

Please don’t worry, I will be monitoring the order until it’s delivered to you. We will be sending you timely updates on your order until it’s delivered at your doorstep. Also, you can track your order from the app by clicking on "Account" and selecting the order that you would like to track.
*************************************(***ORDER MONITORING***)**********************************************

Please be don't worry I am with you until your order gets delivered to you and I will give you timely updates about your order.

I will be monitoring the order for you until it reaches your doorstep,

I will monitor the order and provide timely updates. Request you to wait.

You will receive your order shortly. Until then, I will monitor the order for you so that you can receive it ASAP.

We are monitoring the order for you .We will get back to you with an update on your order in abit.

We are kepping an eye on your order. We will share the status with you in the next few minutes.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. It's quite disheartening for us as well, as this is not the service we want our valuable customer to experience.

We looked through your query, unfortunately, we are unable to consider the image(s) shared by you as per Swiggy’s image guidelines. We request you share valid images with us to resolve your query.

As I check you have repoted this issue after 5 hours so my system dont allow me to give nay kind of compensation for you I am really sorry for that.

I am sorry to inform you but your order got cancelled as the resturant was not accepting the same.

It’s perfectly understandable that you’re very upset about what’s happened. Rest assured, we'll take this up internally and share strong feedback with the concerned team to take corrective measures to minimise such instances in the future.

I do understand your concern and really apologies for the trouble caused to you but this is the best that can be done.

Sorry for this but i can only provide you coupon or swiggy money for this.

We're sorry for the trouble that you'd faced, we work every day to create the best possible experience for our customers.

I understand your situation but as per policy this is the maximum i can do for you.

If I had the slightest opportunity I would have never stopped myself from doing that.

We're sorry for the trouble that you'd faced, we work every day to create the best possible experience for our customers.

Due to some tech issue we are unable to assign delivery partner for your location. So shall I proceed with the cancellation ?
******************************************DOMINO'S Order***************************************************
<name>, kindly share the order id that you received from dominoes via text message.

thank you for your patience. I had a word one of the representatives from the Dominos Outlet. They will be contacting you shortly with a resolution. Also, please note down their contact details for your reference: 06357311005.

The Domino's representative will contact you within few inutes to provide you the resolution for this issue.

I spoke with a Domino representative, who assured me that they will promptly update the status and contact you via your registered mobile number to resolve the issue.

As Dominos take care of their own fleet we do not have an option to track the order from our end however, I would request you to please reach out to the outlet directly to know the current status of the order.

I would request you to please reach out to the outlet directly by calling on-07030957750 to know the current status of the order.


The outlet is not responding and that we need the confirmation from them to process the cancellation, hence we would not be able to cancel the order

It takes 90 mins for Dominos to relay information to Swiggy. As I suggest you to reach out to us after 90 mins has elapsed so that the needful can be done.
Precise comments :
Free Text or
OS - 3 digit order id not shared -informed to contact outlet

Within SLA - Order Status - Where is my order (201)
Post SLA - Complaint - Delayed Order (205)

Call the Domino’s outlet no. twice by adding 0 as prefix

Inform customer that the outlet is not responding and that we need the confirmation from them to process the cancellation, hence we would not be able to cancel the order

* Provide the Domino's outlet no. to the customer available in One view by adding 0 as prefix and ask them to contact the outlet

C-FIQ-OCC - Food Issue - Wrong Items -Margherita- Outlet will contact Cx- Spoke to Mahesh(Call Connected with Restaurant Partner)
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Regards; Team

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