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How to Release Pain and Stress in a Healthy Way
Most of us experience stress along with the pain that always incorporates it. Let's face it...stress runs rampant inside our culture. I have found that to be real in Cincinnati. We have conflicting roles, schedules, responsibilities and so very little time or will to get it done. eden energy medicine to take drugs. We need to release stress in a healthy way. Energy Therapy could help. Such was the situation of the woman who may have severe stress in their own role being a caretaker for any loved one. The family member is living in a retirement community and "hates" it. Of course, the caretaker was the first one to know. "Dina" rated her mental and emotional stress as being a 7 over a scale from 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest stress. In the intake she stated she had "no physical pain" to ensure that was obviously a "0" about the scale. She said she was "spiritually connected." An assessment in the energy field and chakra system was complete and appropriate energy techniques were employed. When the session was over Dina was asked how she felt. She stated she felt calm, was without worries understanding that her stress level had dropped in the 7 to about 2 on the scale of 0-10.
Dina also stated: "I usually hold stress inside my abdomen" and she or he put her hand in the middle of her torso. "But following your energy treatment the worries and pain left." When questioned about stating there were no physical pain, she replied, "I didn't even realize I was holding this pain until it released!" How many of us have physical pain linked to stress that people deal with on a daily basis? Do we even realize it's there or do we just "live with it?"
Another person had severe knee pain and anxiety. Her doctor declared that an overall total knee replacement was indicated because there were no cartilage to cushion the bones within the knee. She rated her knee pain as a 10 on the scale and her anxiety as a 6 on the scale. Although she is scheduled for knee surgery she desired Healing Touch to aid handle this and stress until the surgery came about. After the energy therapy she rated her pain as being a 0 and her anxiety like a 2! This reduction in pain and stress was clearly significant just for this person. She plans to receive energy therapy pre and post surgery to assist decrease the pain.
In conclusion, if you suffer from stress and also the resulting pain, energy medicine may release it and help give you support through hardship. It's drug free and non-invasive...Energy medicine allows you empower you as practitioners usually teach self-care techniques. Release your pain and stress in a very healthy way!
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