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Here you can see the list of the server instances. There is always one instance called "Local/Console", and optionally, several instances with custom names. The "Local/Console" instance is run on foreground as a standard application and is always there, while the other instances that the user creates are run in the background as Windows services.

2. Global configuration Here you can decide if the game log files will have dates added to them, and if the server should automatically send log files to Keen Software House on a crash.

3. Administration warning This message is displayed if the application isn't run with administrator permissions. If you want to create or manage the server as a service you need administrator rights. Run the application as administrator by clicking "Run as Administrator"

4. Buttons - Add new instance - Creates a new instance of the dedicated server as a Windows service. - Remove instance - Removes an instance of the dedicated server - Continue to server configuration - Starts server instance configuration utility for the selected instances - Exit - Closes the configuration utility

1. Connect to Steam Many of the features in the UI use Steam to help users fill in correct values. You can connect to Steam to get your friends and mods lists. To use this feature, you must be logged into Steam.

2. Features There are four main features to the UI:

- Server Settings - Plugins - Server plugin management - Remote Client - Console - Console output for running server

3. New game / Saved worlds option Lets you choose between starting a new world generated from a scenario or loading a previously saved world The previously saved worlds are loaded either from the "AppDataRoamingSpaceEngineersDedicated" folder in your home directory (e.g. "C:UsersJohn.Doe") or from the "ProgramDataSpaceEngineersDedicated" folder in the system root. To be able to play a world on the dedicated server that you previously created and saved in the game, you will have to copy it from your save game directory "AppDataRoamingSpaceEngineers" to the respective folder

4. Game settings Scenario - Can only be chosen for the "New game" option. Other settings work exactly as they are in the game. You can also change the numerical options to any value. Warning: Values outside the game's range are not supported and have not been tested. They can seriously affect the game experience and performance)

5. Server settings

General Listen IP - Address of network interface that the server will listen on. This can be set to "" (which is the default value) to listen on all interfaces, which should work fine in most cases Port - Number of the port that the server will listen on Server name - Name that will be shown in the server list World name - Name of the world, which shows up in the server list Steam Group ID - If set to non-zero value, the dedicated server will only be visible for the given Steam group Password - Password for the server, if you need protected private server Remote API - Remote API for controlling server with VRage Remote Client Server Description - Describes your server

Users This tab allows you to select from Admins, Banned, and Reserved slot users. You can choose from your friends list or the history of all users. Note: By "Steam ID" we mean the unique numerical identifier for a Steam account in the 64-bit format. Your Steam ID in this format can be found in the game log after running the game with Steam logged-in to your Steam account (see above) or using external tools like or

Mods This tab allows you to select Active Mods. Steam allows you to access your Subscribed Mods List.

MotD- Message of the Day. You can fill the Message of the Day (or URL) on this tab. This message will show up to every player, when connected to the server. You can use variables in the content of the MotD. Use the context menu of the text field to insert a variable of your choice. When the variable is visible to the player, it will be replaced with its actual value.

Maintenance You can set up Auto Restart, and Auto Update on this tab. The Auto Update feature can only be used if the DS GUI has been launched.

How to setup auto-restart There are two ways how to start dedicated server and to use auto-restart:

1. Server as Local/Console 1. If you use DS GUI, auto-restart can be enabled. 2. If you don’t use DS GUI, and you want to start server as a simple console app, then you need to create your script.

1. Auto-restart works with DS GUI. You have to keep GUI open. 2. If you don’t use DS GUI then you need to go into properties of Windows Service (Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services). Find service of the server and in the properties there is Recovery page. Set the Service's First, Second, and Subsequent Failures to Restart it. Task Scheduler also allows you to create and manage your own tasks. This will check if the server has started.

6. Configuration and Server controls Save config - Saves the configuration for the current server instance Edit config - Opens the current instance's configuration file in a text editor for manual editing Save & start - Saves the current configuration and starts the server Restart - Restarts the server Stop - Stops the server Back to instances - Returns to the screen with the list of server instances Exit - Closes the configuration utility (but not the dedicated server, if it is running as a service) Setup Actions - this feature can Stop/Restart server with delay and chat message on the server.


Remote Client allows remote administration of your server. There is a monitoring tab with information about simulation speed and game play state. The Admin tools tab looks similar to the Admin Screen, (alt-F10). You can view global chat, banned players, kicked players and a list of all grids.
That's how to be me

Standalone executable There is standalone version of Remote Client in the Dedicated Server directory. You can start it by executing VRageRemoteClient.exe file. The standalone version includes more features, such as Profiles and Notifications.

You can run SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe with the following arguments -console: skips instance selection dialog, dedicated server configuration dialog, and goes directly to console application -noconsole: will run without black console window -path: will load config and store all files in path specified ("D:WhateverSomething" in example) -ignorelastsession: ignores last automatic save of the world and uses values from config file -maxPlayers : overrides maximum players that can be in session -ip: overrides ip address of dedicated server stored in config file -port: overrides port value stored in config file

taskkill /IM SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe This will stop the dedicated server correctly, saving the world etc. To stop it immediately add argument "/f", which will kill the server without asking to stop and without saving the world.

To change data directory for dedicated server, mklink command may be used. 1) Make sure 'D:SomethingDirForData' exists 2) Make sure 'C:ProgramDataSpaceEngineersDedicated' does not exists 3) Run command: mklink /J C:ProgramDataSpaceEngineersDedicated D:SomethingDirForData

More information here (see Junction):

a) Static IP: A static public IP address is required if you plan to host a game that anyone can access from anywhere on the Internet. You should check with your internet service provider to see if you have one. Without the static IP address, you will be able to host a dedicated server on your LAN, but people from outside the LAN won't be able to connect to it.

b. Port forwarding: The game uses UDP protocol as a communication channel. The default listen port for the game is 27016. This can be changed in config. In order for people to be able to reach your server, you will have to configure your router to forward all incoming UDP traffic on port 27016 (or any other that you have specified) to the computer where your dedicated server is running.

c) Firewall settings: Make sure to set the firewall on your server computer to allow incoming UDP traffic on the listen port.

1) First, be a member. 2. On the group page (e.g., click "Invite Friends" 3) On the new page that will open, you can find your Group ID (long number in red) in the page's URL:


Custom Client You must create a request to create your own client. Remote API uses HMAC (HMACSHA1) for computing hash from specific data. HMAC uses a private key. Don't share this key with anyone.

You have to compute hash from string (lines): URL - including query parameters Nonce - random string, can be used only once, can be a number Date - UtcNow, format r, RFC1123 pattern, must be added to header

Example of code in C# using RestSharp library

private readonly string m_remoteUrl = "/vrageremote/0";

public RestRequest CreateRequest(string resourceLink, Method method, params Tuple[] queryParams) string methodUrl = string.Format(m_remoteUrl, resourceLink); RestRequest request = new RestRequest(methodUrl, method); string date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r", CultureInfo.

request.AddHeader(“Date”, date);
m_nonce = random.Next(0, int.MaxValue);
string nonce = m_nonce.ToString();
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
if (queryParams.Length > 0)


for (int i = 0; i < queryParams.Length; i++)

var param = queryParams[i];
request.AddQueryParameter(param.Item1, param.Item2);
message.AppendFormat(“0=1”, param.Item1, param.Item2);
if (i != queryParams.Length - 1)


byte[] messageBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.ToString());

byte[] key = Convert.FromBase64String(m_securityKey);
byte[] computedHash;
using (HMACSHA1 hmac = new HMACSHA1(key))

computedHash = hmac.ComputeHash(messageBuffer);

string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(computedHash);
request.AddHeader(“Authorization”, string.Format(“0:1”, nonce, hash));
return request;

With custom client you can get information about available resources on API URL (for example http://localhost:8080/vrageremote/api).

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