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the recent vacation or the personal trip that i went was on pampanga. and if i will describe the city of pampanga where i went. the place is so beautiful specially when it is cristmas because of the christmas latern festival. when i went in pampanga the trip went around 1 hour and 30 min long before arriving there and the interesting event that happened on my trip is the christmas latern festival there so many christmas latern and they are so pretty and bright the people there are all enjoying the festival local even foreigner the festival went on about 1 hour and 27 min long and it is the most jolly festival that i went

If I have any habits that i can erase it is my habit eating too many foods. if i will describe my habit eating too many foods it is not my healthy to my body making my body too fat being fat is not good for your health it will increase your risk to desiease like heart diseases, high blood pressure and high cholesterol . if I can can erase it and replace it i will chose the habit exercising. excersing is good for health and will decrese your risk to desiese like hear diseasese, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. and remember there is an old saying that wealth is health.

if i was given a new piece of technology, do i read the instructions to make it work or do i prefer it to learn by trying the technology I would say I do prefer to read the instructions to make it work. making the technology to work while not reading the instructions can risk making the new piece of technology be broken and we don't what is on that piece of new technology it could be harmful to your health and worst case scenario is it can kill you. so reading instructions to make it work is important. for the new piece of technology to work and be safe.

do i prefer being adventurous and do like being outside i would say i wish. i wish to be adventurous and to be outside like luffy setting out on the ocean believing on your self finding crewmates on the way of your journey experincing many adventurios task and events like figthing with the enemies of my crewmates and protecting them. finding treasures on the way. surviving the problems that was given to us along the way and celebrating every problems we survive with the final goal of reaching laugh tale and finding onepiece.

do i prefer being 5 mins early on time or do i prefer being 5 mins late i would say i prefer being 5 mins early on time, and here's the reason why. being a filipino i must say many filipino is not on time when there is a call time or meeting time which is annoying if you are the one waiting on them. they have there own clock if you want them to be on time you must tell the time of call time or meeting time is 1 hour early than the right time and they will arrive on time. life is short and time is gold dont waste time caused every seconds counts

have i ever experience talking to a difficult customer i would say yes and what happened was the customer is already angry when they called because the purchased item arrived at them is faulty and they really want and need the item. what i did to assist them is to give them options that our company follows when something like this transpire when the customer listen and understood the selections given to him. he felt relief and everyone became happy

the best advice i have heard or recieved is to enjoy your life to the fullest. this advice is to me by my father before he died. he died suddenly because of heart attack and this was very devastating for me i was 12 years old when it world just turned upside down that is why i know that life is to short you can never predict your destiny that is why you should live your life to your satisfaction so that you wont regret anything

do i easily get along with other people. i would say that i do get easily get along with other people but
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