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The gulf war
-The gulf war was the first international crisis (post war)
From the war we have been known as a peackeeping and middle power country
The Persian Gulf War of the early 1990s was a struggle that is well-known to many Canadians. More than 4,000 Canadian Armed Forces personnel served in the tense Persian Gulf region in 1990-91, as part of the international coalition of countries that came together to force the invading forces of Iraq out of neighbouring Kuwait. In the aftermath of the conflict, Canadians continued to serve in peacekeeping and embargo-enforcement efforts in the region.
raq had long felt that Kuwait was really a part of Iraq and that Kuwaiti oil rigs were illegally tapping into Iraqi oil fields. In the late 1980s, tensions grew and relations between Iraq and Kuwait became much worse. On August 2, 1990, the situation came to a head when Iraq invaded Kuwait, quickly taking control of its smaller neighbour.
he official end of the war left Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, and his military, defeated – but Hussein retained power in Iraq. He would remain in control for more than 12 years until the second Gulf War of 2003 finally swept him from power.
Canada also had a role in the special commission to seek out Iraq's biological, chemical and nuclear weapons production facilities. On the water, Canadian warships participated in Multinational Interception Force operations and helped to enforce the economic sanctions imposed against Iraq after the Gulf War.

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