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5th and 6th murders - Angelica Willow and Juliet Willow

You'd think getting rid of a child would be an easy task, but after the previous incidents Angelica stuck to Juliet like glue, she was too young to understand why her older brother passed out at dinner, why her older sister wasn't breathing, why her brother was taken away, or why her other brother has disappeared, but she thought it was something bad.

It was hard coming up with a plan to kill her that didn't involve killing Juliet first, there were absolutely no opportunities to strike, until now.

"Hide and seek?" Anastasia bent down slightly to match the shorter girl's height, "Are you sure? Isn't that a bit dangerous considering these circumstances...?" Juliet who stood behind Angelica nodded, "That's what I said, but it could be helpful!"

"'Helpful' how?" Juliet quietly dragged Anastasia farther from Angelica, "Well we can't tell her about what's been happening, our family's falling apart, as her older sisters, it's our responsibility to make her feel safe, the least we can do is play with her."

They argued for a bit before Anastasia eventually agreed, while they decided on who would seek she saw an opportunity, the only one, the only time that Angelica would be away from her sister.

After a while of discussing Juliet agreed to count, "I'll count to 60, the rules are simple, you can't change your hiding spot, and you can't go outside, got it?" The two girls nodded as their sister started counting.

Angelica was still scared so she decided to hide with her older sister, they went upstairs to Nathaniel's room, and they hid in the closet, for a while they stayed silent trying to listen to the sound of footsteps throughout the rooms, "Hey... what exactly happened to our brother...?"

"Nothing bad, he'll be fine." Anastasia attempted to dismiss the question but Angelica was fixated on it, "But whenever I ask Dad or Julie they won't tell me, did something bad happen? Where is he now? Is he coming back?"

"He's sleeping right now." Angelica looked confused as her older sister looked out through a small crack on the closet door, the little bit of light that came through it was enough to light up the whole closet, "Sleeping?"

"Yes, he's sleeping for a little while, but he'll wake up soon, then he'll come back." Angelica slightly nodded, seemingly accepting that answer, for a few minutes it stayed silent, then Anastasia got up, "I'm going to get some water, stay here."

"But Julie said we can't change hiding spots!"

"I'll tell her to pause the game, I just need some water, you can wait here, right?" Angelica hesitated and then simply nodded, Anastasia got up and opened the closet door slowly, when she saw Juliet wasn't anywhere nearby she got out and closed the door.

"Hey, if you could, would you even want to see brother again?"

"Of course!" She heard a small chuckle on the other side of the door, "Are you sure?" She nodded even though she was fully aware her sister couldn't see it, "Definitely!"

"Be careful what you wish for," she thought that was confusing, then she heard a loud sound on the other side of the door, and for some reason light stopped coming through the small crack in the closet, it was pitch black and she could hear banging on the other side, "Sister?!"

After a while the banging stopped, Angelica attempted to open the door but she couldn't push it open, almost as if she was stuck, she cried and screamed but nobody seemed to hear her, at some point her throat hurt and she stopped screaming, she decided to do what her sister told her, to wait, and so she waited for a while.

Anastasia left the room as soon as the screaming stopped, she turned off the lights and closed the door, she went downstairs and saw Juliet looking in the bathroom, she slowly walked in, if she was stealthy and quickly enough she could grab a towel and strangle her- "Anastasia? Why're you here? You're supposed to be hiding."

As soon as Juliet noticed her she knew she couldn't go through with it now, even if she tried Juliet would fight back, the best plan would be to take her by surprise, "I- I got thirsty, I wanted to tell you, Angelica is still waiting for me..."

"You left her ALONE?! She must be terrified! Where is she now?!"

"She's upstairs in Diana's room, she's hiding under the bed, the lights are off." Juliet panicked and ran upstairs, as she ran out Anastasia grabbed a towel and ran after her, once they got to the room Juliet bent down and checked under the bed, "Ana, she's not-"

She felt something around her neck, she couldn't breathe, she tried to get up but something heavy pushed her down, for about four minutes she struggled, and then she stopped moving completely, Anastasia put the towel back in the bathroom and went back upstairs to retrieve Juliet's body, but by the time she was there she saw her father.

"Ana, thank god you're safe, it's Julie, she-"

"I know." Although her voice sounded empty, inside she was panicking, yet she didn't know why, she should be used to it, hurting people, hurting her family, and even after all her father said about her, she hesitated, yet she couldn't bring herself to lie, "I did it."

His eyes widened in shock, but he wasn't mad, he was scared, and confused, to why his own daughter would turn on her sister like this, "You're just like Lawrence-"

"I'm not-"

"Are you saying I'm wrong for comparing both of you murderers?!" She was hesitating, why? She already started talking, she couldn't lie now, it's too late, "I was the one who killed Diana, I made it look like Lawrence did it, I mean, two murders in one day was just too suspicious, someone had to take the blame."

He was no longer confused, now he was just scared, terrified even, "What about Angelica? Where is she?!" She stayed silent, Angelica wasn't dead, she was nowhere near that, but she couldn't risk saving her, if she did she'd be thrown in the dungeon and Angelica would inherit the throne, she needed to be the heir, it was already too late.
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