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Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

What is a hot rock massage? The stones are heated up to temperatures of up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. During a hot stone massage oils are applied to the skin and stones to provide a slip and glide. This article will provide an overview of the benefits of hot stone massage. Listed below are some tips to assist you in getting the most value from this massage. Also read our article on Preparing for the hot stone massage.

Hot stones can be heated to temperatures ranging from 100 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit

While the effects of hot stone massage aren't completely understood but research suggests that it may be beneficial for some painful conditions. People with fibromyalgia, an illness that is characterized by generalized pain, could benefit from the use of hot stones. One study showed that patients who received 30-minute massages had fewer trigger points as well as lower levels of substance P. But, more research is needed to determine whether this massage could become an established treatment for fibromyalgia. A 2013 study suggests that moderate pressure massage may be beneficial for rheumatoid. Participants experienced reduced pain and reduced levels of substance P, a hormone that is associated with inflammation and chronic pain.

While many massage therapists employ heated massage stones on clients, they do not offer any way to check the temperature of the stones. To warm the stones, most spas use towel warmers. The hot stones may be set at a particular temperature to allow the massage therapist to work on a client's feet, head and legs. Essential oils are commonly employed during a hot stone massage. The most popular essential oils are sweet marjoram, basil, peppermint and thyme.

Cold stones are also used in hot stone massages

A hot stone massage utilizes smooth heated stones to relax the muscles and ease aches. The stones can be placed on specific parts of the body, or all over the body to massage different areas. Massage therapists might utilize hot stones to treat arthritis and injuries, while some employ cold stones to ease veins that are engorged. Massage therapists often select stones based on how smooth they are and how long they've been in form.

Hot stones can provide deep relaxation and help balance the body's metabolism. They can help fight depression, anxiety disorders, and hypertension. This type of massage may also help improve the cardiovascular system. It also addresses issues that prevent people from sleeping well, such as tension, muscle injuries, and pain. This method is effective in treating chronic ailments such as insomnia and irritable intestinal syndrome. Massage therapy is also recommended to treat chronic pain.

Preparing for a massage with a hot stone

To ensure you get the best possible experience getting ready for a hot stone massage should be a top priority. The first step is to avoid heavy meals prior to your appointment. This is because the stones are extremely hot, and can cause dehydration. Avoid eating large meals two hours prior to your appointment. The massage will be much more enjoyable if you're relaxed and free of concerns. The warmth of the stones encourages relaxation and muscle tension. The warmth of the stones can also help improve circulation and mental peace. Massage therapists can alter the pressure to any area easily and won't strain his or her fingers. Massage with hot stones is particularly beneficial for women who are pregnant. This type of massage can be an excellent choice for those suffering from joint pains and other conditions.
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