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The Reminders Widget to the left of your
dashboard will show you the total number of
Email Cases you have to work on and includes
a breakdown of what
companies those cases fall under.

In order to get an accurate count of your active
cases, make sure to use the Refresh Icon at the top
of the widget’s window.
This icon is hidden unless your cursor is hovering over
the Reminders Widget.

You’ll notice that on this list, the Total Email Case text as well
as the text below are clickable links. To get started on the
email process, go ahead and click on Total Email Case for a
full list of emails for all brands or start with a specific brand
by clicking any Brand Name.

After clicking one of the brands on your Reminders Widget, go ahead
and sort this list by date by clicking on the title of the Date column. We
always work from oldest to newest so make sure that the oldest emails are
at the top of your page.
Note: When looking at a specific brand’s case list, the emails will be color coded. Red
means more than 48 hours old, Purple means 24-48 hours old, and Black means under
24 hours old. Work oldest to neweest, make sure to organize emails by oldest to newest

Starting with the top of your list, proceed to open an Email Case using the
CASE number and the associated Customer Page using the CUS number.
Both are clickable links and both should always be opened in new tabs.

Your workspace: Step 1 with every new email case, you should have these three tabs open at all times
and in this specific order.
1. Case List - List of emails assigned to you.
2. Case - Email case you are currently working on.
3. Customer - Associated customer page for reference.
All new information like Sales Order pages and other Cases should also be opened in
new tabs. It is important that you do not close or navigate away from these three
tabs until you’re finished with your current email/case.

Email procedure: Step 2 is to navigate to the email Case tab
you opened up and to read the case.
All Netsuite pages are clearly labeled at the top left
corner with the page’s corresponding code number.
To insure you are on the Case page, check the top left for
the label and the CASE number. Scrolling down on the Case page, we find the customer’s
actual email message. When reading the customer’s
email try to assess what the customers wants and why.
In this example, Claire is looking to cancel her Recurring
Order. She does not provide a reason wy.
(Not providing a reason should be identified and kept
in mind as it may affect how you proceed)

Step 3 of the email process is to check the cases on
the associated Customer profile. We do this for two
important reasons:
1. To make certain that the customer’s inquiry
was not already resolved.
2. To check and see if there are other “open”
emails that can be closed.
You’ll notice that when you first navigate to the Customer page
that these lower tabs will have Sales selected.
Remember this because it’ll be important in the following step.

To find all cases associated with this
customer, click on the Support Tab on the
Customer’s page.

Once you’ve reached the Support Tab it’s
time to look for any other relevant cases.
During this step it’s important to identify
which case is yours and which cases are not.

To inspect this list, look for the following:
1. What is the Status of each case?
2. When was each case Dated for?
3. Who is each case Assigned to?
4. Your Case should have the same
CASE Number as your currently opened
Case page from the previous step.

After identifying all other Cases on this page, make sure to
open up any that seem relevant to your case. Cases that were
handled previously can provide context to your customer’s
current inquiry. Other cases with the status: Open, should
typically also be handled by you.
Since we only see a single case here that’s assigned to me,
there is nothing else for me to worry about on this page and I
can proceed to the next step.

Email procedure - Step 4: Help customer:
This step will include fulfilling your customer’s request.
Anything from investigating something that went wrong, to helping a customer obtain a refund for
their order, this is the step you’ll be handling those processes in.
How you go about this step will change depending on the customer’s request, so we’ll get to that in
the next several courses.
This step is also where a lot of people get confused. The vast majority of your work will happen on
the Sales Tab of the Customer profile. Whether it’s just looking into order information or actually
affecting a change of some kind, you will have to navigate back to the Sales Tab and it’s common
for people to get a little lost here.
Just remember that the previous step included you checking the Support Tab of the Customer
profile, make sure to go from Support -> Sales if you need to look into a customer’s orders.

Email Procedure - Step 5: Emailing the customer
Step 5 is going to be replying to the customer’s email.
We are doing this on the Case page.
Scroll down on the Case page and click the
Email Button here to start constructing our response.
Tip: Clicking this button will open a new window for you to write
your email on. Since all new pages should be opened in new
tabs whenever possible, don’t forget the new tab shortcut
(CTRL + Click). This keeps all of your work in the same browser
window and prevents a messy workspace.

Here’s the first thing you’ll see on the Email Page.
The section here labeled Additional Recipients is not going to
be necessary for most of your cases.
This section gives you the option of sending your email reply to
more than one email address, which can be useful for very
specific situations so it’s worth remembering for the future.

Next, click the Message Tab to
start constructing your email reply.

Like with the Customer page and the Support Tab, a lot of people
get confused here when looking for this section.
You’ll notice that currently, Recipients tab is selected, make sure
to move to the Message tab to begin writing your email

Once we reach the Message tab, we are going to be focusing
on these two fields towards the top of the page. Let’s start
with Template Category.
This is going to be what Brand your customer’s email is from.
It is incredibly important to choose the correct Template
Category otherwise the rest of your email will fill out
incorrectly and the Templates you have to choose from will be
using incorrect information. Make sure not to cross reference companies and use the right template

Once you’ve chosen the correct Template Category, it’s time to
choose the correct Template.
Templates (also referred to as Macros) are pre-recorded
responses for some of the most common inquiries you’ll encounter.
For situations where we don’t have a pre-recorded Template, the
General Inquiry template is a blank slate template that you can use.

Here is the template Order Status Domestic as another example.
In this template there are a few things to pay close attention to:
1. Keep an eye on the codes used here like
“${entity.firstName}” and
2. Tracking Number: Here, we see a blank space after
something that should obviously be filled out by the agent,
make sure not to miss these when using the templates in
NetSuite, these tend to be very easy to skip on accident.
3. _DATE_ Here is another type of fill-in text that you should
delete and replace with the correct information.

After you’re finished writing your email reply,
it is incredibly important to always Preview
your email using the button highlighted here
before sending it.

Email Procedure - Step 5a: Previewing Your EmailWhen previewing your email make sure to check the following:
Font and Formatting. We want to make sure that the
font throughout the entire email is uniform. If you see
any font discrepancies, make sure to go back, select all
of the text in the email, and set it back to Arial 12 pt.
You will also want to look out for and delete any
unnecessary spaces.
Those Codes we mentioned earlier? Those are now
automatically filled out. Make sure the customer’s
name (Paying special attention to capitalization), your
name, and the company name are correct.
Finally, take this time to review and revise your work!

Anytime a new change is made to the
body of the email, make sure to preview
your email again.
Once you’re happy with your work,
close this window, you no longer need it.

The last step in emailing your customer is to
click the Merge & Send button.

After clicking the Merge & Send button,
some agents may receive this error message.
This error message can be ignored. Just click
OK and continue on with your email process.

Email Procedure - Step 6: Editing the Case & Leaving Notes
Let’s move onto the next step now that
we’ve completed the email.
Going back to your Case page, we’re going
to hit the Edit Button here.

Clicking on the Edit Button will make the information
on the page changeable.
(This is an important tip for other Netsuite pages as
well where information may need to be updated)
The first field to change is the Type. This step is
typically done first since changing this field can reset
or change several of the other fields on this page.
Choose whatever case type matches your case best.

Some of the Types that can be selected will generate
a second Sub Category field for further clarification.
Make sure not to skip this if it appears.

Next, we will be changing
the Status to Closed.

Time to leave a Note.
The “Internal Call Notes” section of the Case
Page should automatically contain the following
Date and Name:
Affected Order(s):
Recurring Change(s):
Email/Chat Notes:

Here is a breakdown of the Email Notes Template:
Date and Name: Today’s date and your First Name, Last Initial.
Ex. 03/17/2020 Bryan L.
Affected Order(s): If an Order and/or Recurring Order was referenced to assist the customer, the order number
should be left here. This includes any Sales Order Numbers as well as SUB Numbers.
Ex. AY1087485 and 1SC-SUB01501992.
Recurring Change(s): If a Recurring Order was adjusted or updated in any way, list the changes here. This includes
but is not limited to cancellations, shipping address changes, and scheduling changes.
Please do not put SUB Numbers here.
Ex. Canceled RO
Email/Chat Notes: In this section, it is imperative to have three basic components to your note - what the customer
wanted, the reason they wanted it, and what you did to assist them.
If the customer did not give a reason, please type in, “No reason given”.
Ex. Customer placed a new order and did not realize it was an RO. They want to cancel their RO. Canceled RO and confirmed cancellation by email.

Common Abbreviations:
● Cus or Cust - Customer
● Cx - Can be used for Customer or Cancel (Please don’t use this)
● RO - Recurring Order
● SO - Sales Order
● TN - Tracking Number or Information
● NS - Netsuite
● MBG - Money Back Guarantee
● CCI - Customer Called/Chatted In

Email: I don’t want this stuff anymore, it doesn’t work for me. Tell me how to return, please.
Date and Name: Katrell P. 8/2/1937
Affected Order(s): CB5749238
Recurring Change(s): N/A
Email/Chat Notes: Cust wanted to return order, no results, issued RA985641, sent confirmation email
Email: I want to cancel my shipments of this product and I want to cancel the most recent order of this.
Date and Name: Kaitlyn S. 8/2/2020
Affected Order(s): 1SC-SUB59324100569. CB3562410
Recurring Change(s): Cancelled
Email/Chat Notes: Cust wanted to cancel RO and recent order, no reason given. Canceled RO in NS, informed cannot cancel recent
order, sent tn and mbg
Email: I read reviews of your products online I want to know more about Power Blues.
Date and Name: Bryan L. 3/10/2020
Affected Order(s): N/A
Recurring Change(s): N/A
Email/Chat Notes: Cust wanted info about Power Blues, saw reviews online, send product info an a link to the website for more info

Once you’ve completed your
notes, Save your finished case.

All that’s left to do now is to practice good Tab Management and to Refresh your Case List Tab.
Close the tabs that you no longer need. (Leave the Case List Tab open).
Good Tab Management helps keep your workspace neat, organized, and clutter free.
Finally, you will Refresh your Case List with your browser’s Refresh button to make sure your newly
completed case clears off.

No response cases:

The call note we found has the same inquiry a the case we ewre assigned. This means that we no longer have to reply to our email case and we will now treat it as a No Response Case
2. The unassisned case was also the same inquiry.

Email - Netsuite introduction:

Welcome to your first look at NetSuite!NetSuite is going to be the primary system that you’ll be using to manage customer inquiries and customer information.Naturally, this means that understanding the many NetSuite pages you’ll encounter will be vital to becoming an effective agent and helping you navigate the system.During this slideshow, it will be important to learn the terminologythat is often used in NetSuite. This is especially important when learning the codes(or numbers) that NetSuite uses to differentiate thetypes of pages and entries.

Welcome to the NetSuite Home Page.This is the first page you’ll see, immediately after logging in.Let’s talk about some of the things on this page that you’ll find useful.

Let’s start with your Rolein NetSuite. In this example, the agent’s Role is set to “Email Agent”. Your Role in NetSuite will determine not only how your Home Page looks but also the various processes you are given access to. The only other Role you should be assigned is “Customer Service (Inbound)” which will be used for Call Inquiries in the future. Your training will entail work on the Email Agent Role for the most part.

Next, let’s discuss the Reminders Window.This is where you’ll be looking whenever you’d like to check how many Email Cases are assigned to you, ready to be addressed.To open your list of cases, click on “Total Email Cases”.

The Reminders Window, however, will need to be refreshed anytime it’s viewed. To Refresh this window, you’ll have to hover your mouse cursor over the window to reveal the hiddenRefresh Icon.

The last item is the CASES Closed Window.This will be useful in tracking your progress throughout the day as the Total shows how many emails you’ve completed.Make sure the settings for this window match this slide. Date Closed should be “Today”, Assigned To should be “Mine”.Keep in mind that this window also has a dedicated Refresh button that is invisible unless you hover over the window.

Customer page: Here is an example of a Customer Page.Like with all NetSuite pages, this example is marked at the top with the Customer Numberand the Customer’s Name.All Customer Pages have unique Customer Numbers that always start with the letters CUS.

The top of the Customer Page has a lot of basic Customer information including the customer’s:•Name•Phone Number•Email Address (and Secondary Email Address)•Billing Address•Brandfor this specific Account

If we scroll further down on the Customer Page,we see some more detailed information including some tabs and a list of orders for this customer, within this brand. Let’s explore some of this since you’ll be using these tabs often.

Let’s start with the Sales Tab. Specifically under Transactions.This section is used to view a list of all of the customer’s Ordersand various things related to those orders. We’ll discuss later, the different types of entries you’ll find here.

The next Sub-tabs are the 1SC Continuities and Continuity Recordstabs. These are how you’ll navigate to this customer’s Subscriptions (Recurring Orders).

Moving away from the Sales Tab, the Support Tab is going to be where you find Cases that are linked to this customer. We’ll learn more about Cases later. This is essentially where you’ll find a customer’s emails to us and notes left by agents.

The Address Tabis where you’ll find a record of any address that the customer has given us through new orders placed or to an agent. This includes if their Billing and Shipping Addresses are different and if they’ve used different addresses with us in the past.

Sales Order:
Sticking to the Customer Page for a moment, it’s going to be important to learn how to locate some of the entries on the Sales Tab –Transactions Sub-Tab. If you check under the Type Column, you’ll see that each of these lines are labeled. Let’s start with the Sales Orderentries.The presence of a Sales Order Linemeans that an order was successfully placed.

Sales Orderspages are clearly labeled at the top with a descriptor of what page you’re on and a Sales Order Number.Sales Order Numbers always start with an abbreviation of the Brand that the Sales Order was placed under, followed by a series of numbers.In this example, the Sales Order Number is AY1716633. AY, being the abbreviation for the brand, Activated You.The “prefix” changes depending on the brand. For example, Sales Order Numbers from the brand, Gundry MD, would look something like GM1234567.

Let’s take a look at the top section of the Sales Order Page, under “Primary Information” and some of the more important things you’ll find here:•CUSTOMER-Shows us the Customer Number that this order is linked to. This is also a clickable link that will take you to that Customer Page, should you need it.•WEB ORDER #-Will be handy later and reveals the origin of this order. The Web Order number is an order number that was generated by the previous system before this order was imported into NetSuite. •DATE-Is this the date that this order was placed on. You can ignore the “GO-LIVE DATE”.•Summary-Shows us a breakdown of the subtotal, tax, shipping costs, and overall total of this order.

S A L E S O R D E RNext, the “Sales Information” section will not be overly useful except for a few items. The first is the BRANDsection that again, confirms what Brand this Order was placed under.

S A L E S O R D E RNext in the Sales Information section are these Checkboxes. The only two you should pay attention to for now are the Checkboxes marked GUNDRY WELLNESS, which will not be important until we learn about Gundry Wellness, and the UPSELL FLAGCheckbox, which distinguishes between regular and upsell orders.

S A L E S O R D E RIf we scroll down on the Sales Order, you should see a breakdown of what’s included in the Order at the bottom, which we’ll discuss in detail eventually. This should all fall under the Items Tab.

S A L E S O R D E RLet’s talk about some of the things we’ll find on the Sales Order Page –Shipping Tab.•SHIP DATE –Typically shows when an order was fulfilled and made ready for shipment.•SHIP TO –Will show the Address this specific order is being sent to. It’s always important to check this address whenever dealing with Order Status issues. •TRACKING #–Will show the Tracking Number for this order.•TRACKING STATUS –Shows a preview of this Sales Order’s shipping status.

S A L E S O R D E RThe last important tab on the Sales Order Pagewill be the BillingTab.It’s important to click on the PaymentSub-Tabto view the information you’ll find most helpful.Here, you’ll see the Payment Methodused for this order, which will be useful moving forward.

Cash Sale:

Jumping back to the Customer page, let’s look at the same space that we found our Sales Order. This time we are focusing on the Cash Sale entries. Cash Sale Numbersalways start with the letters CS and are followed by a series of numbers. Ex. CS20846956.The presence of a Cash Saleentry indicates that money has been accepted/processed for the Sales Order it’s related to.

If we pay close attention to the lines that are marked as Cash Sales, we can see that they have sections (marked by the arrow) that tell us what Sales Order they’re relatedto. In this example:CS20846956is indicating that we’ve accepted money for Order AY1716633CS20847090is indicating that we’ve accepted money for Order AY1716657It will be incredibly important to learn how to read this part of the Customer Page in order to accurately assist customers and their inquiries.

Let’s take a look at the actual Cash Sale Pagenow.You may notice that this page looks very similar to the Sales Order Page we looked into earlier.The Cash Sale Page itself is notsomething you’ll be opening often. All information here, can be found on the Sales Order Page, which you’ll find much more useful in the long run.

Item Fulfillment:

On the Customer page, it’s time to look into the Item Fulfillment lines. Item Fulfillment Numbersalways start with the letters IF, followed by a series of numbers. Ex. IF20611786The presence of an Item Fulfillmententry is evidence that the order it’s related to has begun processing for shipment.It does not, however, automatically indicate that the order has finished being fulfilled or that the order has shipped out yet.

Like with the Cash Sale entries, you’ll notice that each Item Fulfillment Line has a Sales Order Number that it references, letting you know how far along that Sales Order is in processing. This is done with all entries on this page short of the Sales Order to show you what order the entry is related to.

Also like with Cash Sales, Item Fulfillment Pageswill not be accessed for the most part. In fact, attempting to open an Item Fulfillment Page will lead to this error page. If you are attempting to find Order Status or Tracking Information, this can be found on the Sales Order Page.

T H E F I R S T 3 With the first three entries explained, another important aspect to discuss is how they relate to each other.1.Sales Orderentries are created whenan order is placed.2.Cash Sale entries are created when we accept money for the Sales Order.3.Item Fulfillment entries are created when the Sales Order has begun processing for shipment in the Shipping Department.These first three entries will typically be created in this specific order for regular orders.The order in which these entries appear will be important in your investigative work in the future so please make sure to notate them or commit them to memory.

Return Authorization:

Return Authorization entries do not always appear on Customer Pages since not every customer is trying to return their order. Return Authorization Numbers always start with the letters RA, ex. RA1699383. These are often also often referred to as “RA’s”.The presence of aReturn Authorization line indicates that a customer has been given Return Instructions.

Return Authorization Pageswill show plenty of information on the Return Information provided including how much the customer can expect to be refunded once we’ve received their return and what we’re expecting them to return.Each Return Authorization is linked to a single Sales Order. If customers are returning multiple orders, each one will have its own Return Authorization entry.

Item Receipt:

Item Receipt entries are also “optional” as they typically follow a Return Authorization. You’ll also notice that for this reason, Item Receipt lines always reference an RA Number.Item Receipt Numbersalways start with the letters IR, ex. IR1319210.The presence of an Item receipt indicates that an order has been successfully returned to our warehouse.

Item Receipt Pages will be useful for telling exactly what a customer has returned to us. This can be especially helpful when finding out why a customer was only partially refunded.A small policy to remember is that customers are typically only refunded for the number of units that are returned (even if the containers are empty or used). For example, if a customer returns two units from an order that contained 3, they’ll be refunded 2/3 of the original total.

Cash Refund:

Cash Refund entries are another optional item you’ll find. Cash Refund Numbersalways start with the letters CR, ex. CR2512330. These lines typically reference Cash Sale numbers since they’re specifically indicating something money-wise.The presence of a Cash Refundindicates that an order was refunded for a certain amount. This does not always mean the entireorder was refunded. Partial refunds are somewhat common.

Cash Refund Pages will look very similar to Return Authorization Pages and are, like with RA’s, always related to a specific Sales Order. Cash Refunds can be tricky since some of them will link you to a Sales Order’s Cash Sale instead of the Sales Order itself.This page shows exactly what was refunded to the customer, for what reason, and for what items.

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of what an order in NetSuite looks like, let’s bring it all together.
The full possible list of entries that can be created for a single order is:
1.Sales Order when the order is placed.
2.Cash Sale when we’ve accepted money for the order.
3.Item Fulfillment when the order has begun processing in our Shipping Department
4.Return Authorizationwhen return instructions have been sent to the customer.
5.Item Receipt when we’ve received the order back as a return.
6.Cash Refund when an order has been refunded. (Completely or Partially)

If we look at the Customer Page that we’ve been referencing, we can see the full history of an order with all the mentioned entries. 1.AY1716633an order was placed on 3/16/2021.2.CS20846956means we accepted money on the same date for that order.3.IF20611782shows that the order AY1716633 began processing on 3/17/20214.RA1699383was processed on 5/11/2021 indicating the customer may have ben trying to return this order.5.IR1319212references RA1699383 and indicates that we received the return successfully on 5/25/2021.6.CR2512331references CS20846956 which shows us that order AY1716633 was refunded on 5/26/2021


Looking at a different Customer Page, if we look under the Sales Tab, we find two Sub-Tabs for 1SC Continuities and Continuity Records. These two tabs are used for the subscription orders that a customer has on file.Subscriptions have several different synonyms that are used both within our company and the many resources you’ll be using. These terms include Continuities, Recurring Orders, Memberships, Auto-Ships, Monthly Orders, etc. The most common abbreviation for these is simply “RO”.

The number associated with Recurring Orders are often referred to as SUB Numbers or Subscription Numbers. SUB Numbers always either start with 1SC-SUB, ex. 1SC-SUB01135111 or without any prefix and simply starting with SUB, ex. SUB123456.The presence of one of these Subscription lines in either the 1SC Continuities Tab or the Continuity Records Tab indicates that this customer had a Recurring Order at some point.Even if the Recurring Order is canceled, this line will still be here just with a different Status.

Let’s talk about some of the things you’ll find on the Continuity Page.On this page. A checkbox in the middle will let you know whether this RO is canceled or active. You’ll also find how often this customer is scheduled to receive their order automatically, the original order that started the Recurring Order, the product and quantity that’s shipped at every cycle, and past orders that were created by this Continuity.

The next common item we’ll be dealing with can be found on the Customer Page in the Support Tab. The Support Tab will contain a list of Casesthat are related to this customer in general. Cases are either, emailsthat a customer has sent us, a noteleft by an agent after handling a customer’s inquiry, and/or a specific type of requestthat we’ll discuss eventually. Cases are generally Customer Interaction of some kind.You can access each Case by clicking on the Case Number.Case Numbersalways start with the letters CASE, ex. CASE900694.

Case Pages will be one of the most common pages you access since it is the page type that NetSuite uses for emails from a customer.Each Case Page will have a variety of information from whether or not this Case was addressed by someone, to a possible Note left by an agent, and more. We’ll discuss Case pages more when we learn how to do an email for the first time.
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Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


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  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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