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Pytamy I Odpowiadamy: Z Którego Z Tych Problemów Powinno Się Zrezygnować W Grupie Podstawowej?
The recent rationalist history of western culture unfortunately detracts us with its tendency to reduce phrases into an analytical scientistic perspective that assumes the primary goal or purpose of every word or phrase is only to feed our hunger for bare abstract facts. The numbers serve other purposes than to simply fulfill the modern information-oriented obsession with facts. These names were lifted directly out of the Greek Septuagint with no consideration that they were Hebrew names (often having the ending "Yah,"). If the many details are actually historical, then the people all had to be close and this gathering point had to be close to the meeting headquarters of the King where Moses and Aaron went so often to speak with him. I am discussing here the matters related to the Hyksos and the various Semitic people who seem to have taken refuge in the Delta area around this time. Many people make extended historical claims from the names and details in the Exodus story. The whole Tanakh (Old Testament) is primarily a collection of deeply meaningful and moving stories, comprising a huge historical story.

Dating is done where certain events or references can be incidentally related to external sources scholars can be placed in the historical scenario as now understood in modern historical perspective. Various scholars indicate that Avaris was their capital and it was located in the Delta area of Goshen. The early Christian translators were poor Hebrew scholars. Writing Yahweh's name in the Hebrew texts (hw,.hy.), Jewish Scribes (hundreds of years earlier) inserted a shewa ( . In talking with the penitent Jews at Pentecost, Peter was inspired to give this special Name through which we are to receive salvation. But the Name He was given by the angel came from On High and carries a very special meaning for the Savior, embodying the Name of Yah-weh the Father Himself. For rozprawka , in Greek the masculine, nominative singular of our Savior's name ends in "s." This explains why we also have so many proper nouns in the King James Bible whose Hebrew has been changed to end in the Greek form "s," such as Judas, Elias, Jonas, Esaias, Zacharias, Jermias, Annas, and Silas. The noun suffix (ending) indicates its use in the sentence, which also is true of most European languages. Shouldn't it be allowed to speak on its own terms?

In fact, under the Hyksos and for much of continuing history, even the whole of Palestine was part of Egypt for most of its history. In fact, most were ignorant of Hebrew, knowing only Greek and Latin. Exodus 9:26 specifically says that during the plagues the Hebrews were living only in Goshen. The Genesis story tells us that Joseph's family - Jacob and his other sons and their families - were settled in Goshen. But no time frame is provided by which to clearly relate the stories of Genesis to political texts or archaeological testimonies of the ancient world. The land area referred to as "Egypt" varied from dynasty to dynasty and borders changed with various political fortunes. For a comparative view, it is helpful to note that Roman Egypt, taken over from the Ptolemy Greeks, was also smaller than the land area we know today as Egypt. Exodus says their departure point from Egypt was Succoth, which is in that area. The main source of their information came from the Greek Septuagint translation of the Old Testament and not from original Hebrew texts.

Once we know the truth, past ignorance does not justify our continuing in ignorance. The Exodus story does appear to mean, however, that the descendants of Jacob were the dominant population in the Goshen area where the Hyksos king settled them. The Name Yah-shua acknowledges both the Father and the salvation that is in His Son Yahshua. In Greek the Savior's name appears as ? The Hurrians are referred toż in the older texts, and perhaps are referred to as the Horites in the Hebrew biblical texts. Biblical texts do not provide any clear sequence of events or dating. If that were not enough, the story itself is clear that "Goshen" was their settlement area. Even so, in light of all other comments in the Genesis and Exodus text, it seems clear the descendants of Jacob lived and worked in the eastern delta area. All this evidence seems to indicate that the Genesis statement that the Hebrews had filled "all the land" is one of the many instances of the common Semitic narrative style of overstatement for emphasis. The Genesis and Exodus texts are consistent in indicating that the Hebrews lived and were enslaved in the Goshen area. At that time, the Hyksos ruled the Delta areas and gradually spread their rule farther west and south.

The Hyksos held only a portion of what was sometimes Egypt, and were gradually expanding their territory. In their way of thinking, prohibiting the utterance of the sacred Name would eliminate the potential of blaspheming it. The superstitious Jewish scribes, aware of Leviticus 24:16 and other verses that demanded reverence for Yahweh's Name, decided the best way to keep from blaspheming His Name would be to invoke substitute titles instead of calling on the proper Name of Yahweh. Nor did the Jews want in any way to associate Yahweh's Name with that of the Savior's, which might be seen as acknowledging His position as the very Son of Yahweh Who came in His Father's Name. It was not written in that framework. We do not want to co-opt it to become domesticated to our secular scientistic culture or modern rationality. Modern readers also tend to impose our concept of the Nation-State of Egypt with the boundaries we know today.

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