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[A/N: This is probably the stupidest idea ever, but oh well. I'm writing this out of boredom, and the failure of my other stories. Also, if it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. It makes sense in my head, but my head's really complicated. Anyways on with the chapter.]

||Brynn's POV||

"In order to succeed in life, you must pay attention." My teacher, Mrs.Hoskins lectures. Some idiots were doing something stupid, like throwing spit balls or something, so she's now giving us one of her 'If You Want To Succeed' speeches. "Now-" She starts but is cut off by the intercom dinging in. "Mrs.Hoskins, do you have Brynnley Fields?" The lady asks. Mrs.Hoskins glares at the speaker for interrupting her. As do I, for using my full name. "Yes, I do." "She needs to take all of her stuff and come to the office. She will not be returning." The entire class turns their heads to look back at me. A chorus of 'oohs' echos throughout the room. Twats. I feel my face turn a bright shade of red. I hate attention, like one time, in 2nd Grade, I peed my pants, and my teacher lectured the class how we should know when to go to the bathroom. I remember it like it was yesterday, I had pigtails. Ew cringe attack. It was a great childhood.

Awkwardly, I exit the classroom and head downstairs to my locker. Locker number 204. By everything, did she mean like everything everything, or just everything I usually take home? I'm going to go with the second option. I shove a random book in my backpack, which turned out to be The Death Cure, by James Dashner. I swear, if I ever see him in an alley, I'll get his autograph, and then make him rewrite page 250. Seems like a great plan right? Okay Brynn, you're talking to yourself again. Remember what Ryland said? It's not healthy. Ryland's not healthy. Okay, shutting out my inner thoughts now.

Students scatter the hallways, as the bell rings signalling class change. Really office lady, who I've never bothered to learn the name of, why did I have to leave right once it gets crowded. I push past the sweaty teenagers exiting the gym, and finally make it back upstairs to the office. I see both of my brothers standing there with nervous looks on their face, and two really tall men in suits and sunglasses. Oh no, what did they do this time. "What's going on?" I ask, looking at them, and then back to the men. "No time for questions, Miss Fields. We'll explain everything when we get to the Office." One of the men says. I look back to my brothers and they shrug. The office? What office? Where the hell are my parents? MAYBE IT'S THE HOME OFFICE, AND THE LOST BOYS AND FELIX POP OUT AND KILL THEM THEN PETER PAN AND I FALL MADLY IN LOVE. Keeping my dreams aside...

We follow the men out to a nice black car. Not creepy at all. Wait, does this classify as kidnapping? No I don't think so. "So, are we in trouble?" I ask, buckling my seat belt. The other guy, guy number 2, laughs. "No, Brynn. You are actually going to like this." "How does he know my name?" I ask my older brother. Ryland shrugs. Bryant grabs my hand nervously. I give him a reassuring smile. "It's going to be okay." I whisper and he nods. "I know." He whispers.

We turn onto the interstate and I look around. "Hey, are we going out of state?" I ask. "Yes, but first we have to go to the airport." Guy 1 says. Horror crosses my face. "Exactly where are we going?" Ryland asks. "Washington D.C." "ARE WE MEETING THE PRESIDENT?" Bryant yells. "Not yet, that's for later." Guy 2 chuckles. Then who are we meeting? "What about our parents?" I ask. "He didn't mention she asked a lot of questions." Guy 2 mutters to Guy 1. "Your parents are fine, they're staying in Kentucky." Guy 1 says. "Oh so no goodbye." I whisper. It's fine, pfft they're always busy, they've said bye enough.

After like an hour of driving, we turn into the airport parking lot. "I'm still really confused, why are we going to Washington D.C?" I ask unbuckling my seatbelt. "You are aware of fandoms, correct?" Guy 2 asks. Everyone perks up. "Alright, you have my attention." Bryant says. "That's all we're allowed to say until we get to the other 5. Crap." Guy 2 says, after being smacked in the head by guy 1. "I wasn't supposed to say that."

"You guys are great agents." I mutter, getting out of the car and standing next to my brothers. Ryland smacks me. "Manners, Brynn. They'll throw you in Azkaban." I glare playfully at him. "Azkaban?" Guy 1 asks. "It's a prison from Harry Potter." I reply. Guy 2 chuckles. Are they hiding something? Probably. Does it have something to do with them mentioning Fandoms? Probably. A wave of cold air hits me as we walk through the doors. "Do we get on a Private jet now or something?" Ryland asks. "No." Guy 1 says sternly. "Who do you work for?" I ask. I swear if they say I don't know, and Felix from Once Upon A Time jumps out and kills them, I'm crying. Then I'd probably hug him, and cry some more. My life in a nutshell to be honest. "Brynn, come on." Ryland says, snapping me out of my day dream. I run to catch up with them. "We work for the President. He's very excited to start this." Guy 2 says. Start what though?

Then something dawns on me. "I forgot to feed my fish. And, I have no clothes." I say causing them to look at me. "We'll provide clothes, and your fish will be fine." Guy 1 says. "Ah. Here we are." He says stopping in front of a gate. Both of them show the desk lady their card and she nods. "Have a nice flight." My little brother stops before going in through the gate. "No way am I going anywhere, until I get some answers." The two agents stop and groan. "Alright, what do you want to know." Guy 2 asks, earning another smack from Guy 1. "Your names first of all." Guy 1 speaks. "I'm Agent Hall, and this," He says motioning to Guy 2, "is Agent Zach. Now, we're behind on schedule, let's get a move on." We ask no more questions after they threatened to handcuff us. Such great agents. If they got the job, pfft I can become an agent. The president has great decisions. I'M SORRY MR.PRESIDENT PLEASE DON'T HUNT ME DOWN AND KILL ME.

Once we're on the plane, I put my backpack in the carry on thing at the top. The plane's kind of crowded. Hall and Zach sit behind us, and a really cute guy next to his sister I'm guessing, and Mom smiles at me. Guys on planes are hot. Why can't other guys at my school be hot? Or in my town. Eh. Stupid un-hot guys.

Ryland waves a hand in front of my face, which then I realize I was staring at the hot guy. Oops. "Does this not seem a little insane to you?" Bryant asks us. "I mean, it's not like we were just picked up from school by 2 guys in suits claiming to be working for the CIA or whoever, and now we're on our way to Washington D.C." He continues. "Awh Bry, why did you have to ruin it." I groan. "I was looking forward to a nice road trip, or air trip, but nooo you had to go and be all logical and have sense." I mutter and he stares at me like I've lost my mind.

I pull out my laptop, yes I bring it to school. Don't judge me, I use it for class. Anyways, I connect it to the WiFi and log into Pandora. Clicking 'shuffle' Drag Me Down by One Direction comes on. "YAAS." I whisper-shout, it was loud enough for guy 1 and guy 2 to hear, and the lady in front of me. I open another tab and log into Facebook. Never leave Facebook logged in at school, I've had bad experiences with that. I have 1 message, one from my internet best friend, who I've never met because she lives in FREAKING ENGLAND LIKE HOW COOL IS THAT SHE COULD LIKE TOUCH DAN HOWELLS BUTT.

Kennedy Murray:







Oh shoot, those were all like an hour ago.








Almost an instant reply.










Bro, were you kidnapped by scarry agents too?

Me: YES AND SO WAS MY BROTHERS, they're not very good agents tbh.


omg I think we're fixing to meet.


YES. I'm tired. I'm probably going to sleep. I'LL SEE YOU IN D.C WHERE WE WILL DIE TOGETHER

She messages back okay, and I shut my laptop down. Maybe this isn't so bad, or it could be as bad as we think. But eh. I turn around in my seat to face the two agents. "Hey, are we coming back to Kentucky?" I ask and they give each other a look. "I don't like that look. What? Are we not coming back?" I ask. "We don't exactly know for sure. It depends on how everything goes-" Hall states, looking around. "Look, that's all we can say. Now shut up or something." He mutters laying his head back. "Someone's on their period." His head snaps up into a glare. I swear he's secretly a girl, in the little time I've known him. What if everyone's secretly a girl? Oh my gosh Brynn shut up and go to sleep.

I rest my head on my brother's shoulder and slowly drift off to sleep.


"Psst. Brynn. Wake up." Bryant says shaking me. I groan and raise my head up. "But I don't want to." I mutter, laying my head back down on the seat. They're surprisingly comfortable for an airplane. "Too bad. We have to go." Hall says, towering over me. We grab our bags, and follow them out to the main lobby place, only to be surrounded by a lot more men in black suits.

"I feel them staring into my soul." Ryland whispers to me, searching the crowd of men. Alright where is Kennedy. If we're gonna die, we're dying together. "Come with us." One of the really tall guys says. Dan Howell, is that you? No Brynn just go with the creepy tall people. Screw my shortness. About 30 men circle around us. "Move. Important Presidential business." Tall guy says, more or less shoving people out of the way with his shoulders. I wonder if he was ever in Football? WHAT IF HE'S RAT MAN BEHIND THOSE GLASSES. They lead us out to a limo thing. I feel the ordinary civilians staring at us. Haha you Muggles, we're being escorted by men in suits.

After about 5 minutes in silence, Tall guy speaks up. "I am Agent Mark, now, you're probably wondering why we have brought you here." He starts, and we nod. "I'm afraid I can't tell you, until we arrive at the White House. Don't worry, everything will be fine, as long as you follow directions very carefully." He says, I gulp and look from Ryland, to Bryant. Directions? Carefully? I'm never careful, other than when I'm at school. Awh, I'm gonna miss school, and all my non existent friends.

Finally, we stop at a giant gate. "Holy crap." I whisper, staring at the White House. Maybe I'm dreaming, like I probably just fell asleep in class. The thought of that makes me sad, I don't know why, but this is pretty cool, so I guess that's why.

The vehicle comes to a stop in a fancy looking garage. "Follow me." Mark says, as we exit the car. He leads us to a room, it's a nice shade of green, I guess, has a fireplace, very fancy. Ew rich people. KANYE WEST, THIS WILL BE YOUR NEW HOME IN LIKE 4 YEARS. No okay, anyways. We sit down on one of the couches. [A/N: LOL I DON'T KNOW IF HALF OF THIS IS TRUE ABOUT THE WHITE HOUSE, AGENTS, OR ANYTHING I PUT IN THIS STORY. BUT OH WELL, JUST DEAL WITH IT]

"The other 5 should be arriving - ah right now." Mark says, as 5 people around our age walks in. Instantly I notice Kennedy. She quickly sits by me and grins. "Oh my gosh, you're not some creepy old man." I mutter under my breath. Kennedy laughs. "Same to you." HER ACCENT IS SO FREAKING COOL. BYE MOVING TO ENGLAND TO GET AN ACCENT. I mean, sure we've video chatted, and talked about meeting for months, but ya know, you can't really trust people on the internet, until you meet them. Ah who am I kidding, I'm on Tumblr, so of course it's safe pfft.

"Okay, now that we're all settled, I should introduce you all." Mark says looking at the 8 of us. He says all of our names while pointing. "Now, do you think you got that?" A boy, Grant, whispers under his breath, I'm guessing our names. "Yes sir." We all say at the same time. Oh dang, that was creepy. Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing. "We're like the Weasley twins, but like multiplied." Another boy, Nate says. Everyone shoots their head up. "I freaking love you." I whisper. I am amongst my people.

Everyone stares at each other, not creepily, well it's kind of creepy, but it's like we're connected. Oh man I'm going insane. "As you can see, you all have a lot in common, like what you call Fandoms." Mark starts, but is cut off by the President cutting him off. Holy crap, the President of the United States. He smiles at us. "Welcome, so you are probably wondering why I've called you here," He starts, everyone nods.

"After what I just saw, this will work well. You see, you all have been connected, in ways that no one thought was possible, but our team of Scientists, are wanting to test out our newest technology." He says.

"Then what do you need us for?" Saige asks, twirling a piece of her purple hair, nervously. "Glad you asked, Miss Middleton. We're going to place you under a sedation, sort of like the Maze Runner, except, you'll be under sedation, which you won't remember us telling you, so yes there will be memory loss. But it will all fall into place. Your only goal is to get to know these characters, understand them. Do you get it?" He asks. "You want us to become your little Science Experiments, and experiment with them?" I ask and he nods. "You're catching on quick." We all share a glance and look back at Obama. "What happens if we don't accept?" I ask. He smiles. I don't like that smile. Looks evil. "You'll never be able to meet them, and, it will be like you never existed." He says half joking-half serious. At least I hope he was joking.

"Were we just threatened by the President?" Emmie whispers. "I believe so." Bryant whispers back. "So, are you willing to do this?" he asks. "What choice do we have?" I mutter and he smiles. "Excellent. You will be staying in rooms here tonight, and tomorrow we will be sent to the Fandoms."

No one speaks up, probably terrified. Sure, it's our dream and everything, but, I don't like the sound of this, it sounds horrible. Memoryless, in a mind sedation, with people we thought were just fictional, but are actually real, it's all too much. But, it can't be worse than death, right?

The Next Day

They had us change into these weird scrub things. "Alright, each of you, lay down on a table. Keep your eyes clothes." A nurse lady says. My stomach turns as she pulls out a long needle. "No way are you putting that in me." I say in horror. "Relax Brynn. Everything will be okay. Think happy thoughts." She tells me, and it's the last thing I hear before everything turns black.


DO YOU HEAR THAT? IT'S THE SOUND OF ME HAVING A CRINGE ATTACK. THIS MAKES NO SENSE OML. I mean, I don't even know tbh. It makes sense in my mind, anyways THIS IS THE LONGEST THING I'VE EVER WROTE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE OMG. So yeah um ily. and if you actually like this (what's wrong with you omg) but aakfaj
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