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Hemp Oil - Antimicrobial Benefits for Dogs and Cats
Dogs are a part of the family for many people and just like with humans, various ailments can affect them. Since cannabis is known to be effective in treating various conditions in people, it follows that it can be used to treat dogs. However, not all dogs will benefit from cannabis treatments –> find out here the types of conditions that CBD Oil for Dogs can help with.
Antimicrobial If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you've noticed an increasing number of drug-resistant bacteria in dogs and cats. Luckily, CBD oil offers some antimicrobial benefits that could be useful in combatting these harmful organisms. Specifically, hemp oil has shown some effectiveness in fighting off methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), penicillin-resistant Streptococcus (PRS), and E. coli. While the scientific evidence is still emerging, it's promising and could herald a new era of more effective and less toxic treatments for animals.
Neurological Another area where CBDA can be especially helpful is in the treatment of neurological disorders. As we've established, dogs can suffer from various conditions that affect their mental faculties, such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and Parkinson's disease. Since CBD is known to interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) primarily in the brain, it makes sense that it could be effective in treating these conditions. Though much of the available evidence is still emerging, preclinical studies have shown that CBD may offer some protection against Alzheimer's disease-type symptoms. Similarly, CBD has been shown to improve motor skills in PD patients –> potentially offering some protection against the disease itself!
Hematological Hematological disorders in dogs can cause various forms of anemia, and anemia in dogs is typically classified as either acquired or congenital. Since CBD is known to increase the production of blood cells, it may have some utility in patients with acquired hematological disorders. Specifically, one small study on dogs with Leukemia showed that CBD treatment increased the number of white blood cells and platelets in these animals –> potentially offering some protection against infections!
Ophthalmic Many people are familiar with glaucoma in humans, which is an ailment that causes damage to the optic nerve. This damage leads to a gradual loss of vision, and while there is no cure for this condition, CBD could be useful to treat it. Specifically, CBD has been shown to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) in rabbits with glaucoma –> suggesting that it could be helpful in treating this condition in dogs and even humans!
Dermatological Just like humans, dogs can develop various skin ailments due to prolonged exposure to the elements or repeated injury. One common problem among dogs is psoriasis, which causes scaly lesions to erupt on the surface of the skin. Though there is no single known cause of psoriasis in dogs, it's considered to be a disorder of excessive immune activation –> suggesting that it may be associated with various other conditions, including allergies and arthritis. Since CBD has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it may be able to help reduce the discomfort caused by psoriasis in dogs!
Cardiovascular Just as in humans, cardiovascular disease is another common ailment that older dogs often suffer from. Atherosclerosis, heart disease, and hypertension are all conditions that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and death. Fortunately, CBD is known to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, both of which promote heart health. Additionally, CBD has been shown in preclinical studies to reduce infarct size (dead heart tissue) in rats with myocardial infarctions –> suggesting that it could be used to treat some types of cardiovascular disease in dogs!
Endocrine Just as in humans, conditions related to the endocrine system –> which regulates hormones and chemical messengers within the body –> can cause various problems in dogs, such as diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism. However, while the causes of these conditions are often specific to individual dogs, they can sometimes be traced to a breed or family history. Since CBD is known to regulate the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which in turn is involved in controlling numerous processes within the body, it may be able to help treat some endocrine disorders in dogs!
Respiratory Dogs are commonly known to suffer from various respiratory ailments, including chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. These conditions are typically considered to be ‘infectious', as they are caused by bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens. Since CBD is known to have antibacterial properties, it may be able to help treat these conditions in dogs!
CBD has a number of well-established uses in humans, with doctors often prescribing it for various ailments, including pain, inflammation, and seizures. As more people become aware of the therapeutic benefits of CBD, there will likely be a greater demand for this product in the UK and worldwide. With all of the evidence suggesting that CBD can be effective in treating a variety of ailments in both dogs and humans, it is evident that this natural product will continue to grow in popularity as more people discover its benefits.

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