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Justice for the unjust: Innocent blood has been shed

'You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but
you are to judge your neighbour fairly.' Leviticus 19:15

God speaks the truth; his words pierce our very lives and guide us to happiness, love and peace.
We are the sheep of the Shepherd. I have come to preach findings of unholy tradition. Our most holy of laws by which our very souls are guided by, the Ten Commandments, have been broken. And yet
the sinners have met not the swift hand of justice. My fellow neighbours, our Lord gave us divinity
and peace through his words “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. He taught us to see beauty in life, to treat
everyone with equality, justice and fairness. It is sin to deprive a being of life. We humans bear no
right to send a soul too soon to heaven’s doors. Nonetheless, our very own government which
we praise and live by have hypocritically silenced God’s words. Their hands are covered in innocent
blood, but protected by law, one not of God. No, this is Man’s law; born from greed and fear. The
will of men is stronger than God’s word say the Icelandic court.

Agnes was a maiden, a daughter and a friend. Her life was loved by few and hated by more. She
was oppressed and afflicted, yet she did not open her mouth. She was imprisoned by truth and her
life on this earth was freed through lie. She was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep
before its shearers is silent, she did not open her mouth, forbidden by the courts of men. Fear
pierced Agnes' heart; I bore witness to it, seeing it infect her eyes. Death played a game with her
mind. Her love burnt by the axe and by man. The angels call, they bring her to heaven like lonely dove finding the wind after days of flying. The exhaustion, the pain Agnes lived with has
been released, eased through injustice and hatred. Anger and mercy! Beliefs corrupted by man,
who cannot understand the difference!

There comes a time when every man must appear before justice. 2 Corinthians 5:10 states that "
we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive be what is due to
him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." Despite the Bible stating that the
Lord will make you stand before justice, people believe they can avoid it. They believe THEY ARE
NEVER going to face justice. But, friends, they are wrong. For within these avoiders are the
Icelandic court. A court cursed in blood of the innocent. The Lord weeps for the bloodshed of
Agnes Magnusdottir for she died amidst accusations of witchcraft and murder. Now they think that
they won't face judgment, for their hypocritical rites deem them free of sin. Now why would they believe that? What could possibly make them believe they were innocent? Well, my parishioners, it's
because they are protected by law. The Icelandic courts believe they are better than us, stronger
than us, more important. They are comparing us with them, despite the Lord saying we are all
equal. Once again, in 2 Corinthians 10:12 Paul states that "When [people] measure themselves by
themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise." So, why aren't they
wise? Because they are using Man's standards, not God's.

To feel regret and shame is to know that you did something wrong. Worse is the final realisation
that despite all of the powers we possess, it is too late to save the life of an innocent. We have no
cup to scoop up the blood. We hold no sanctuary were we keep the breaths of life. But what we do
hold is justice, for us Christians can achieve anything we want, for we have the love of God and his
Son in our hearts. History shall move at the pace of our footsteps as we march as one to the face
of the Icelandic court. We shall show the men true justice in the name of the Lord. God is righteous
and God is pure, and that's how we are going to cure the Icelandic court of their sins. They shall be
fair, they shall be righteous, they shall be pure. No more innocent blood shall be spilt as long as we
have God in our hearts. We shall punish the wicked and love all. When the Icelandic court stands before God, all righteous deeds will seem shabbier than the clothes that have been burnt in blood, grime and crime. We shall wash their clothes! We shall clean them of their sins, and we shall prevail in the name of Christ! Agnes' death shall not be in vain, her death will be a historical monument in Iceland's legacy. WE shall never forget, and neither will the courts of Iceland!

God commanded to all that we must feed the hungry and help the poor. Our enemies are hungry.
They feed off the lies of men and women and kill the hated black sheep. They hate fear, they love
justice. But when confronted with justice, they scurry back into the holes like rats plagued with
death and sin. We shall feed them, not with lies but the most just desert, the truth. That devil they
scurry away from and consider false.

Romans 3:13, "Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive."

No liar may find help. One can always help a man or woman struggling with any sort of sin as long
as they speak the truth. But you can't help a liar because you can't trust anything he says. The court
has killed our trust. We hold no respect for their scandals and sins. We shall help the court; we
shall cleanse them of sins when truth annexes their hearts. But as long as they are in power,
holding our neighbours’ future in their hands, and fabricating false fables, we shall find no help
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Regards; Team

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