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Giving Your Skin TLC With A Himalayan Bath Salt Recipe For Sensitive Skin
bath salt recipe with himalayan salt for sensitive skin has many benefits for your skin. The salt is similar to sea salt and contains 98% sodium. The benefits of Himalayan salt as a bath additive are not well understood, but you can use it in the same way as sea salt. If you don't have sensitive skin, sea salt is still a great choice.

Dead Sea salts

If you are looking for a great facial scrub or skin treatment, consider the benefits of Dead Sea salts for sensitive or eczema-prone skin. Not only do Dead Sea salts have the ability to revitalize skin, but they are also effective against a number of skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema. For best results, soak your face in Dead Sea salt for at least 20 minutes.

Pink Himalayan salt

There are many benefits of using Pink Himalayan salt for sensitive skin, but the main one is that it helps to regulate the skin's pH level, which is what causes acne and other types of breakouts. Not only does it cleanse the skin, but it also contains minerals that soothe irritation and hydrate the skin. You can also try a pink salt and honey face mask to soothe your skin. Simply apply the mixture all over your face and allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Once the salt and honey mask is dry, gently scrub it off with a washcloth that is moistened with warm water. Salt is an excellent exfoliator and helps restore hydration at the deepest levels of the skin.

Epsom salts

Himalayan bath salt is a great way to soothe sensitive skin, and it can be purchased over-the-counter. If you are sensitive to scents, avoid adding essential oils. The scent may make your skin feel itchy or inflamed. Avoid adding essential oils if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, or are taking medication. Essential oils should be blended into bath salt, not added directly.

Castile soap

Himalayan salt is known for its healing powers and the pink hue it gives to bath water. The salt's natural pink color can soothe and relax tired muscles. The salt's mineral content can also help regulate blood pressure and strengthen bones. For sensitive skin, it can help alleviate rashes and inflammation. It also smells wonderful! You can create your own recipe by mixing two to three teaspoons of salt with a few drops of essential oil.

St. John's wort

The oil of St. John's wort is used for a variety of ailments, including skin rashes, burns, and depression. It also calms red skin and nourishes it. However, because it is a photosensitive herb, it should be applied at night and not exposed to sunlight for at least 24 hours. Hence, it is advisable to apply a small amount of the oil on the affected area before going to bed.

Lavender extract

If you have sensitive skin, adding Lavender extract to your Himalayan bath salt recipe will help soothe and calm your skin. It can also help your skin regenerate and become more supple. To make Lavender bath salt, you can combine lavender oil with a mixture of coarse Epsom salt and essential oils. Alternatively, you can use flower petals from 'hot' essential oils.

Bentonite clay

Besides being a soothing skin treatment, Himalayan Bath Salt Recipe For Sensive Skin also contains bentonite clay, a natural detoxifier that absorbs negative toxins. The high mineral content of Himalayan pink sea salt also improves skin moisture and eases the symptoms of eczema, acne, and psoriasis.
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