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dear diary ,
today was ok in the morning I woke up and I got dressed and had breakfast and brushed my teeth my mum made my lunch I sorted my bag out. I sat and watched some TV then my cousins came round because there mum had to go to work early . So then I striaghted my hair and put my shoes on grabbed my bag got in the car . we arrived at school I am in year 6 my cousin Layla is in year 2 my another cousin is called riley he is in year 5 I had to stand with Layla for a bit then I went to my classroom door and saw my best friend Jodi. the bell went my teacher came out Mrs Clark I went in and I done my maths and then I had to do some literacy questions when I finished the questions I read my book . It was assembly because we are in year 6 we get to sit on benches it was so boring in the assembly at the end year 6 got told of can not remember what for so then it was literacy time went fast in literacy and then it was play time .I played with Jodi, Sandra, Shaniya and pixie we played 40 40 in the bell rang we went in side and finished of literacy then moved on to maths in maths it was quite fun it was lunchtime I go to lunch at 12;15 so the whistle blew at 12;15 I ate lunch then we played bulldog with Pixie, Sandra, Shaniya, Benjamin and Jodi and some year 5s .When lunch was over the class had to read the I got changed into my PE kit in PE we play hockey so today will played a match I was with Matthew, Liam, Hillary, Alicia and me we scored 2 goals and we sat really nicely so we got another goal from Mrs Clark. we done science outside straight after PE we are learning about the heart it went so fast that we had to go in then we stuck in our homework and then it was home time I walked with Jodi down to her house to she her kittens they are so cute . so then I walked to my mum's car and we want to the shop to wait for my brother he goes on the Wheatley park bus after my mum had to get petrol so I got a cookie and costa I get hot chocolate . we went home I had dinner and I watched hollyoaks and had a bath brushed my teeth got in to bed watched youtube and fell asleep.

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Regards; Team

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