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Ryan Dahle is a 27 year old boy who loves smoking pack. The packistan is no stranger to our protagonist; many L’s have been blown down. But today, Ryan is going to get his very own smoke!
"I'm here!" says Ryan as he walks into the Smoke Shop. He's wearing a hoodie and jeans, but it doesn't matter because he's hot.
The shopkeeper looks at him and smiles. "Welcome back! What can I do for you?" she asks.
"How about some weed? I was thinking of trying out this new strain called 'Bongwater'," says Ryan, looking around the store with his hands in his pockets.
"Of course, I know that one!" laughs the shop keeper. She reaches under the counter and pulls up a small glass jar filled with dried marijuana buds. "This will be perfect."
"Thanks," says Ryan, paying the polite bud tender.
The bud didn’t stand a chance - Ryan already had his grinder in hand as he left the shop. He stashes the remainder of weed in his pocket before setting off home.
Ryan sits on his bed, stretching out his legs while lighting up a joint. It smells nice. He takes a deep hit and inhales deeply through his nose. Ahh... so good. He blows out the smoke and sighs.
He lights another L and takes a drag. There's something else missing from this picture. He gets up and walks over to his desk and picks up an empty jar.
Where did the weed go? He tries not to panic.
His phone rings, and it's his best friend, The Romanian Guy. "Hey man, how are you doing?" asks the Romanian.
"Uh..." replies Ryan.
"What happened to your stash? You didn't eat it by any chance, did you?" asks the Romanian, his voice full of concern.
"No, I swear! I put it in my jar and left it on my desk," says Ryan.
"You're telling me the truth, right?" asks the Romanian.
"Yeah dude, I promise!" says Ryan, trying to sound convincing.
"OK then, let's get high together. I recently bought a Puffco and we can blaze in the whip.”
"Dude, that would be awesome!" exclaims Ryan. "You tryna scoop?”
"Hang on, just give me five minutes!" says the Romanian.
Ryan calls his mom, 'Lisa, I'm blowing down with The Romanian'.
"Oh yes, he's so much fun to hang out with! Are you two getting drunk too?"
"Yeah, totally," replies Ryan.
"Have a good time, Ryan. Let me know when you are coming back home."
Ryan hangs up and dials his Romanian buddy. "Yo, what’s taking you so long?" says Ryan.
"Sorry bro, just got into traffic and lowkey baked as hell.”
"Aw man, why didn't you tell me earlier?"
The Romanian arrives and they light up a joint and enjoy their first puff. The Romanians' car radio plays a random song. Ryan gives his Romanian friend a peck on the cheek.
They head inside and walk to Ryan's bedroom. They both strip naked and get comfortable on the bed.
"Do you wanna see me smoke?" asks Ryan.
"Hell yeah!" screams the Romanian.
Ryan takes a big hit and exhales. His eyes roll back as he goes into a trance-like state, staring at the ceiling. The Romanian's face contorts with fear and surprise.
"There's a demon in there!" says the Romanian.
"It's just weed!"
Ryan and the Romanian continue to smoke, listening to music, talking about life and having a great time. Eventually, the effect wears off and they crash on the bed.
Ryan wakes up to the sound of birds chirping outside. He opens his eyes groggily and rubs his eyes. A moment later, he notices the lack of weed smell in his room. Where is it? He searches all over the place, but it's nowhere to be found. He looks around the house, but there's no sign of it.
"Shit, where could it be?" he says to himself. He lies down on his bed and starts thinking about smoking again. Just then, his phone rings. It's his best friend, The Romanian Guy. "Hey man, how are you doing?"
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