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Wilczek G. 2005. Apoptosis and biochemical biomarkers of stress in spiders from industrially polluted areas exposed to high temperature and dimethoate. Wilczek G., Babczyńska A., Wilczek P., 2013. Antioxidative responses in females and males of the spider Xerolycosa nemoralis (Lycosidae) exposed to natural and anthropogenic stressors. Jellen E.N., Kolano B.A., Sederberg M.C., Bonifacio, A., Maughan P.J. Jellen E.N., Maughan P.J., Fuentes F., Kolano B.A. Kolano B., Tomczak H., Molewska R., Jellen E.N., Maluszynska J. 2012. Distribution of 5S and 35S rRNA gene sites in 34 species of Chenopodium (Amaranthaceae). Kolano B., McCann J., Orzechowska M., Siwinska D., Temsch E., Weiss-Schneeweiss H. 2016. Molecular and cytogenetic evidence for an allotetraploid origin of Chenopodium quinoa and C. berlandieri (Amaranthaceae). Odwołań od Krzywdzacych decyzji (Rapport of the Commission of the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences for unjust decisions). Kwasniewska J., Grabowska M., Kwasniewski M., Kolano B. 2012. Comet-FISH with rDNA probes for the analysis of mutagen-induced DNA damage in plant cells.

2015. LEAFY COTYLEDON2-mediated control of the endogenous hormone content: implications for the induction of somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. 2017. Expression profiling of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR genes during somatic embryogenesis induction in Arabidopsis. 2012. Expression of seed storage product genes (CRA1 and OLEO4) in embryogenic cultures of somatic tissues of Arabidopsis. Wilczek G., Babczyńska A., Wilczek P., Doleżych B., Migula P., Młyńska H. 2008. Cellular stress reactions in female and male spiders from areas variously polluted with heavy metals. Kolano B., Gardunia B.W., Michalska M., Bonifacio A., Fairbanks D., Maughan P.J., Coleman C.E., Stevens M.R., Jellen E.N., Maluszynska J. 2011. Chromosomal localization of two novel repetitive sequences isolated from Chenopodium quinoa genome. Szyrajew K., Bielewicz D., Dolata J., Wójcik A.M., Nowak K., Szczygieł-Sommer A., Szweykowska-Kulinska Z., Jarmolowski A., Gaj M.D. Wójcikowska B., Botor B., Morończyk J., Wójcik A.M., Nodzynski T., Karcz J. and Gaj M.D. Nowak K., Wójcikowska B., Szyrajew K., Gaj M.D.

Kolano B., Siwinska D., Maluszynska J. 2008. Comparative cytogenetic analysis of diploid and hexaploid Chenopodium album agg. Kolano B., Siwinska D., Maluszynska J. 2005. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of genome structure in Chenopodium album complex. Kolano B., Siwinska D., Szymanowska-Pulka J., Maluszynska J. 2012. Genome Size Variation in Chenopodium quinoa (Chenopodiaceae). Kolano B., Saracka K., Broda-Cnota A, Maluszynska J. 2013. Localisation of ribosomal DNA and CMA3/DAPI heterochromatin in cultivated and wild Amaranthus species. Jin W., Lamb J.C., Zhang W., Kolano B., Birchler J.A., Jiang J. 2008. Histone modifications associated with both A and B chromosomes of maize. Gliwicka M., Nowak K., Balazadeh S., Muller-Roeber B., Gaj M.D. Gliwicka M., Nowak K., Cieśla E., Gaj M.D. Wójcikowska B., Jaskóła K., Meus M., Gąsiorek P., Nowak K., Gaj M.D. Kraut M., Wójcikowska B., Ledwoń A., Gaj M.D. Wójcikowska B., Gaj M.D. Terzopoulos P.J., Kolano B., Bebeli P.J., Kaltsikes P.J., Metzidakis I. 2005. Identification of Olea europaea L. cultivars using inter-simple sequence repeat markers.

Maluszynska J., Kolano B., Sas Nowosielska H. 2012. Endopolyploidy in plants. Maughan P.J., Kolano B.A., Maluszynska J., Coles N.D., Bonifacio A., Rojas J., Coleman C.E., Stevens M.R., Fairbanks D.J., Parkinson S.E., Jellen E.N. Autor bestsellerowych książek "Miedzianka", "Wanna z kolumnadą" czy "13 pięter" tym zupełnie przygotował przewodnik po tym, co w Polsce piękne, znaczące, koszmarne, duże i atrakcyjne. R. Kapuścińskiego za reportaż literacki 2011 oraz Nagrody Literackiej Nike 2012. Oprócz "Miedzianki" opublikował do tej pory: "Źle urodzone. Artykuły o architekturze PRL-u", "Wanna z kolumnadą. Reportaże o naszej przestrzeni" i "Zaczyn. O Zofii i Oskarze Hansenach" oraz "13 pięter". 2011. Immature zygotic embryo cultures of Arabidopsis - i model system for molecular studies on morphogenic pathways induced in vitro. 2011. Wild and Weedy Genetic Resources for Improving the Quinoas. 2012. Evaluation of different embryogenic systems for production of true somatic embryos in Arabidopsis. 2013. Extensive modulation of the transcription factor transcriptome during somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.

2016. Transcription factors in the regulation of somatic embryogenesis in SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS. 36. The fact that you are a policeman’s son doesn’t mean you are … 2017. MicroRNAs are intensively regulated during induction of somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. 2013. LEAFY COTYLEDON2 (LEC2) promotes embryogenic induction in somatic tissue of Arabidopsis via YUCCA-mediated auxin biosynthesis. 2016. miR393 contributes to the embryogenic transition induced in vitro in Arabidopsis via the modification of the tissue sensitivity to auxin treatment. 75. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 1994: The idea of evolution in Russia and in the Soviet Union. FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS, (V. 68. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 1984: Collecting Cretaceous dinosaurs and mammals in the Gobi Desert. 2005. Diagnosis: Differing interpretations of the ICZN. 85. klik -Jaworowska, Z. 2005. Autobiografia. 83. Nadachowski, A. i Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 2004. Ssaki. 87. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 2007. W kształcie dinozarów. 73. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 1992: Remembrance of L. Beverly Halstead in Poland. 74. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 1992: Pattedyr i skyggen av dinosaurene (Mammals in shadow of dinosaurs). 81. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 2003. 50 lat Instytutu Paleobiologii PAN (Fifty years of the Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences). 71. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 1989: Sprawozdanie Komisji Prezydium PAN ds.

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