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but initially thought he&#039;d only won £1,000Robert Cameron initially thought he&#039;d won £1,000 not £1 million (Image: PA) A dad-of-five won £1million on the Lotto when the memory of his mum&#039;s wise words &quot;a win" /><meta property="og:url" content="" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="User&#039;s blog" /><meta property="article:tag" content="casino" /><meta property="article:tag" content="free online slot games" /><meta property="article:tag" content="gambling" /><meta property="article:tag" content="slot machines" /><meta property="article:section" content="Industry News" /><meta property="article:published_time" content="2022-08-23T02:55:09+00:00" /><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /><meta name="twitter:title" content="Dad in £1million Lottery win says he owes it all to sound advice from late mum - November 2022" /><meta name="twitter:description" content="Robert Cameron, 53, used money from a £3.70 Lotto win to buy the ticket that scooped him £1 million - but initially thought he&#039;d only won £1,000Robert Cameron initially thought he&#039;d won £1,000 not £1 million (Image: PA) A dad-of-five won £1million on the Lotto when the memory of his mum&#039;s wise words &quot;a win" /><meta name="twitter:label1" content="Written by" /><meta name="twitter:data1" content="GDP Admin" /><meta name="twitter:label2" content="Time to read" /><meta name="twitter:data2" content="4 minutes" /> <script type="application/ld+json" class="rank-math-schema-pro">"@context":"","@graph":["@type":"Organization","@id":"","name":"Zitobox","url":"","@type":"WebSite","@id":"","url":"","name":"Zitobox","publisher":"@id":"","inLanguage":"en-US","@type":"ImageObject","@id":"","url":"","width":"200","height":"200","caption":"Dad in u00a31million Lottery win says he owes it all to sound advice from late mum","inLanguage":"en-US","@type":"BreadcrumbList","@id":"","itemListElement":["@type":"ListItem","position":"1","item":"@id":"","name":"Home","@type":"ListItem","position":"2","item":"@id":"","name":"Industry News","@type":"ListItem","position":"3","item":"@id":"","name":"Dad in u00a31million Lottery win says he owes it all to sound advice from late mum"],"@type":"WebPage","@id":"","url":"","name":"Dad in u00a31million Lottery win says he owes it all to sound advice from late mum - 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Robert Cameron initially thought he’d won £1,000 not £1 million (
Image: PA)

A dad-of-five won £1million on the Lotto when the memory of his mum’s wise words “a win leads to a win” inspired him to pick up two lottery tickets.
Robert Cameron won £3.70 on Friday and used his winnings on two tickets for the Saturday draw – a lucky move which saw him bag the somewhat larger sum of £1 million.
Robert matched five numbers and the bonus on Saturday with one of two lucky dips he bought.
The 53-year-old from Glasgow had previously bought a ticket for the first time in about a year on Friday July 29 at his local Asda in Maryhill, paying with some change in his pocket.
When he checked the result the next day, he had a “chuckle” to himself when he realised he had won just £3.70 – and thought that would be all he would ever win.
Robert said his late mum used to say ‘a win leads to a win’, so he bought a another ticket after winning £3.70

Robert said: “I’ve played the National Lottery since it began but hadn’t bought a ticket for a year or so.
“I always thought it would never happen to me but when I passed the counter, I thought of the recent EuroMillions jackpot winner from the UK.
“I never normally carry cash but, as fate would have it, I had £4 of change in my pocket so I thought I would try my luck for the draw that night.
“When I checked my ticket the next day, I had won £3.70. I had a bit of a chuckle to myself thinking that’s all I’d ever win but my mum always used to say, ‘a win leads to a win’.
“But my mum always used to say, ‘a win leads to a win’.
“She always told us if you win something, take it and put it into something else. So I decided I’d follow her advice and use my winnings to buy two lucky dips for that night’s Lotto draw.”
He says he plans to buy a house, a car and go on holiday with the winnings

But after a busy day out, Robert got back home and put his feet up only to realise he had forgotten to buy his tickets.
And had it not been for a call from his youngest son asking if he would go and pick him up, he might not have won at all.
He said: “I’d just got settled in for the night when I remembered I hadn’t gone to the shop for the tickets.
“Then I got a call from my youngest son asking if I would go and pick him up.
“I decided seeing as I was heading back out again anyway, I may as well nip into Asda and get the lucky dips. And I’m so glad I did.”
Robert’s winning numbers for the Lotto draw on July 30 were 7, 16, 17, 19 and 33, and the bonus ball was 12.
Despite the lucky numbers coming out in his favour, it took him a while to realise he had won the seven-figure sum.
“I just went about my usual routine – fed the fish, got a cup of tea – and then thought I better check those tickets,” he said.
Robert got lucky in the Lotto

“I always check on the app and of course the same congratulations message popped up as the day before with my £3.70 win. I expected to see something similar and when I looked at first, I thought it said £1,000.
“I was still half asleep, so I looked again and thought ‘no it’s £100,000’.
“It took a third look for me to realise I was a millionaire. I even Googled the winning numbers to double check.”
He then called the National Lottery line to verify the ticket and check that he had won the life-changing sum.
He said: “The lady I spoke to was lovely, but I had to wait a minute or so while she checked everything out. It was the longest minute. Hearing her say those words – that I had actually won £1,000,000 – was so surreal.”
Robert is £1million richer

The first person he told was his youngest son, but it took him some time to convince him it was true.
“I have a great relationship with my four sons but I am always joking with them, so when I told my youngest he didn’t believe me at first,” he said.
“It took me half-an-hour to convince him it was real. I couldn’t quite believe it myself. I think I’m still in shock.
“I was then worried about keeping the ticket safe and making sure I didn’t lose it, so I put it inside a picture frame behind the photo. I didn’t even want to leave the house with the ticket still sitting there.”
A new house and car will be first on the list for Robert, who said he has always wanted a Range Rover, as well as a family holiday.
“I want to be thoughtful with how I use the money and do things that will be good for my family,” he said.
“I am so grateful I followed my mum’s advice – I feel like my luck was thanks to her looking down on me.”
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