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World of Warcraft Classes

With eight classes for you to choose when you are playing World of Warcraft, how are you going to decide which one you'd like to create a character? Mccainsource Of course, every class has its own advantages and drawbacks, and you'll have to understand each and each one before you make a choice in the event that it is possible.

The classes available are Rogues. Rogues could be the most effective class for some players. This is because Rogues kill mobs more quickly than any other class. You can also level up quicker.

However, Warriors would be best tanks. Warriors are fantastic in PvP particularly if you're a player. However, they usually kill extremely slowly, especially if you are at low levels. To kill them faster, you'll need to raise your level.

A Hunter typically is the primary character. Hunters have a companion (i.e. Hunters have companions (i.e. pets, companions) and they rarely die unless they are being taken away. If you are averse to dull characters choose not Hunter as your character class. Personally, I do feel that Hunter is dull when compared to other character classes.

Warlocks are also excellent characters since you can get pets at various levels. Warlocks are more fun to Hunter and also kill faster. They are better DPS pets at different levels so look for the pets you can obtain if you select Warlocks.

Shamans get great DPS class at higher levels. Aside from that, Shamans can also be used for PvP and PvE. While Shamans are slow to gain experience and kill very slowly, they can heal based on their talent build. This is their forte.

Priests are slowly, but there is no reason to be disappointed since priests are needed to heal all players in the event of. While priests can be easily leveled however killing takes a considerable amount of time. You can still cast many healing spells even when you are fighting.

After you've learned the properties of each character classes, it is time to choose your favorite according to your interests and goal in playing World of Warcraft.

Paladins excel in almost all areas. They are also feared by many other classes. If you are Paladin, you can still AoE and live to be remembered. You can DPS tank, DPS, and heal all at once. Paladins are extremely powerful in every way.

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