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Notes -

X The number of new LinkedIn in connections
X The total number of ATWM LinkedIn in connections
X The number of new FB connections
X The total number of FB in connections
X The number of new Twitter in connections
X The total number of Twitter in connections
X My out-of-pocket costs (i.e. the amount I have paid to you, and any outside consultants)
X The number of new leads
X The number of new appointment set
X The amount of gross new assets from the initiative
X The status of Google my business
X The status of client reviews on Google
X The status of client testimonials
X The list of and status of other projects you are working on
X The impact of the SEC marketing rule
X Where are we on providing me with the the content that is allowed on video

> The number of new LinkedIn in connections.
188 connections + 90 new followers.

> The total number of ATWM LinkedIn in connections.
246 followers and 448 connections in your network.

> The total number of FB in connections.
ATWM Facebook 114 total followers.

> The number of new FB connections.
neglectable. est. < 10.

> The number of new Twitter in connections.
Neglectable. est. < 5 - ATWM Twitter Joined June 2021

> The total number of Twitter in connections.
25 Following 23 Followers

> My out-of-pocket costs (i.e. the amount I have paid to you, and any outside consultants)
B.L. $17,655.99 since 7-17-22, Akande Davis $100, Steph Jones $1700/mo. x 5 mo. = $8,500

> The number of new leads. Two - via LinkedIn.
Lunch Appointments Set: Eliz Treas, Estate Planning Attny + Pauline Martinson, Director @ The San Diego Foundation.

> The amount of gross new assets from the initiative.
No new assets that I'm aware of originating from social media accounts.

> The status of Google my business.
Status is all 3 of your Google profiles are free from any unfair reviews. A one star review has been removed from N.M. tax acct. The two LPL Google Profiles are compliance approved. (the N.M. Tax Service is not monitored by LPL compliance.)

> The status of client reviews on Google.
Google Business Profile Accts. 1- ATWM 0 Reviews 2 - N.M. LPL Fin Planner 1 5-star review 3 - N.M. Tax Service 1 5-star

Google 'Leave us a Review Letter' approved - can email out to get reviews from existing clients.

Google Review Button installed on Andrew's and Garrett's email signature (tab option). Andrew still working on Sebastian's rep id issue - once resolved Garrett and I will install Google buttons on Nathan's and Sebastian's email sig. tab. They are working and can develop google reviews for ATWM.

> The status of client testimonials.
Based on research I conducted LPL resources said placing them onto the home page of website and scrolling them via a carousal feature they suggested that as a good way to display them. Once we get Google reviews we can submit them to LPL for approval to be used as a testimonial. Other outside sources said Google Business Profile reviews are best b/c they directly have an effect on how/when Google search shows ATWM on a search result i.e. "financial planner in san diego search".

> The list of and status of other projects you are working on.
YouTube Channel Creation: Submitted pic and SVP to Steph for approval. Afterwards she said she had it wrong that Compliance would like it to be created first then submit it for approval. Will create tomorrow.

Google Button installations for Nathan and Sebastian. Pending Andrew's submittal for Seb's email button. Andrew said found a way to submit today and will do so. After approval Garrett and I will install them on both email sigs.

Website video page project - Akande to get back with cost estimate after holiday. He recommended a YouTube acct. to host the vids - creating the YT acct. and will upload the videos into it after LPL approval of YT channel.

Google Review letter request project - Approved and ready to send out emailed letters via FMG to clients. Garrett to help.
Testimonial project - TBD on how/where we want to display them.

SDFD Email design project - designed and created content. Emailed to Garrett and Nathan for review, input and/or edits. Need to submit to LPL for approval afterwards and then email out w/ Garrett's help on FMG.

Testimonials - TBD on the use and placement of these. Once determined will move it forward.

> The impact of the SEC marketing rule.
Following rules and regs and getting compliance guidance before moving forward on marketing activities.

> Where are we on providing me with the the content that is allowed on video.
According to Steph when asked she said the same rules when speaking with clients would be how you want to approach video presentation i.e. no guarantees, etc. She said they do not have a do and don't list per se but offered to give you more info. if you have a specific question on a specific topic.

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Regards; Team

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