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Proving the Flat Earth Theory with Orbital Simulations (Satire)

Flat Earth Theory Proved with Orbital Simulations (Satire).


NASA has been lying to us for too long. Everyone knows that the Earth is flat. Go outside-does the surface look like it's round? This farce will end today. Utilizing simulations, I'll show that the Earth is not a sphere, but a Minecraft superflat world.

The first step is a simple simulation of the Sun and the Earth. To improve visibility, sizes are not scaled.

It seems normal, right? This could be a sign to prove my theory wrong. But, just keep watching and observe. Let's include the rest of the inner planets.

Everything appears perfect Smooth ellipses. Now, we add the moon. Prepare yourselves.

Remember how the moon doesn't spin around the Earth? It's actually not rotating just like a normal planet.

Could it be that my model was not accurate? Did I not take into account the motion of the Earth in relation to the moon's own orbit? Is this just me coming up with amazingly stupid explanations to present my physics teacher justification for the apparent inaccuracy of my work? No. This is a clear indication that something is working. The truth may be more than any of your, poor readers can imagine. mundo's images Another thought came to my mind as I was writing this essay. What if the flat Earth theory was just a ruse or a red herring designed to deflect us from the truth?

After extensive study, I've come to the following conclusion. While the Earth and its moon are round, there is a dark truth that the powers-that-be keep from us. The truth is that the moon is made of green cheese. Its surface is littered with the craters. There is no plausible explanation for this unless one believes that the Swiss and not the US of America were the first to set foot on the moon.

Don't forget that further experiments have disproved this idea. In addition, the growing popularity of Swiss cheese in the US offers a plausible explanation.

After a lot of Minecraft gaming, I have come to a different conclusion. Remember our original claim that Earth was a superflat planet? While orbital mechanics could disprove that notion, I propose an alternative hypothesisthat blends the wisdom of the past with the latest science. When you feel you're mentally and emotionally ready then continue reading.

The Earth is hollow cube, a superflat folded world. What is the relationship between this and existing theories? The surface of the Earth remains flat in this scenario, fitting into most of the evidence flatties provide. However, this is also in line with the arguments that are made against flat Earth by gravity, since there is enough mass distribution to prevent extreme shifts. This is consistent with the simulation results, since hollow cubes would be much smaller and be unable keep the moon in orbit. For a mockupof the model, look below.

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