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My eyes turned wide as she told me the amount she spent with my card. "You are shitting me, right?" I slammed my mug of vodka on the counter top and stared at her in disbelief. Hundred and sixty pounds to buy a small of shit earrings? _My_ hundred and sixty pounds, might I add. "These are like limited edition. I'm totally wearing them to my step dad's yacht party" Jerry bragged and flipped her red hair back to show off her diamond studs. "You fucking whore! That was my fucking monthly rent for my apartment!" I growled and my hands almost found her neck, but I knew better than to hit women. Student loans were fucking cheap these days and I almost lived on beer and pizza these days. The shouting earned me way too much attention and Jerry's friends swarmed around her. "Security!" One of them called. Hell no, bitch! I scattered away from my chair as I saw two tall and buff men approaching me. Fucking hell. One of them managed to grab my lower arm and the other grabbed my upper arm. "I think its time for you to leave or we will have to take care of the situation" one of the guards told me and I spat on his face. "Oh yeah? Want to fight me? Fucking bring it on, motherfucker!" I yelled as the burly bodyguards almost fucking lifted me off the floor because they were fucking desperate after throwing me out of the nightclub. I was not getting my ass out of here until I got my hundred and sixty pounds back from Jerry. Jerry's so called fuck buddy seemed like he was pretty damn pissed at me, but I couldn't care any less. I wanted my money back and I knew how fucking rich Jerry and her parents were. She probably had her pockets filled with cash right now. "Fuck off, Horan. She clearly didn't take your money" Her fuck buddy yelled back and I threw him a glare. Yeah, my money grew wings and flew away. Jerry fakes a cry and stared at me in disgust. This two faced bitch. "I don't get what I did to you. Oh my God, Niall" she cried out and I wanted to throw bricks. Before I could answer her fuck buddy back, the body guard grabbed me by my throat and fucking flung me out of the nightclub, making me land on the ground on my back. "Fuck you!" I yelled at all four of them. I flipped them my middle finger before getting to my feet and almost stomped back to the door, only to have the door slammed onto my face and the last thing I saw was Jerry giving her smart ass smirk at me. "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" I banged on the door and huffed loudly. She fucking knew how broke I was and she stole the money. Why the fuck did I even bother to call her my girlfriend? Just because we fucked for over two months? I didn't even know what a girlfriend was. I wrapped two arms around myself and walked to the curb. Damn, it was eerie. I didn't bring my fucking car here and I was too drunk to drive. "Hey, dude!" I waved my hands as a black car passed by. No, it didn't stop. Well, damn you, too. I waved my hands up and down and it was fucking freezing out here and I could swear that I felt a few raindrops. "Fucking Jerry...I didn't do anything wrong. That bitch stole my money" I talked to myself. I often talked to myself when I was drunk. "A-And I never stole shit from her. How dare she..." I muttered under my breath. I was about to give up with the whole waving shit until a black car stopped. Bless this night! Fucking perfect! I rushed my way to the car and the person inside rolled down the tinted window. Well, damn! I couldn't see much of the girl driving the car because of my unclear vision, but she was ten out of ten bangable. Fuck, I would love to be inside her, just fucking bury myself inside her to forget all the shit. Hm, honestly, who the fuck cared around Jerry? I'd rather have her. "Hey, yeah...woah!" I nearly fucking tripped "Okay, you think you can get me home? 54 Woolpack St. Yeah, I'm too drunk" I leaned against the car. It was pretty good looking. Like the owner. "You look damn fine" I grinned crookedly before nearly tripping again. Damn it, I could barely stand up. I really needed to get away from this shit place. This shit hole of a street. Jerry could fucking go and fuck that dude, I wouldn't give two shits. I would probably fuck this chick just to make Jerry jealous. Well, I slept around a lot through our shit hole of a relationship and I knew that sometimes she got jealous, but not often. The only reason I stayed with that bitch was because of the money she and her parents had and sex. Definitely sex. Sex and chicks ... that's the meaning of life
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