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I am really sorry about the issues you are facing with your internet services, please accept my sincere apologies on the behalf of Comcast and let me look into it right away. Be assured, I am here to help you out with the best of my capabilities.
I totally understand that internet services are of paramount importance in this digital world and everything these days revolves around internet, getting deprived of them is certainly not a good situation be in, need not to worry, I am here to get it fixed at the earliest

I am really sorry to hear about the issues you are facing with your cable services, please accept my sincere apologies for it and let me look into it right away, Be assured, I am here to help you out with best of my capabilities.
Trust me in our busy and hectic life schedules we seek some sort of breather and personal time while enjoying our favorite shows, trust me I know nothing feels worse than the Interruption while enjoying our favorite shows. Need not to worry, I am here to make sure that this is never the case again.

For how long have you been facing this issue now ?

Oh ! That's quite some time, I am sorry about that, need to worry I am here to provide you with a long term resolution and get it resolved once and for all.

I certainly understand your necessity and urgency for the internet services, trust me, even I have worked from home in the past and I know how important internet connection, timely login are for us, and not just us, since COVID everything has been revolving around internet especially business and education, isn' t it ?

I am really sorry and gutted to know that you have been facing frequent issues with the services for quite some time now. I can understand how it feels when you are not getting the valuenfor your hard earned monwy, it's certainly not good be in the situation you are in.
It's a big ask but still I would really appreciate if you can spare a few minutes and allow me an opportunity look into it .
Not only I will be providing you with a long term resolution for it, I will also make sure that you are properly reimbursed for your troubles and the service losses you have had .

Alright, have you tried to power cycle (unplug/replug) or reboot your device?

I really appreciate all the efforts that you have made in order to fix the issues yourself. However, while you are connected to me I would say, please relax and leave it to me now. Just in case any assistance is required from your end, I will let you know.

Before going ahead, I would like to wish you a very happy and prosperous new year filled with success, happiness, and mental peace!

Hi, nice to have you over the chat today, I hope apart from this issue you are having a wonderful holiday season with friends and family !

I am really sorry to know about the issues you are facing with your services and the delay you are facing in the resolution. I can understand it doesn't fel good when you are getting transferred around without a proper and timely resolution.
Be assured, this time around your chat has landed with the right person, I am here to help you out and provide you with the right and best possible resolution for it.

I will be more than happy to answer all your queries related to the bill, I am really sorry about the concerns you are having with the bill, need not to worry, if there is any anomaly in the bill I will rectify that right away and provide you with the accurate Information regarding the bills to clear all your doubts.

Right now I am running some diagnostics on your setup and provisioning the device, this will give me a better idea about your device health and will allow me to figure out the root cause of the issue you are facing.
Once I get an idea about the device health, I will be sending some advanced refresh signals to it. All in all, it's just a few minutes process, will really appreciate your patience and cooperation in meantime.I really hope that you will be able to connect once we are done with this process
I have successfully provisioned the device and sent some refresh signals to it, I hope you will be able to connect now, please go ahead and check your services.

May I know for how you have been using this modem now ?

As I have provisioned the device and sent some refresh signals to it, I see that modem is not receiving and transmitting the signals with the efficiency it should. Reason being, with the time the efficiency and capability of modem tends to decrease that's why frequent issues with the services occur, need not to worry, I can ship you a new modem right away or you can pick a new modem from the nearest store as well.

I am really sorry to know that you are not getting the speeds that were promised with the package. Being a customer myself, I can understand how it feels when you don't get the value for your money. Need not to worry, I will be having a complete look into your setup and come with the best possible resolution for it .

I really appreciate your understanding towards the fact device provisioning and signal amplification does take some time

As I have run all the checks and sent necessary refresh signals as well, device not coming back online implies that issues lies with the setup that requires a closer look rather than a remote look. Be assured, no stone has been left unturned while I was trying to resolve issue remotely. What I can do now is schedule a trained snd designated technician for you, technician will be having a complete look into your setup and will provide you with a proper and long term resolution for your issue.

I am glad to inform that, I have pulled some strings and managed to get a schedule for you as early as next morning, I just wanted to make sure that the issue gets resolved as early as possible, glad that it will be fixed first thing in the morning.

I am happy that I have been able to schedule someone for you at the time that works for you.
. I am happy to inform that as a token of appreciation for your patience, cooperation, loyalty through think sland thins and for your troubles I will be applying a $ credit on your account, Hope that makes you feel a bit better .

I must say you have shown utmost cooperation over the Chat and I can't thank you enough for that. Is there anything else that I can do for you to.make your experience better ?

I hope I was of some assistance today

If you found me helpful, you can even rate your chat experience with me and share your valuable feedback, I would really appreciate that :)
To share your feedback, all you need to do is click on "End chat " Button

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