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The addiction to video games may seem rather innocuous compared to a good old-fashioned coke habit but there's no way to avoid its potential for harm. After a three-week gaming binge in the past, a Russian man sued Fallout 4" developers.

Online games such as "StarCraft" and "League of Legends" are frequently described by psychologists as Internet gaming disorder. This is an illness that requires further study and is outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5 DSM-5). Researchers employed magnetic resonance imaging to study the brains of 106 boys between the ages of 10 and 19. They were all seeking treatment for an internet gaming disorder. To determine if their neural wiring differed they compared their findings with the findings of 80 boys who didn't have the disorder.

As the video above demonstrates that a lot of the brain differences observed in gamers who are compulsive were actually beneficial. In particular, the researchers found enhanced coordination between vision and hearing processing networks, as well as the salience system that concentrates attention and prepares the person to be ready to answer. This means a faster response to both real and virtual threats, as well as an improved ability to concentrate on vital sense data in a chaotic environment.

It's not all fireworks and super mushrooms. Researchers warn that this increase in neural efficiency may be linked to a negative characteristic of the minds of those who play games with a lot of passion which is the greater connectivity between the dorsolateral anterior cortex and the temporoparietal joint. It's the same difference that researchers have observed in the brains of individuals with Down syndrome, schizophrenia autism, and in those who have poor impulse control.

Which came first: the Yoshi, or the egg? While this study, which was conducted by the US and Korea published in Addiction Biology is the biggest and most thorough of its kind, the researchers stress that a lot of research remains to be done. We do not know if gaming that is addictive affects brain function, or if people's already unique neural connections make them more susceptible to addiction.

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