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Benefits of Reflexology
Reflexology benefits the body by expanding circulation. This increases oxygen flow to vital organs and facilitates faster healing and regeneration of cells damaged. Reflexology can also help the body get rid of foreign and toxins. In addition, it can help ease stress and reduce pain. It is also able to help with depression and anxiety.


Research shows that relaxing with reflexology can increase blood flow. Relaxed muscles allow more blood flow to carry more oxygen and nutrients to the body. Reflexology stimulates the nerve endings of 7,000 in each foot, which are connected to every organ of the body. If pressure is applied to one of the nerve endings it triggers a reflex reaction in the body. This reflex response has been demonstrated in real-time images of MRI's.

One study randomly divided MS patients into three groups. One group received four weeks of reflexology, while the second received passive relaxation two times per week. The participants' MSS scores were measured prior to, immediately following and two months after the intervention. The results showed that the reflexology significantly decreased MSS scores. Both groups also saw significant reductions in stress and anxiety.

Pain relief

The practice of using reflexology for way to relieve pain has a long-standing history. The Chinese used it to reduce discomfort for more than 5500 years back. Dr. William Fitzgerald, a pioneer in reflexology, found the fact that pressure applied directly to certain areas of the body could cause the body to produce an anaesthetic. The method was later referred to as Zone Therapy and gained notoriety.

Using reflexology to treat acute pain is beneficial when it is in its infancy. Reflexology helps your body heal itself through relaxing the nervous system, and also triggering an inflammation reaction. Reflexology can also be used to alleviate chronic pain due to injuries or excessive use.

광교출장마사지 , or relaxation, is an effective method to decrease anxiety and stress. It induces a state of deep relaxation in the body, which helps release muscle tension. It also enhances nerve function blood circulation, as well as lymph flow. You'll feel a sense of wellbeing. Reflexology can assist people in dealing with anxiety and stress that comes with daily life and even assist those who suffer from anxiety and depression.

It is sometimes referred to as nature's tranquilizer due to its numerous benefits. It can ease insomnia, stress, IBS and other related conditions such as irritation. Reflexology is a way to balance body, mind, and spirit to restore harmony to the whole person.


Reflexology for depression is a therapy which relies on reflexology to alleviate depression symptoms. These points are related to emotional states and have been found to ease stress and depression. This ancient therapy is known for its many advantages, such as the ability to alleviate depression and stress. It is also widely employed to treat a variety of skin problems.

It is a relaxing, natural treatment that promotes the body's natural equilibrium. This kind of treatment can be utilized to treat anxiety and depression. Reflexologists are able to help people attain better balance by applying gentle pressure to the correct places in their bodies.


Reflexology is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress. It can help you rest and sleep better. It also helps reset your pineal gland that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Stress and anxiety levels are usually linked to the pineal gland. Reflexology is a great way to reset the function of this gland. Reflexology can also be used to help the pituitary, which is responsible for normal hormonal function and homeostasis.

Numerous reflexology points are located on your hands and are linked to different organs. These points may be located within the heart, and can cause anxiety. Some may be focusing on the head area.

Aches in the back

Reflexology can be used to treat back pain. It is focused on expanding the flow of blood and lymph to an area of the body. This helps to decrease pain and boost emotional well-being. Back pain is a common occurrence and is experienced by eight out of ten people. Also the back pain can be intermittent and non-specific in its occurrence. Reflexology could be a beneficial both in the short and long term to treat back pain.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of using reflexology in relieving back pain. One study involved 91 participants who received treatment with reflexology to treat back pain. Participants in this study experienced immediate relief from pain and a less need for prescription painkillers. Twenty people were also surveyed with lower back pain following injuries. Five of the participants reported no pain after their first session, whereas 10 reported less pain following repeated sessions.


Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine which can be effective in treating miscarriage. This therapy focuses on the body of the baby. This may include the head, legs, and feet. Reflexologists also check for any abnormalities in the skin. They can detect hard, puffy skin, changes in colour, and tender points. Reflexology works by detecting imbalances in the mind and body. The allopathic approach is a better option than reflexology, despite this.

Reflexology is safe for women of all stages of pregnancy but it is important that you consult with your doctor prior to receiving this therapy. While there is not enough evidence to prove that reflexology causes miscarriages or increase the likelihood of having one, it does balance hormones and stress levels, which could increase your odds of having a baby. The practitioner may also perform labor priming, which stimulates reflex points to increase the likelihood of contractions.

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